Wednesday, April 20, 2011

bunnies, kitties, and burlap...

My sis brought these extra darling bunny silhouettes
 over for me and the girls for Easter.

Love that bright pop of green grass!
Mine is the white one with the damask
(she knows me so well)
and there are two of the black ones.

The girls will love them!
And thanks Beck, for your creations on your silhouette machine!!

Moving right along,
a few days ago I found this great little burlap luncheon cloth at Relics,
and put it out on the kitchen table.

Great little blue stripe

I guess it's kind of a mixture of linens really,
but evidently it had that "burlap" smell and feel!


Oh yeah....

that feels fabulous!

And in case you're horrified by cats on the kitchen table,
I can tell you there's no controlin' cats.
They may not do it in front of you,
but you can be sure
the moment you leave the house
they are doing whatever they want.

I thought I'd give an update on the Kitty Wars.
If you remember I took the above offender to the vet
and came home with some kind of "happy pill",
good attitude collars,
and pheromone pleasing plug ins.

So the good news is that it seems to be working.
yes, there are some very minor skirmishes,
but all in all, things have quited down substantially.

Spring Fever seems to be under control!!!!

see ya tomorrow for
Vintage Inspiration Friday


  1. Thank you for visiting my blog! I just love your tool box/flower holder on your table and of course, the runner underneath it. Have a blessed Easter. Pamela

  2. once again, Easter is here and I've yet to pull-out a single decoration! I'll go find them tonight!

  3. Dear Debra---
    Your dear friend looks so sweet on the new burlap-piece--so much enjoying being just there, on top of it-hi,hi-
    I guess you are right-- every cat are just doing what it wants, as soon as our backs are turned away--Love your hydrangeas in bottles.
    Dear I wish you a good easter.

  4. Love that kitty! he is the cutest ever! and those hydrangeas are they real? simply beautiful! Can I join you for Vintage Friday if my post is about a peacock cake? It isn't too vintage, so I was wondering. Thank you.
    Have a fantastic day!
    XXX Ido

  5. Heck - I'd be happy if mine only got on the kitchen table! I know he gets on to and in to everything while we're away! I love the burlap!

  6. what cute creations...i adore these bunnies...wish i had a silhouette!

    stuff and nonsense

  7. I LOVE all your bunny silhouettes. they are SO Pretty! BUT your kitty has stolen my heart! What a Sweetie! I have an EXTREME allergy to kitties or I would have a houseful of them. LOVE those furballs to pieces...
    See you tomorrow!!!

  8. Lol about the kitties, because it is SO true. Left alone Basset Hounds get on the table too. They just aren't so good at getting back down. I've come home to one laying on the kitchen table with a very guilty look on her face (usually ears back, eyes squinty and tail a wagging) hoping I will help her down.

  9. Hi Debra, I love those bunnies!... and your kitty on the new burlap runner is just toooo cute!... I am not horrified by cats on the table... I love kitties and you are right, you don't own them... they own you... you are a lady after my own heart, such an animal lover you are!... xoxo Julie Marie PS The burlap runner is gorgeous too!!!

  10. Debra this is SO funny! As a mother of four cats myself----yeah, they do what they want, pretty much whenever they want!! I am glad there is harmony in your household....

    Love the bunny silhouettes!

    Lou Cinda

  11. Bwah hah hah hah!!!!!
    I love this post!

    The table looks lovely, but I have GOT to get me one of these collars. Oh, and maybe one for Winnie, too. ;-)


  12. The cat on the kitchen table was very cute! Looks like she is enjoying every minute of being on that cute table runner!

  13. Debra, Cute bunnines and cuter kitty. Love the table runner and it looks like kitty does too.
    I'm looking for a runner made of a rough cotton that can be washed. Guess I could pay a fortune for a grain sack, but that isn't going to happen. lol
    Wishing you a blessed Easter,

  14. Ah cats...they rule...and they know it. I was outside calling out for Clovis today...he was right to the left of me...asleep and unconcerned for my concern. ♥O

  15. Some cats I know don't even wait until you leave the house. And then she gives me the look like "I have no idea how I got up here." BTW - thanks for the info about the 'good attitude' collar. Tomorrow is a car ride to the vet and no matter what the distance traveled, it's always a nightmare for her. And me.

  16. I have a couple of naughty kitty's! I'll have to look into this! Ha! Sweet little bunnies!

  17. I love the bunny silhouettes - cute idea.

    I guess I missed something about your cats! I have to go back and see because I can't begin to figure out what all of that paraphernalia is for!!!

  18. Hi Debra,
    My kitties always, always, try out everything new that comes into the house! LOL! I see that your runner meets with kittie's important approval. How cute. Glad the remedies are working. I love the feliway spray.

    The silhouettes are so cute. Love them.


  19. Bunny silhouettes? Eggstra cute for Easter. The perfect shade of blue? I could just dye! But the expression on your kitty's face? Sweeter than a whole basket full of jelly beans. I also try to pretend our cat doesn't walk around wherever she wants around my anti-pet sis-in-law.

  20. OMG....if that isn't THE cutest kitty I have ever seen?
    I love gray tabbies and have two! Stop by the blog and take a peek at my guest bedroom post this week. I have my Maxie shown upside down like yours on the bed. So funny how they pop into your photo sessions to get your attention, isn't it!!!
    Great post.

  21. Those bunny pics are the cutest!

  22. LOL this is a fun post! I am looking forward to tomorrow! :D

    ~Ricki Jill

  23. Your cats get on your table!? I'm horrified! HA :) Yes, the little sweeties do just as they please but look how CUTE they are! Love those silouette pics. too! I'm having kitty wars here also.

  24. Debra... Thanks for the "update" on the Kitty Wars!!! Tooooo Cute!!!
    Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

  25. The bunny pictures are so nice they made them for you!

  26. Oh my! I'm just loving your bunny silhouettes, they are adorable! Now, that's a diva of a kitty, way too cute!

    Have a great day~


  27. Those silhouettes are wonderful!!
    See you tomorrow!

  28. The bunny silouetes are adorable. Cute idea! Thanx for sharing...Tiff from The Cranky Queen

  29. Love the cloth you found at Relics. Pretty cute cat too. This from a woman whose dog is taking a few licks out of her breakfast bowl. :)

  30. Love the bunnies! I miss finding fabrics with you at FM. Hope all is well!

  31. Love the table runner and adorable kitty!

  32. Your kittie is just beautiful!


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