Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring Mantel and Cloches

I'm late for the Mantel and Cloche parties...
you wanna know why?

because I have a stash of Easter goodies
 that I simply cannot find!

I have lots of places to store things,
and I'm trying to get more organized,
but dang it...

I've put them somewhere and now I can't find them!

I need to start making notes of where things are.
Anyhoo, I found these little guys and they are getting to be center stage.

Come to think of it,
maybe they hid my vintage bunnies from last year
so they could get the primo mantel spot.

oh yes, just look at the guilt written all over that face!

This paper mache buns I've had for probably 28 years,
he still is a favorite, but needs a little TLC in the paint touch up department.

I bought some paper eggs last year, I think from Michaels,
so they are hanging from the faux pussy willows and branches.

I'm hoping my lanterns will qualify as "cloches",
 and I did "Spring-ify" them this week.

these two are in the Entry.

And this fella is nibbling on the hallway sideboard.

He's a porcelain sweetheart

you know how it goes...
I'll probably find everything just in time for Halloween.
Please tell me that there are others of you out there
that have had this happen to you.

So if it's not to late I'm joining in on these Spring Parties:

Mantles at Grits and Glamour

and mantles at Fox Hollow Cottage

Faded Charm for White Wednesday
Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesday
No Minimalist Here for Open House Party
Very Merry Vintage Style for Share the Love Wednesday

If you have an Etsy Shop or Online Boutique
I'd love for you to come link up to Monday Marketplace
which will be up all week,

If you haven't entered the Give Away for a $25 Gift Certificate

hope you're having a great week!


  1. I love all of your lovely spring decor, and I hope you find the rest of your Easter decorations. I am right there with you on not being able to find things!

    Kat :)

  2. Hi Debra! Oh, I'm sorry you can't find all your Spring stuff. I know the feeling! It's so aggravating. Well, you've done a beautiful job with what you have. I love your sweet bunnies and your plant with the eggs on it looks great.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Well this is some impressive pinch hitting, Debra! Yes, it resonates. I don't even pretend to be trying to organize these days. I hope you find your stuff tho. That sort of thing makes me crazy until I find what I'm lookin for! haha! Your spring touches are beautiful!

  4. Debra
    Beautiful as always even with your missing goods your spring mantel is amazing. Looks so fresh and lovely. Have a wonderful day


  5. I've had days like that when I know it's here somewhere.
    I started a bin for each season.That way it's out of mr dh sight. He says I have too much stuff.

  6. You probably put them somewhere that you thought would be "just the place". Now, you've forgotten where that is. Ha! Your mantel looks lovely. I love the new muted color pallete you have going on too. Your conservatories are a great alternative to a cloche.

  7. Hi Debra. This is so cute and I love the lanterns.. at least you made it , I completely forgot! Anyway, I can still enjoy everyone's lovely posts! Ugh I know that feeling only to well when you can't find something...drives me crazy...

    Have a great week


  8. Debra, I LOVE your lanterns with the sheep and bunny and even though you couldn't find your other Easter things, your mantel is awesome. You aren't along...I do the same thing. I've been looking for something for over a year now, and my house is small. It's making me crazy.

  9. Lovely! Love your Easter tree and the big bunny,Thanks for sharing Joann

  10. So pretty Debra... always love seeing your sweet little lambs!... xoxo Julie Marie

  11. Hi Debra,
    What you have found looks fabulous! I love your bunnies and you have lit a fire under me to get going and decorate for spring! :o)


  12. Check the spot that you think would be the last place you'd put anything...or put the Easter Bunny under a bright lamp and make him talk!
    Paper mache buns...if I was a twelve year old boy you know what I would say here! LOL...I'm such a little stinker.

  13. Oh my, your lanterns are fabulous. LOVE your little sheep, so precious and so pretty and your bunny is fabulous. What a fun and creative idea. I love your mantel also, it is beautiful as always. Thanks so much for joining the party. Hugs, Marty

  14. It all looks so lovely Debra even without finding the rest of your stash! I hate when that happens! :-) My favorite part is what you did with your lanterns. So beautiful!

  15. The lambs are so sweet. The porcelain bunny in the glass house looked so real I had to click onto your link to make sure it wasnt real! My post isnt a cloche I'm afraid.

  16. How wonderful! Your Spring mantel looks so bright and fresh! I love your bunnies! The lanterns are perfect as cloches! You did a wonderful job on your decorations!

  17. You kept me laughing all the way through your post. I like the lantern cloches. Look great. I have a large paper mache egg also and wanted to use it in a cloche but it did not look right alone. You made it work nicely in a basket. Why didn't I think of that!!!!

    I enjoyed your mantel all decorated.

  18. Debra I adore your mantel. The big bunny is so cute, needing paint or not. I am in love with it =) The entire vignette is perfect! If you find those other bunnies tied up and hidden somewhere, you'll know the bunnies on the mantel may not be as sweet as they look. lol

  19. I had to "chuckle" when I read this post. I wish my stuff turned out this great when I couldn't find my "stuff"! Everything looks great as usual. I think the lanterns make cool substitute cloches and of course, I love the sheep.

  20. Your post inspired me - everything is so beautiful!

  21. Nice...I love the sweet little sheep the best...blessings

  22. This is all you could find, Debra? I think you did a great job. I haven't found my Easter box yet ~ I'm winging Easter with the bunnies I have as year round decor. Love the lanterns and how you decorated them!

  23. I thought I was the only one, I can't find some of mine either, I sure hope I didn't throw it away!
    Love your bunny on the mantle and the one in the lantern so cute!

  24. Hi Debra,
    Your mantle looks so pretty! I love the cute little lambs.You sound like me. I can never remember where i put things.I think my problem is i have to much stuff!


  25. Just found mine today but I'm a long way from being able to decorate. My living rm. & din. rm. are still a mess from getting ready for open house. thanks for coming down.....looking forward to the pics. Enjoy this gorgeous weather!

  26. Love, love, love the lanterns. You sound like me losing things. I have got to get organized, too.

  27. Looking good!!! I've given up tryingto find things because I'd make myself crazy. This is why I have so many piles...I don't want to put things awayso I don't lose them:-)

    Take care,

  28. I have to tell you that I normally don't do any spring decor of any kind. But looking at your sweet little bunnies and sheep, I just start smiling. I guess there's no excuse now. If it makes me that happy to look at in your home, I ought to do it in mine :) Thanks so much for sharing!

  29. Beautiful spring touches Debra! I LOVE LOVE that last one!!

  30. I think those lanterns make the perfect cloches!

  31. Such a cute idea for the lanterns. I bought a huge one after Christmas and its just been sitting here waiting for me to buy a huge candle for it. Never thought to decorate the inside of it. Thanks for the idea!

  32. Yep, we'll agree with everyone else Debra, the lanterns are a hit ~ love your little arrangements in it (We think we even prefer them over cloches...shhhhhh!!)
    Guess we'd better get up to our own attics and bring down our spring....it IS that time now isn't it?!!

  33. Ha! Ha! Too funny, can't believe it, I have been trying to find my Easter box for about 2 weeks now, thought I was so organized, this year I am ready to decorate, now can't find the darn things! Yea, your bunnies look guilty to me, here I think its the ghosts!!

  34. Love your bunny, so sweet! But what I really liked was you painted brick. I'm sitting in my family room thinking I should paint mine but I think my hubby would have a stroke. Laura

  35. That is a great-looking mantel. I love everything about it, especially the Guy Wolff pots!

    Happy Spring!
    Ricki Jill

  36. Your mantel is perfect for spring. I love the pussy willow branches with eggs hanging. Your lanterns make wonderful cloches, especially how you have them looking so springy!
    Mary Alice

  37. Debra, great looking, as usual. I love how light it feels. Just so you know, I pinned it and had to put it on two boards so I'll be able to find it when I need it! You have lots of company when you cannot find something.

  38. I worked on organizing my STUFF yesterday. Still a ways to go, but I got my bins labeled. Next I want to go through every one (twenty) of them and sort items so I know exactly where things are. Quite the project, but I'm hopeful. :) Your Spring decor is just fabulous, (as always).

  39. Cute! I love the symmetry and the tone on tone of the mantle.
    XO Cindy

  40. I just love all of your bunnies! I would keep them out year-round. =)


  41. I'm such a mantel person. Love doing mine and looking at other ones. Your mantel is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.

  42. Awesome mantel!I love your job.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  43. Your mantel is lovely. I think that your spring decor is charming!


  44. Very pretty. I'm the same way, it drives me crazy when I can't find something that I stashed! Your twigs with the eggs tied to them and your lanterns are my favorites! I love the surprise lambs rather than the typical candle. I'll have to be stealing that idea...:)

  45. I loooove this! So many charming features and variety of textures. If you have time I would love for you to share this at my linky party starting Wed.

  46. Beautiful photos! I have the same problem sometimes...can't find my seasonal items. Love your mantel!

  47. This is beautiful! Fantastic job. I also shared this on my blog today: http://www.vixenmade.com/2013/03/creative-easter-mantles.html


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