Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Romantic French Style Winner

Before I announce the winner
 I want to sincerely thank each one of you who entered.
And a special thank you for the ones who went the extra mile
by blogging about it and placing my button on your sidebar.
I appreciate you all so much.

There aren't enough hours in the day
 to thank each one of you individually,
for participating in and making a success of
Vintage Inspiration Friday.
So I hope you know how grateful I am for your friendship and support!

My two go-to books for Romantic Style
and a pendant necklace from me...

Goes to Laurie from Heaven's Walk!
(Love Laurie and her wonderful style)

And you know, Fall is my favorite time of the year,
so be watching for some Fall themed
Vintage Inspiration Fridays
where we'll be linking up mantles, porches, tablescapes
and more fun than you can shake a big fat pumpkin at!

group hugs,


  1. A big congrats to Laurie, what a lucky girl!!!

  2. Yea to Laurie, a very lucky girl. Thanks for all the excitment in the giveaway! It was fun.

  3. Hooray for Laurie!! She is a really nice lady and deserves her win! Thanks for the chance, Debra!


  4. Congratulations Laurie!!!

    Huggs, Nancy

  5. Congrats to Laurie! And I'm loving the new fallish/orange blog header...too fabulous, especially the book pile.


  6. congratulations to her and "merci" debrafor the opportunity to win! :)

  7. Yeah to the very lucky winner! Thank you so much for linking up this week.

  8. Congratulations to lucky Laurie! Every time I see your new header Debra, I just smile at the sheer playfulness of the orange. What a happy color! t. xoxoxoxo

  9. Yay, Laurie!!! This couldn't have randomly happened to a nicer gal!

  10. Congratulations!!

    Can't wait for the Fall 'stuff' to get going more.

    barbara jean

  11. Congratulations Laurie! I have both books so I couldn't be greedy. You will love them!
    A very generous giveway Debra!

  12. Congratulations to Laura and Hugs for you!!

  13. THANK YOU so very much, Debra, for drawing my name! I am SO excited to be able to add these beautiful books to my Inspiration Library! :) I can hardly wait to dive into them! Love ya, girlie! ♥

    xoxo laurie

  14. Congratulations Laurie- how wonderful a message for you to read :)
    Hugs and love to you Debra.

  15. Congrats to sweet Laurie!!
    Thank YOU Debra for all the inspiration you give us and for hosting these fun days!


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