Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Sunroom Ideas for the New House

We've been busy packing and cleaning and updating this last six months at our old house, but I've needed to allow myself some "dream" time to think and gather some inspiration for what I'd like in our next home. I loved my little sunporch; it was a place I expressed myself and had fun. It was a place I could play and decorate and change up for whatever holiday and when the mood would strike. Color and pattern and lots of vintage goodies made it my own special play room.

May 2013

(Following images can be found on my Pinterest boards,

I know that I'd love to have a bigger space in this next house, but it needs to be a sunroom. Not just a porch. It was often too cold in the winter months to fully enjoy it, so I really want this new space to be part of the house, and hopefully right off the kitchen like before.

These are inspiration pics of what I'd like to do with the shape of the room and the planked walls. I love the look of an old home, maybe added on to over time, and think that the "cathedral" or arched ceiling with planks and beams would be perfect for that vintage vibe. My first love has always been vintage garden goods, so I thought it would be fun to have the sunroom also have the look of a potting or garden shed. 

LOVE those beams! These pics are just to get an idea of the ceiling and walls. I want a white or neutral backdrop for all the vintage pieces and elements to show.

This sunroom space would serve as a sitting room,
 and a place to relax and watch tv or read.

But I want it to be rustic and garden-y, too.
And of course a chandelier or two would be perfect.

with a set of French Doors.

A cupboard for pots and vintage garden goodies...

I always love Kathleen's wonderful inspiration!

A place to display old garden tools...

  I'm the biggest fan of Mary's wonderful Potting Shed.

I love all the light in this wonderful greenhouse,
but wouldn't want glass roofing...
not with the hail we get in this part of the country.

and I'm hoping there's a way to include a brick or stone floor...
or maybe just a "look alike".

This may be where my big armoire in the kitchen ends up,

if so, I'd love to paint it a weathered gray.

My favorite wicker pieces from the old sunporch would be there, 
and I want to find a white slipcovered loveseat for more seating.

and make room for my potting table...

then put my little window conservatory on top.

OK, just sharing a few ideas that are rattling around in my head.
We haven't made any solid plans as yet, but it's not too soon to start dreaming.

Hope you all are having a great week...
We're making real progress at the home front.
We worked on the two decks last weekend, painting and repairs...
I only have one word for that...

I'll be joining in on these parties:

Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Show and Share at Coastal Charm
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life



  1. Love all of these ideas.. .I just want to jump right into all of these photos and drink a cup of tea : )

  2. Debra, I love your vision of combining your sunroom/garden shed. I think I'd have to say my sunroom is my favorite room, where I take the most fun in playing around with decor. You're right, it's never too early to dream. The photo with the garden room/chandeliers is on my Pinterest board too, and Mary's shed is so wonderful! I hope you can fulfill all your design dreams in your next home.

  3. Really like all of your inspirational ideas. I am sure you will make the right choice for your sun room. Have a great week.

  4. I always enjoyed pics of your room in the house you're fixing up to sell. You had so many cute things in it and I would gaze at it for quite some time to take in all the goodies.

  5. I also love your sun porch, Debra, but I can see your vision too! I also have a sun porch, which I love, but wish it could be used year-round and felt a little more like a room. Can't wait to see what you end up with!

  6. I love all of the great inspiration for sunrooms and potting benches...pinned away...I know you will build the sunroom of your already have the perfect one in mind!...

  7. Love all of your inspiration pics, especially the planked walls. I want some!

  8. You have a wonderful wish list for your future sunroom, Debra! I love all your ideas. We use our sunroom for our television and I love to sit in there and read, too. It is a great room to sit in especially in the winter months when it is a sunny day. That is when I open all the shades and let the sun warm the room up. Of course, in the summer, I go the other way and keep the shades closed most of the day. We get a lot of use out of our little sunroom, which is important since we did downsize and each room needs to be used to its full advantage.

  9. Hmmm... Lots of beautiful inspiration indeed Debra . We are in the process of planking the walls under the windows in our sun room. I am hopeless with tools , and painting :0 So the Mr. is doing it as a weekend project. I can hardly wait for it to be done. Looking forward to the new and redone sunroom. I have had it this way now for 8 years... about time to change.
    Hugs , Gee

  10. Oh my goodness, your photos had me drooling. First of all I don't even have a family room so no dream will give us a sun room. But I so enjoyed visiting your dreams. So many elements, so many great designs, so much chippiness. I just added some chippy goodness to our kitchen windows and hubs and I are fighting over hanging thte curtains (he wants) and leaving them off (I want). Score: me two days with out curtains, but he's letting me know about it.

  11. Wow, these are packed with all kinds of inspiration. I'll have to go back and look at each one again.

  12. Hi Debra, So much wonderful inspiration! Thanks so much my Potting Shed love. ♥ The image below it is of my porch but noticed the it doesn't show me as the source:

  13. Glad you're back!!! Thanks for sharing all these lovely photos/ideas/inspiration. I loved something about each one :0 Can't wait to see what you end up doing! Best to you!!

  14. Such wonderful inspiration for a sunroom! I really miss the sunroom I had, but I have a tiny house now.

    I've been out of the loop for awhile and didn't realize you were moving. I love moving, gives you an opportunity to change things up a bit. Good luck with the move, I can't wait to see what you do.


  15. Oh, I can really see where you are going with you new sunroom/porch. LOVE it! When it is done I can inagine it will be just amazing!!! LOVE the planked walls!!!!

  16. Such wonderful inspiration for a sun room! Your bedroom is gorgeous and the headboard is truly stunning. The cabinet that holds the linens is so pretty too. creative-bedroom-ideas

  17. Debra, your inspiration photos make me dream of a larger sunroom. I'm not complaining, we love our sunroom and use it year round. I just wish it were large enough to have a sofa. ;-) Hope your next home has the space you dream of. We looked at a home last year that had a big screened in porch all the way across the back of the home. It was my favorite part of the house, but we passed on the house because of several negatives. It's fun to dream! Hope you are feeling well and that you enjoy the summer.

  18. Debra, I am sure your new sunroom will just be gorgeous. Can't wait till you start on your new home! How exciting!


  19. Your plans sound wonderful, Debra. I also adore white planke wood rooms. We don't have a sunroom but fortunately the back of our home on the main floor in the family room/kitchen has a cathedral ceiling and skylights. Skylights that will be replaced next week with the new room. Then hopefully in a few months time we can hide the popcorn textured ceiling in the cathedral part with wood planks. I get the dreaming part too. It is fun to plan and I have been doing a lot of it as I recover from surgery as I'm not allowed to do much else lol. Keeps my creative brain engaged. Good thing my hubby is such a great help. All the best with your continued move.

  20. Lovely ideas Debra!

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  21. Debra, I love all your ideas. You and I think so much alike.

  22. Oh my goodness such pretty eye candy, If I could I would jump into all of those lovely pictures.
    I am sure your new sunroom will be stunning!

  23. Debra, Love all your inspirational photos. Now, you have me thinking....

  24. Now I am ready to run out and find somewhere to add a room on! Love the last group of photos - they fit my primitive, prairie style. Lucky you getting to start anew with a head filled with great ideas. Oh, wait, you are also the one who had to deal with two decks. Double Yuck!

  25. Debra,
    Love all your inspirational pin ideas. I loved your old sun room and hope you get a new one when you get a new home.

  26. Debra,
    "Dreams really do come true". . .
    You have some amazing inspirational photos to guide all your decisions for your new Sunroom.
    I agree on an All Seasons Room for the Midwest ever changing weather and temperatures!
    Loved the photo with the cat sitting on the wood floors! It looked so homey. Realistic!
    We are still waiting to stain the deck here. . .waiting on the Cottonwood Tree seeds to stop blowing!
    I'm quite sure your new Sun Room will be exactly what your heart desires!
    Thank youfor sharing your wishes with us!

  27. We're hoping to build on a sunroom soon, thanks for all the great inspiration! You and I have similar taste :)
    Dawn @ We Call It
    History & Home party, Tue-Fri, weekly

  28. Beautiful inspiration photos, Debra! We have been re-doing our sunroom for awhile now and it's been fun making changes! How fun to start from scratch (and lots of work, too...)

  29. Hi Debra!
    I'm so behind on visiting blogs, so glad I popped in on this post, love all the inspiration you are sharing!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  30. Your inspiration pics are absolutely swoon worthy! WOW, I'd love any single one of those myself. LOVE!!!

  31. What wonderful inspiration Debra! I loved your sunroom and I know that your new one will be even more fabulous! It's a lot for the brain to take in. lol! We are anticipating a potting shed up on the hill behind our small waterfall. My head is so full of similar ideas that I swear that at times it is spinning. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  32. Hi, nice post cool ideas about Home decor, thanks for the post.

  33. I agree your new sunroom will be even more fabulous! I just loved your old one. Thanks for the many gorgeous pictures of sunrooms. Always an inspiration!

  34. Debra I can not wait to see your new house and watch you turn it into a home! Thank you for joining THT. I appreciate your support so much. I dream of having a sunporch one day. My mom has one and we love it so much that we spend most of our time out there when we visit. The boys and I even sleep out there!;)


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