Saturday, June 6, 2015

Happy Camper

I've been thinking about writing this post for the last couple of weeks...I guess it's time. It definitely falls into the category of "Old Dogs", as in "teaching them new tricks". Or as in today's new vernacular aka Jimmy Fallon #hashtags, I could label this:

But, I don't want be a stick in the mud, and this is something my husband is going to love, and has always wanted to do.

So writing this post is my way of making a public commitment.
Yes, we bought a camper.
...and I will go camping.

Not one of the adorable little vintage canned hams that you can sit on your property, give a proper makeover, and tie banners to.

When I was little we actually had a Chevy Station Wagon just like this, 
but it was mint green and white.

 No, this is a bonafide, all your bells and whistles,
 new pickup and camper on top... 
My husband's secret dream come true.

Here are some fun images of "camping" from my Pinterest Board.
(you can always tell what I'm up to when you look at my Pinterest Feed)

Ha Ha, we also had a Nova like this in the early 70's.
...minus the tent and bear.

My Hubby works so hard, and has for the last 40 years.
He's generous and kind, and has always had this idea in the back of his mind,
but kids and responsibilities, 
and a wife that's been in the hospital more than a few times,
not to mention a job that doesn't get done by anyone else while he's gone,
have always made him reluctant to take time away.
I can count the number of "vacations" we've had on one hand.

But we both have had a little epiphany...
if we don't do it now, we may not get to do it.
so...we're jumping in with all four of our feet.
(ok, maybe I'm "in" with just one foot)

I know we'll have lot's of fun, 
and it's going to open up many new experiences and wonderful places.
...I'm just being a little squimish.

My memories of camping from my teenage years 
include heavy military type tents,
no running water, and no electricity.
Cooking and washing dishes the majority of the trip.
I know, there is not much of a comparison.
So, this is the first of many posts I'm sure,
 that I'll share of our little excursions.

who knows, we might just run into this guy...

For a fun post on camping check out this post.

Joining in here:

The Scoop at Cedar Hill Farmhouse
Share Your Style at Common Ground



  1. Lucky you! I've been looking for a vintage camper for about a year now, found two I absolutely wanted and lost out because I didn't' see it fast enough :-{. I love going camping and being out in nature, you sure can't be stressed out. Enjoy it!

  2. I'm so happy for you both. It looks like a easier way to camp than some. LOL I know you wlll enjoy it and you can always eat out. John use to say that my idea of camping was to get in an air conditioned car, drive around the lake, and then find a nice Holiday Inn. And, he was pretty close.

    Enjoy your time together!


    1. that's MY idea too, Judy!! Hubby hates dragging suitcases in and out of hotels, could be 'cause I usually overpack!

  3. OMG! I hope you have tons of fun adventures!!! I look forward to you sharing your favorite stops! How wonderful to have something new to do together!! You will have some really great times!! :o)

    Hugs, my friend!

  4. We're towing a 24-foot travel trailer with our Ford Expedition this year and part of next before we return to the mission field. I am very proud of you for helping your husband's vision become reality. We love our home on wheels and have seen SOOOO much more than we would from a musty hotel room!

    Can't wait until your first adventure!

    Happy highways,

  5. Debra,
    Ah~h`h. . .how romantic!!!
    Best wishes to you and hubby as your travel the highways of life
    and sleep under the stars!!!

  6. Oh Debra, you and your husband are going to have such a great time. No suitcases to lug around, restaurants to look for, plus bad food. How fun!!!!! Once you get into the swing of things you will love it. Get tired, pull over to a park, rest and then go on your way. I've always wanted just a little one to pull and follow the seasons and go where I wanted to, but unfortunately I'm to old to be taking off for parts unknown LOL Looking forward to seeing your post of your travels.
    Happy camping.

  7. Debra, my husband is a camper too. He's of the tent variety preferably with no other human beings anywhere near. I've gone once or twice. Not to sound too dramatic, but I was reading something about what we might have wanted more or less of at the end of our lives. I know my husband would have wanted me to camp with him more. I'm going to try and I'm proud of you for doing it too!

  8. Well, I sure got a kick out of your post! Funny! My husband used to try to get me to camp out and I did once. But it was a tent and at midnight I was looking for a bathroom...of course that was before the thunderstorm with lots of lightening. The next morning brought public showers and they of course had no door or curtain in each shower stall. But I am sure you would be much more comfortable than I was on the ground of a tent.

  9. I'm not a camping fan either, Debra, so I can imagine how you feel about that. Maybe meeting some nice people at the campgrounds will make up for the lack of indoor space and comfort. I hope you can enjoy your trips. You could take a few supplies and create some jewelry. Creating might make you a happy camper while you're on the way :).

  10. Debra, I hope you both have a wonderful time and your new camper makes it easier. I love a good road trip but have only camped once in my life - and that was enough! lol So I understand. I know just getting away with my husband would be great and I'm sure you'll create some wonderful memories. I hope you have so much fun!!
    Lynda @ Gates of Crystal

  11. I am not a camper (nor is my husband!), and we just yesterday discussed renting a camper. We nixed that idea very quickly, since we are aware that campgrounds now charge almost as much as a good motel. And we don't even like to sleep in those! But we are vacationers--at least twice a year. And we have seen most of the 50 states in the US and all of Europe and even Morocco in Africa. So if a camper is your husband's dream, enjoy the ride and the fun. Look forward to those blogposts! Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  12. Have fun. Upgrade the mattress with the best mattress you can find. Ours in our camper hurts my back. Just think about all the cute vintage camping stuff you can look for now. Bright side!

  13. Your husband deserves it. You deserve it. Go for it!!!
    Can't wait to hear about your first adventure. :)

  14. Gotta say, you guys got the best brand of camper! We have owned Lance campers and now have a Lance trailer. They are a couple steps above the rest in every aspect. Best feature? Resale holds really well. You will have tons of enjoyment, and really comfy camping :)

  15. Well you go for it... life is too short not to enjoy every moment of it. Looking forward to those camping posts.
    fondly ~lynne~

  16. Debra, I am so happy for you!!! YOu go girl!!! Just think of all the memories and fabulous times you will have together! Life is too short... just like Lynne said! Enjoy and be blessed!

  17. I'm happy for you both! And if it is your husband's dream, then I'm doubly happy for him. I've been looking at vintage (old) Airstreams online, wondering if you could live in one. I'm still researching.

  18. Hi Debra,
    Really enjoyed this post. We camp in a little Casita camper and love it. I love all of the "Sisters On the Fly" campers, decorated so beautifully!
    Cheryl at 22 Applegate Lane

  19. So happy for your husband - he does deserve his dream. Carpe diem, baby!!!!

  20. You guys are going to have a BLAST!!

  21. Sounds like fun to me:) I would love to have one and just might buy one before Softball season starts again in the Fall! ENJOY, it sounds like you will:) HUGS!

  22. Congratulations...I think? Debra, are you like me? My family says that my idea of camping outdoors is just using screens. No A.C. Windows wide open. ha! Sad to say...I am not a very woodsy. Bouts of poison ivy ending in hospitalization. We have friends with a huge camper and truck who travel the country and love it. Be sure to take pics to show us your adventures! Will you be decorating the interior of your new camper? We want to see if you do.

  23. Congrats to your husband on finally doing something that he's always wanted to do! I bet y'all will enjoy it more than you think. We used to have a small pop up camper but sold it after we stopped using it as frequently. We decided if we ever get another one it will be a hard shell type that you don't have to set up every time you go. Less work!

  24. Debra, my husband has been talking about this for a few years now. I told him we need to rent one first to see if we like camping before investing in one. Have fun!

  25. Your husband and mine have the same idea. We too can count the vacations in the past 40 years on one hand. it's not what I want to do either but I will make the best of it and find all of the good things that I can and I will be happy .lol. No complaints I promised myself. It is a new adventure. Happy camping Debra

  26. It's the opposite at our place. I love camping and hubby doesn't. He would rather be at home watching hockey or lacrosse but did compromise and we had two different brand new trailers when our boys were little. Lots of great memories with the cousins for my boys to remember.

  27. Debra, I hope you have a great time and make many happy memories.

  28. will have wonderful adventures together...and maybe a few fun junk shop stops along the way? Seize the day and go for it!

  29. Congratulations! Looks like a fantastic rig. Just the right size. Can we borrow it? (Just kidding.) I know you will have a memorable time.

  30. This just put such a smile on my face! It will be fun for you two and I'm sure you'll share a few adventures with us!

  31. Congrats! What happy news! You both will be having a ball. I'd love to own a camper. Maybe one day!


  32. I'm smiling ear to will love your new camper!!! We have a pull behind and love, love, love, it! Getting it ready this weekend for us to head out the middle of the week. Enjoy your new "home away from home"!

  33. What a fun post Debra! My dear friend bought a camper a few years back and we had the best time camping in Assateague MD without electricity and running water. The kids were completely disconnected from their usual modes of entertainment and we just enjoyed the simplest of life's pleasures. Wishing you much fun and joy on the many adventures you will have with your new camper!
    XO Barbara


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