Monday, December 1, 2014

Christmas Decor ADD...

I think most of us spent at least some time this last weekend decorating for Christmas. (Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!) Some of you hard working and industrious types have it completed so you can sit by the fire with your hot cocoa and survey the loveliness of the Season. Others of us are still in the midst of the chaos of boxes, tubs and indecision...

I'm having a hard time finding the line between "decorated" and "too much" here at the new house. The last thing I want is to clutter it all up with hodge podge themes and colors. Right now I need some neutral "natural" decorations, that are relaxing. I have red in the kitchen, but here in the living and dining areas I'm trying to keep it a little subdued.

I've just added some vintage ornaments 
and a little ribbon and greenery to my "everyday" decor items.

I'm still tweaking, adding and subtracting...

so I'll share more of the Living Room when I get the mantel "settled".

But here is a peek of the new garland I found last week. I loved the gold and black vintage font on the white background. A little silver tinsel wrapped around the individual cards gives it a festive touch.

I've realized there are a lot of my regular decor pieces that still haven't been unpacked. Pillows, cloches, urns...what boxes are you hiding in? I get started in one place, then I go back to another. I'll probably take a break from upstairs and see what kind of damage I can do in the basement. I think it's time to vacuum up the mess and call it a day.

It's cold and dreary today. We had a little snowy-frosty stuff early this morning. My boxes and Christmas stash are all in the garage, so I'm trying to rummage through boxes intermittently. Brrrrrr...  I think I must have taken 150 pics today, but my tripod is MIA from the move and the light is not cooperating for good photos. How about you...are you finished with the decorating fun, or just getting started? I'm ready for the cocoa, finished or not.

I'll be joining in with these parties:

The Scoop at Stone Gable
Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Show and Share at Coastal Charm
Inspire Me at A Stroll Thru Life
Tweak It Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Share Your Cup at Mrs. Olson's



  1. Your home is lovely and I know what you mean about adding and subtracting decor. I have redone the living room coffee table arrangement 3 times and I'm still not happy with it. I am about half way completed and with our cold overcast weather it is difficult taking photos after work in the afternoon. But I am deciding not to stress about it. Hubby found a temporary job, our family is well and Christmas is soon here. So many things to be thankful for.

  2. I MAY have too much but not for me!!! I love decorating for Christmas and have ALOT of things that I treasure and only get to see one month of the year! So I bring them all put! I am thinking of giving some more things to my daughter after this season, I MAY have to take it back a notch, MAYBE:):) Love what you have done so far! I AM all done. I got it done cause my sister and son were both coming from Fl. for Thanksgiving and wanted to get it done for them. XO, Pinky

    1. sounds like the Thanksgiving deadline was a good one for getting it all accomplished! Don't you wish Christmas lasted longer like Fall. Four weeks just isn't enough!

  3. Take your time, Debra. Plus, there is nothing wrong with a simple Christmas as far as decorations go. Sometimes it is like anything else with a new home - getting a feel for the place to see how and what you want to do. I like what you've done so far. You've added some Christmas in without it being too overwhelming. It is nice to be able to incorporate your everyday décor rather than having to find some place to store it when you've just unpacked it!

  4. Love your Merry Christmas garland. I know the feeling of being in the mess of opened Christmas bins and getting distracted in different rooms. Somehow it all comes together in the end. I know your new home will look beautiful when it's all dressed for Christmas.
    Mary Alice

  5. Hi Debra! I decorated the inside of the house the weekend prior to Thanksgiving, and I kept it fairly simple this year as well. To me at least! I put some lights on the bushes and a few trees on the front porch yesterday before it got so cold again. Looks like you're getting settled in your new digs. As a local, I'm curious what neighborhood you landed in if you feel like sharing that info...Best wishes to you and your family for a happy holiday season. 13 school days until break, but who's counting?

    1. Hayley, so good to see you here! We're in Ironbridge. btw, I went by your home every day when we were in our lease house. it's such a beautiful place! I always wondered what you're up to! Heading over to visit at your blog...

  6. Debra,
    I adore your bird cage with vintage ornaments, dear friend!!!
    My heart is swooning over your silver tea pot with a simplistic evergreen tree and ribbon!!!
    Am I finished??? NO!
    Am I close to being finished??? YES!!!
    "Mr. Ed" and I went to Christmas in The Country where we toured
    several homes for the Holidays. . .which filled me with enormous inspiration.
    One inspiring look was to, once again, rearrange the Family Room furnishings!
    The only room left to decorate is Studio One, my creative space!!!
    But that will have to wait one more day. . .while I put things in order first!!!
    Now about that hot cocoa. . .do you have an extra cup???

  7. You're way ahead of me, Debra! I've been working on a lot of Christmas projects, but haven't actually decorated a bit yet. I guess I better get busy! I love your vintage bird cage filled with ornaments!

  8. Debra I love that banner and the pretty vignette you created on your coffee table!!

  9. I'm feeling exhausted just thinking about what an undertaking Christmas decorating is for you this year, Debra! You're way ahead of me, though. I haven't taken out a single thing yet because I've been busy painting. I have one more day off, so I'll be buzzing around our house tomorrow like a bee trying to do it all in a day. I love the banner you've strung across your fireplace and your birdcage filled with ornaments! I hope you unearth all your boxes of decorations!

  10. I tend to have a lighter hand with Christmas decorating. The thought of packing things up at the end of the season exhausts me, so I put out what I most enjoy and what makes mt heart happy. I love your nature theme!

  11. Love your decorations! The banner is precious! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  12. I'm kind of in the same spot in the sense that this year I decided to 'downsize' my decorating a bit and focus more on other things. I love the touches you've added already and especially the banner.

  13. I am there, stuck somewhere between "is it enough?" and should I add more. I am simplifying my holiday decor, while at the same time trying to make it just as festive as before, but letting my antiques shine. Everything looks beautiful, Debra!

  14. Debra, I am one of the ones surrounded by chaos right now. Will it ever get done? Trying to do a little less but that's NOT working!..Your decorations are looking lovely and I see you are on next Thursday's Christmas tour. Can't wait to see what everyone is doing..Happy Tuesday..Judy

  15. I am still trying to decide which decorations to use also. I have a few white decor out which I love however this years I think I want to use my green trees around the house instead of all white which i originally planned.
    I am sure what ever you use it will be sweet and charming amd gorgeous

  16. It looks beautiful. I'm overwhelmed, my hubs is complaining how cluttered everything is! I agree Christmas is short a short period of time for so much decorating! It seems we go from fall to thanksgiving to Christmas! I try to keep it simple and then it seems to get our of hand!

  17. This year I'm back to traditional red and green decor, but apart from my handmade wreath I haven't done much in the way of decorating. I wish to be more in the spirit of White Christmas and less busy:) Love you beautiful post here... give me a lot of inspiration! Happy December and Many Best wishes!!!!

  18. Debra, the new garland will be perfect for the subtle look you are going for. I have tried to stay a bit more neutral in our family room as well. I have a birdcage almost identical to yours and have been playing a little with it. I have a couple more boxes that I want to see what is hiding inside and then I'll call it quits! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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