Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Monday Marketplace, Today's the Day

First of all, thanks for the great response to my idea post for this new party. I had intended on coming by to thank each one of you individually, but we had an out of town funeral yesterday, and by the time we got back home, I was wiped out. So please know how much I appreciate hearing from each of you...so many  new commenters, yay!! 

There are so many parties out here, I just want you to know this is not just "another party". I want this to be a relevant way to discover new and creative sellers and products. It's open to anyone that buys or sells on Etsy or from online, Web Boutiques. We may be sorting things out for the first few weeks. I'm hoping we have a good turnout. As I said in my earlier post, depending on you all, I may have separate categories for items.

I had a few questions about how to link up an Etsy item; it's just like linking up a specific blog post. When you right click on the item "name" in Etsy, just choose "copy link address" then join the party. A photo will come up for the item, choose and click and you're in. Please link up only two items from your shop. This party is only for items that are for sale. Please don't link posts on DIY projects or things you have made unless you are selling them. This is a party for items that are for sale. Don't link up to your store, but to an individual item. Remember we will be doing this each week, so you can have an opportunity to showcase new items each week.

 If you're linking up on this venue, I just ask that you join as a follower and that you grab the button that's on the sidebar and link back to Common Ground from your blog. And if you get a chance please blog or Facebook your friends about the new weekly party. This could be like going to a virtual flea market or show each Monday. Wow, who wouldn't LOVE that?

I'll be featuring 3 sellers and their products each week. So for this first week, I'm highlighting three of my sponsors and their products that I really love. 

From French Bleu Vintage

(just like the one I have)

from 107 Vintage

from Tattered Goods

And even though Kristen isn't a sponsor,
 I'm totally smitten with these great Typewriter Key Bracelets
 that she creates from Sophia's.
Hope you'll run by her blog for this recent post.

OK, everyone...let's have some fun.
And if you sell your item that has been showcased,
please let me know in a comment.
I'm hoping we have a great party!

and if you haven't entered Nancy's Give Away



  1. Debra beautiful idea! I will join as soon as I re open my etsy. It's on vacation mode since I have a show. You are the best!! Sharing and Caring. Have a wonderful Monday Marketplace. Ciao Rita

  2. Thanks again for the great idea! Very fun!

  3. Hi Debra, I love the idea and thank you! it will definitely help us all! I am having trouble linking up. When I click on either my item picture or the item name i do not get a "copy link address" option. I get a "copy" option but that won't work. Should I not be signed in to Etsy when i do this?
    Thanks, hope you can help!

  4. WOW! Thanks for the great party Debra! I've linked up a couple of things from the shop and am going to go check out Kristen's wonderful bracelets... I am now smitten as well! t.xoxooxoxo

  5. such a clever idea for a party! i don't have a shop, but linked my first etsy purchase--thanks for hosting:)

  6. Debra,

    This is such a fabulous idea for a link party and thank you so much for featuring my typewriter bracelets! I can't wait to check out the other features...I'm lovin' the grain sack wall hanging :)

    Have a wonderful week! Thanks again,


  7. Hi Debra, I think I did mine wrong, I did a post & from that post it links up, is this ok for today, I am not sure how to change it to just go to my item.... Thanks,

  8. Debra, this is such an awesome idea! Thanks so much for hosting!!

  9. I LOVE this party, Debra! I linked up items from 2 of my shops and posted about it today. I'll put it on FB and Twitter, too! Thanks for hosting!

  10. Thanks, Debra, for hosting this! It's a great idea~I'm linking up from now on:)

  11. I had a whole bunch of comments on my blog about how wonderful the Marketplace Blog Party sounds, and that was before the Linky was even live.

    This is so much fun, thanks!

  12. Thanks for coming up with such a great idea...I have linked up and featured the party on my blog and Facebook. Have a good week!

  13. Thanks, Debra. I linked up a couple items, and have your button on my blog.

  14. Thanks Debra so much for this great linky party! Very different and so fun!

  15. Oh Debra! This is Such an Amazing Idea and so Incredibly Generous of You! Thank You so Much! I will do a Post and a Face Book Link! I Learned about it from Linda of Itsy Bits and Pieces!
    I am Linking my Art Etsy and My Mixed Media Artist Supply Etsy Store!
    Thank You for such a Brilliant Notion!

  16. Your idea is simply wonderful! Although I don't have anything set up yet, I do wish each and everyone of you great success with this. I am sure that this effort will also put you in contact with many others.
    God speed,

  17. Hi Debra
    Thank you for doing this. I just am getting started on Etsy so I am SO appreciative of any chance to get the word out that I am OPEN.
    Hope you have a Blessed day

  18. Thanks again, Debra for hosting Marketplace Monday, and for being supportive of cottage industries! I've linked up, and I will be sure to blog about it this week. I already see lots of new favorite treasures here:)

  19. Dear Debra, this is a wonderful idea, so very sweet and kind of you,
    I wish I had something in my Etsy, then I would link up, also.
    Hope you are doing well.

  20. Just linked up, Debra. Love this idea! You've inspired me to get more inventory listed. I've got your button on Cottage and Creek and I'm off to post it on FB. Thanks for this fun party.

  21. Thanks for hosting this new venue for showcasing products created by small businesses. I've posted my link and also prepared a blog post to promote Monday Marketplace (with a share to Facebook and Twitter).


  22. Sorry to be so dense Debra but how do I get your button from your blog to my sidebar?

  23. Hi Debra ... this is a wonderful idea! Who wouldn't like a virtual market once a week?

    I'm going to be revealing my new Etsy shop next week ... so I will do a blurb about your new party as well.

    Thanks so much for the opportunity and for always being the greatest hostess ; )


  24. Okay ignore my previous comment, just having a blond moment, all figured out:-)

  25. I wish I had something to link, but I'll just have to enjoy all the others instead...poor me ;)

  26. Debra ~ what a wonderful idea and I can't thank you enough for hosting this party. Thank you for allowing us to show and tell. So many of the pretty things I make or buy to resell I can't blog about since most parties don't want Etsy shops. Again and again ~ thank you.

  27. This is such a great idea~ Thanks for hosting this party

  28. Debra,
    Thanks so much for this wonderful idea, lovely and selfless of you!
    enJOY a lovely week,

  29. The response to this great idea is going to be overwhelming!
    Appreciate the opportunity to share my items with a wider audience.

  30. Thanks for the opportunity to show some of my creations.

  31. Such a great idea Debra. Thank you so much for this wonderful new party. I have your button on my sidebar.

  32. Debra, Thank you for the opportunity to share my Etsy shop here. I am adding your button to the sidebar. Hugs, Sherry

  33. sorry but I have just tried 2 links to my products on Etsy,and one takes you to my blog and the other to a site I have never heard about. Debra could you delete them for me as I can't seem to do it. I will try again sometime.

  34. Debster,
    How did you know window shopping was one of my favorite things to do? Saves the ol' shoe leather for dancing!

  35. Great idea Debra! Thank you for hosting this for those of us who are bloggers with online businesses! I found something on here that I am seriously considering purchasing as well as a couple of shops I've added to my favorites. Still looking around!

    Thanks again,


  36. This is such a great link party idea! I look forward to seeing all the items for sale as well as participating. Thank you for always being supportive in the blog community and for sharing your love of all things vintage.

  37. Thank you so much for the chance to show off our Etsy goodies. I really appreciated it.

  38. Well, I missed out this past Monday, but can't wait for next week! Look at all the gorgeous things these talented ladies posted...from lace heart ornaments to crochet pieces to the most beautiful journals.... I LOVE it all! What a great morning, coffee in hand, browsing new listings not seen before and relishing all the new inspiration! I'd say you have a winner in the Monday Marketplace!

    Hugs Debra! Have a good week ~ xo

  39. Hi Deb, thanks so much for doing this. I'm already seeing some things I want to get. I figure if I start now picking up a few little gifts here and there, I will be prepared for birthdays, Mother's day, father's day, Me-days...hahahaha. Love this. So many gifted bloggers and neighbors out there. This was a brilliant idea of yours.

  40. Morning Debra,
    I just linked up an Etsy item and added your party button on my sidebar - great idea and thanks!

  41. Looks like a great turnout! I hope to check them all out soon. Sally

  42. Debra,
    I think your Monday Marketplace idea is Brilliant! What a great way to peruse through some awesome treasures while promoting small business. Kudos to you! If I EVER open an etsy shop, I'll link right up. For now, I'll enjoy the dreaming and shopping.
    Blessings & hugs,

  43. Thanks, Debra ~
    such a kind and
    inspired party to
    host ~ just like
    YOU : ) I hope to
    join you on a Monday,

    xx Suzanne

  44. Love this idea. I will be linking in for next Monday, as I missed this weeks.

  45. Thank you for the opportunity to join the party. Looking forward to seeing what everyone contributes !

  46. Hi Donna, thanks for hosting a new party marketplace. I don't have a spot to link to the party on my website, but I followed you both in GFC and linky as well as tweeted and shared the party on facebook.

    I love your site and all the great things on here that I have found. And great people! Thanks for all the work you do.

    Also, just a quick note about linking....While I don't like having a clutter of buttons all over my site (which people won't see anyhow if there are too many), I have a list of the sites I follow on my blogroll and a list in my crafts and projects page. If I'm ever featured, I share through FB, Twitter, Pinterest, Google +, Delicious, Stumble Upon, and more. I think that gets the host blog way more traffic than a button and is a nice thank you for the feature.

    Thanks for visiting me over at Garden Therapy. I'll add your button to my green roof birdhouse post for this week. Great to 'meet' you!


  47. Ack - Debra - not Donna! Sorry about that, geez. I know you name too it's just the darn head to keyboard connection is broken today :)


  48. Thank you, this is so generous. I am now using Clipix to keep track of my favorite sites as well as the Linky. Everything is so beautiful.

  49. Thanks for hosting. I have mentioned on fb.

  50. Debra- I am looking for your marketplace button url info so I can post it on my sidebar and I can't locate it. Where is she hiding? andrea@townandprairie

  51. Debra I hope I did that right.My shop is set up a little different.I don't know how to link just to one photo.I am adding your button to my blog.Many thanks again for hosting this.

  52. I'm signed up as a follower, now I have to figure out how to add you button to my blog. Why does it always take me so much longer to catch on to these things than most people!!?? I'm afraid I know the answer. I hope to have it figured out before the next time.

    What a nice idea.


I love hearing from you. Feel free to comment, big or small. Be sure and leave your name and blog if commenting under anonymous. Thanks friends