Tuesday, November 4, 2014

We made it, and a look at "French Linen"

We survived the move, and actually things went pretty well. That's because we've been "moving" in stages. We've had the furniture from the storage units delivered first, and then we moved some boxes from the storage unit and lease house, then Friday came the furniture from the lease house. So it's been much easier and more organized than any thing we've attempted before. The house was painted, cleaned, and ready to go, so that's part of what made it easy. Plus, we were mentally and emotionally ready; we've been working on this house since the end of August.

If you read my previous post about the French-y coffee and end tables, then you know that I was getting ready to paint them a shade that would "blend in" to the walls, rugs, and sofas. The antiqued white that they were before at the old house was just too "white" and imposing. 

I wanted to use Annie Sloan Chalk Paint this time, so I tried mixing, Paris Grey, Coco, and Old White, but Paris Grey has a blue undertone and that wasn't working. I needed a gray/green undertone to match the new sofas. So I picked up some French Linen and that was exactly the right color to throw into the mix. I just added a little Coco, and a little Old White. (If you live close by to the Springfield MO area they carry ASCP at The Baglady Boutique on East Republic Road)

(love the details on these tables)

...and after a few coats, this is the color they turned out. Pretty close to my original little oval accent table that worked perfectly.

I invested in a ASCP brush, and I'm so glad I did. The paint went on beautifully and no streaking or brush strokes. I've painted a few other things with a regular brush, and now I wish I'd bought one sooner.

 It really gets down into all the little crevices and crannies.

I used liquid poly on these. I know the wax is wonderful, but I had just a short amount of time to get these tables finished and my Minwax Liquid Polyurethane top coat has never let me down. I did one coat plain, then a mix of a Fruitwood Stain and Liquid Poly, then another coat of plain. The liquid poly and stain does darken it a little, but the finished pieces turned out exactly the right shade and matched the sofas perfectly...mission accomplished!

Here's a peek at the Living Room in progress. I'm really happy how things are coming together. All the planning and color matching has paid off. 

I've just done a teensy amount of distressing so far, because it sort of made me nauseous to sand on these things, since I'd spent so much time getting these "right".

Now they blend in with the wall color and furniture instead of looking huge and too noticeable. It's a pretty tight fit in here (as it is with the rest of the rooms). The room size seems bigger because of the high ceilings, but in reality, this house isn't all that big. Cozy and efficient, and we love it.

I don't have much unpacked, so nothing is on the tables yet. I'm hoping to NOT clutter things up, but keep it more simple. We'll see... I DO have that "more is better" gene. The rugs are "busy", but then they help bring all the furniture and colors together cohesively. I thought about a neutral rug in here, but these won out. These close ups make the rug look extra "busy", but overall, they are just what these rooms needed to ground the seating area and pull it all together.

It's cool and rainy, and looks like November around here. Most of the leaves are down, and we had a killing frost Saturday night. The time change has me a little thrown off, but then the moving had me thrown off too. I have boxes lined up in the garage waiting to be unpacked, but I'm trying to pace myself, and not get crazy. I DO want to get out some of my Thanksgiving Turkeys so that may be next. gobble~gobble.

Thanks everyone, for sticking with me during this last rough year, I'm hoping things have taken a turn for the better. You'll never know how much you've blessed me with your encouragement, prayers, and support. you're the best!

Joining in here:



  1. So glad the move went smoothly for you. I always found decorating the fun part of a move! Just love that rug and how you painted the furniture. Have a wonderful week! ; )

  2. Debra,
    The tables turned out magnificently, dear friend!!!
    I agree, perfect rug to ground all your gorgeous pieces!!!
    I adore how the end table tones the wood floors, too!!!
    So~o~o glad to see that things are beginning to fall into rhyme in your life.
    I honored to have been with you through this last year. . .
    and look forward to the year that lies ahead, as well!!!
    P.S. Hope the "fur babies" are adjusting to their new "villa"!!!

  3. Everything is coming together nicely. Moving can be so darn stressful and I am glad to hear you took things in stages which is not always possible. Enjoy the fun part now of continued decorating and make your new house become your new home.

  4. It sounds like your are doing everything the right way...slowwwwwly! The tables look beautiful, I think they are perfect as is! Now let's see some of those turkeys!!

    Jane xx

  5. So happy you are all moved in dear Debra... and I know how hard this past year has been on you... but you are a trooper... always smiling... taking what life hands you and making the best of things... now, I am sending lots of happy thoughts and prayers that you can relax, slow down, and enjoy your beautiful new home!... your rug is just gorgeous!... and I know you... those turkeys will start gobbling all around there any time now!... much love, xoxo Julie Marie

  6. Congratulations for a BIG mission accomplished! Any move is stressful, but I'm sure this one has been even more so considering your health issues and the length of time involved. Now, sit and enjoy it. Sally

  7. Glad to hear you are finally moved in. I love your tables! Thanks for the tutorial...always good to know!

  8. Oh I love these tables and they look amazing. So glad you are moved and now you can just settle in little by little. Cant wait to see the rooms as they evolve.

  9. The tables look great Debra I love french linen...love your new sofas too!

  10. As with everything you do, Debra, the tables look amazing! And the detail...LOVE!! So glad the move is done, and you can settle in! Nothing but craziness here! Still trying to find the time to get my Christmas inventory in the shop!! LOL!! Maybe this weekend???

    Love and hugs to you, sweetie!

  11. Great job on the tables! I know you are glad to finally get moved. Now the fun of decorating.:)

  12. Well done, Debra- looks fantastic.

    And a big congrats on the movie- couldn't be happier - now comes the FUN part - just in time for the holidays too, yay!

  13. Your tables are beautiful...love the way you toned down the bright white. Beautiful rug! I'm so glad your move has gone so smoothly, Debra.
    Mary Alice

  14. I'm so glad your move went well, Debra. The tables are beautiful.

  15. Glad the move went well, Debra...how nice to move into a home where the work is done! The tables look beautiful! Looking forward to seeing more!

  16. Can't wait for you to reveal your new home and I am digging the new color on the tables!

  17. Glad you move went well, and you're moved into your new home! I love your tables...the detailing is to die for! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your creativeness!

  18. This is a really good post, Debra. I re-read just the first paragraph and was recalling all the planning and sequencing you did on this move - obviously well done. Love how you documented your process on the tables, too. The color recipe probably couldn't be duplicated even if one tried, but the layers of how you finished it look great, and I think that could be followed. I am really liking what I see of the mix of your palette - very rich and classic traditional. I know you'll be infusing French farmhouse with your lighting, etc. - can't wait to see more.

  19. So glad it all went well!! Now, take some time to rest and enjoy decorating!! Love how the tables turned out and the rug is so perfect.......can't wait to see more.........xoxoxo

  20. So happy you are in your new home. Woooooo Hoooooo it has been a long journey but you made it. The tables came out fabulous. I love the rug I think it pulls all your colors together. So excited for you Debra. Congrats on the move in.

  21. So glad that your are settling into your new home. The living room looks great and the table finish looks really good.

  22. Congratulations on your move. I know that you are thankful that it is over. Now just take it easy and do a little at a time. I love the tables they really look so good in the color that you painted them. Everything looks so well together and the rug ties it all together.
    Glad your feeling better - take care of yourself. Prayers are being sent your way.

  23. Looks gorgeous Debra. We are considering painting our round dining room table. The finish has not held up well, at all. I'm leaning toward something lighter than it is right now. Love the color you used for your tables.

  24. Hi Debra - I love what you did with the tables - just the right amount of color to make them perfect for their new surroundings. How exciting to have a new place to decorate for the holidays, I know you will have it looking splendid!

  25. Looks very pretty Debra. I am glad you seem to be settling into your new life. I have not been blogging much although I do try and stop in to see what you have been up to when I have time. Jeff and I have our middle daughter and 4 boys living with us now for close to 5 months. No end to that in the near future. She has finally left an abusive marriage and trying to get her life back. So our lives are quite out of sorts and I have had to put some of my normal passions on the back burner. Trying to get back to some normalcy in my own life among life with children again.

  26. Beautiful transformation! I hope the year ahead will be a wonderful one:) Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  27. Congratulations on the move, my friend! You deserve to settle in and relax now! The tables look gorgeous, by the way,


  28. Oh moving...what a chore! I hope you can finally exhale and have fun playing house! Love your rug and those beautiful tables! Sheila@mykentuckyliving

  29. French Linen is one of my favorite ASCP colors. It is such a warm grey and looks stunning with Old White. Your tables look fabulous! Such a better way to move when you have the luxury of doing it in stages. Enjoy your new home! Visiting from the Wow Us Wednesday party ;)
    Marie@The Interior Frugalista

  30. So glad you are coming to an end of your long move saga! Everything looks just lovely. To me, a patterned rug like you have in your living room really adds the cozy element--makes me think of an English-cottage-kind of "cozy." Love your paint color choices,too. Best wishes for the rest of your settling-in process.

  31. Glad you made note of your "busy" rug. I love it. I recently purchased a new rug for my smallish living room and when it arrived I was a little taken aback by how "busy" it was. It took quite a bit of getting used to but now I love it. Makes the room so cozy now that it's starting to look like winter here in the Ozarks.....:)

  32. I love how your tables turned out Debra! They look beautiful with your sofa and the walls. How beautiful this room must look! I know what you mean about getting sick over distressing things after one has painstakingly painted them. I find I don't distressed much these days just for that fact. I live with them awhile and then if I really think they need a little something I may get around to it...or not :)

    Baaa from me...

  33. You know I'm a sheep lover like you, thus the baa from me :)

  34. The tables turned out just beautiful and the rug really makes an elegant statement and gives the room a pop of color. I wish you love, and joy in your new home

  35. You have a lovely home, Debra and I adore your tables! They turned out beautifully. I wish you many blessings in your new home!

  36. I love your idea of using the same kind of shade on the tables and on the sofa to make the room more cohesive. The room looks very cosy and welcoming on the last picture.

  37. Your colors are all so gorgeous together... and that is an amazing coffee table. I think the color turned out perfect. You must be sooooooooo glad to finally be able to settle in someplace. Moving is stressful as anything!


  38. Debra, so happy the move went smooth. I'm loving the tables. Their look is perfect and can hardly wait to see the finished product.

  39. Debra, everything is coming together just beautifully. I think your rug lends just the right shot of color and pattern to make everything stand out. The tables are beautiful. I love the warmer color. I have been doing some darker paint pieces and am anxious to try something in a lighter tone. Glad the move wasn't too stressful for you. Sounds like you are handling it just right..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  40. So glad your move went well....and love the tables!...I am glad that you mentioned how much you love the brush..I need to get one...my Purdy brush seems to leave a bit more brush marks than I care for...

  41. I love the color of your painted tables, and I like the idea of a poly on top to make them more durable. I'm tucking away that idea for future use. It looks like you're already settled into your living room and I hope the rest of the rooms come together as easily! I can't wait to see your room with your vintage accessories added in!

  42. Your tables look so beautiful Debra and I'm thrilled for you that you are getting settled in your new home! So fun to pop over and get updated on your happenings. :-)

  43. They are beautiful Debra! So happy your move went smoothly and you are settling in.

  44. Hi Debra, what a good feeling to be moved in! Glad it went so well. I think everything is looking beautiful! Love how the tables turned out. Does that poly have a strong smell? I used something one time and my eyes burned for days. They have become so sensitive since I've gotten older. Now and then I want a little more protection than the wax. I was too cheap to buy the brush, but think I might have to bite the bullet and do it. lol! Also wanted to let you know that I got my pillow and I love it!! I will let you know when I start on my Christmas décor and show it in a post. Thanks again for the give away!

  45. It's been awhile since I visited and that makes me sad Debra. There just never seems to be enough hours in a day... but I know that you appreciate that. So happy that you are in your new home and that you are not feeling too stressed over the move. The table colours are perfect and I really like the rug. Sometimes you need a statement piece and I think your rug adds interest, colour and sets out the area. You have a great eye for style and I always enjoy seeing what you are up too. I won't be such a stranger from now on.


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