Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Out and About for Inspirational Home Fall Open House

Fall has arrived at
 Inspirational Home
here in Springfield!

Last weekend's Open House was a magical event.
Friday evening we were met with this fantastic arbor on the grounds.
And inside, Halloween fun and autumn accessories
 were tucked in every nook and cranny.
Enjoy the tour!

If you live nearby or plan on visiting Southwest Missouri
be sure to stop by

Debra Moore's great shop is always a fun destination.

I'm linking with Kathleen for White Wednesday
Be sure and stop by for all the wonderful whites.

On a personal note
 I wanted to let you know my Father-in-Law passed away this last week
after a long term diagnosis of Alzheimer's.

We are sorry to see him pass, but find great comfort that he is in Heaven.
I will still be hosting Vintage Inspiration Friday,
but it may take me a few days to get back with everyone and comments.
Please come and join in Thursday evening until Sunday at 6:00 PM.

Love to you all, I will be having a week full of love and family,

 love to you all,


  1. Good morning Debra! I'm sorry to hear about your father-in-law's death. Alzheimers's is a terrible disease.

    Another fun post of great shopping in Missouri! Maybe it's a good thing I don't get to go there more often...I would be broke!

    I love those white jack-o-lanterns!! Super cute!



  2. So sorry to hear of your loss. Big hug to you and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Your post is so wonderful today, thank you for sharing!


  3. I'm so ready for autumn (tomorrow!!!!). The displays are beautiful and I just love those squatty pumpkins in the last photo.

    I am sorry to hear of your father in law's passing. You and your family will be in my prayers.

  4. So fun! I love the painted pumpkins! Everything looked so inviting and so fall! Thanks for sharing!

  5. What a lovely bunch of beauties! Love that metal pumpkin in one of the displays!

    Enjoy your day my friend! HUGS!

  6. I'm sorry to hear of your loss Debra, however it is uplifting to know that he is in the hands of the angels now. Blessings to your husband and your family.

    I love Fall and these photos of yours really put a smile on my face...thank you!!!!!

    I'll be praying for you this week~

  7. I'm sorry to hear about your father-in-law. Hope your hubby is doing ok with that. It's so hard when a loved one passes away, even though you know you'll meet up again in heaven. I miss my dad terribly.

    The Heritage House looks like a wonderful place to shop and peruse. I wish I could get one (or two!) of everything!!

    Patricia :o)

  8. Love, love all your decoration pics. They are "fall" inspiring!
    So sorry for your loss. As it is so sad to lose a loved one, remember that the saddness is ours, not the one who has passed. We know they are in a wonderful place beyond our dreams. We are promised this, for those who believe in God will have eternal life. I lost my mother-in-law in June and until that time, I never realized how much I loved her. I saw her pretty much everyday for 32 years. As it is hard to get over the loss, I also know she is happy and dancing in a place I want to be when it is my turn.

  9. Good Morning Debra, I am so sorry to hear about your father in law, you are so right to be comforted by the fact that he is now dancing with angels and at peace with our Lord.

    Your pics are beautiful as always and have me so inspired to create for fall!
    Take care, love, Theresa xoxo

  10. Dear Debra:
    I love all of your inspiration today. Living in south Florida, it's so hard to get in the fall spirit as it's still so warm. These photos really helped!

    Sorry to hear about your father-in-law's passing. I know that you're comforted in the knowledge that his mind is whole again as he lives in Heaven with our Father. Hoping that your days are filled with happy memories of your loved one.


  11. Debra, thank you so much for your kind words. You are right, I do get your vintage link party and that is why sometimes it is hard to think of a post. I do not want to just take pictures and join, I like to do it right and I was so glad that it just came together. I think about your party all week wondering what I can do to join, sadly sometimes I come up blank but I just LOVE to come and see all the other bloggers who joined. You and Fiona and Twig are usually my favs, she gets it too. Have a wonderful week, I have some thinking to do.

  12. Debra - I am so sorry to hear of your loss... you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.


  13. When I had a store ladies would say they'd like to live there. Now I know what they meant. I'd like to live at Inspirational House - but not on dusting day. Thanks for the tour. And May the God of Comfort be with your family.

  14. ~*Thanks for all the Fall inspiration Debra! ~* And Im sorry to hear of your loss~*Blessings,Rachel

  15. Hi Debra, Sorry to hear about the loss to your family. And Thank You for the tour of the shop. I luv all the different displays for Fall. Have a good week....Julian

  16. Great photos, Debra!
    I love all the pumpkins, real and otherwise. :-)

    You know that I've been praying for y'all since I heard the news. Give David big hugs from me.


  17. Debra~ Enjoyed your ~Fall Open House~ pictures. We took a little trip to Leola's, too. They always do the nicest job decorating the shop. LOVE your new blog header! So pretty! Thinking of you and sending loving thoughts on the loss of your father-in-law. Love~Mandy

  18. I'm so sorry about you FIL. I'll keep you in my prayers. Love your pictures today!


  19. Hi Debra,
    What a lovely shop with all the fall and Halloween decor. I love those white pumpkins!

    I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of your FIL. Blessings to you and your family.


  20. So sorry about David's dad. I know he hadn't been well for a long time but it's still hard. You're in my prayers. Your pictures were wonderful, as usual & the shop looks great. Jan

  21. I will be praying for David and the family. I love the urns and pumpkins. Thinking of you...do not over do it lovey. loveyabunches♥olive

  22. so sorry for your loss debra. what a thief that disease is. thanks for your comment. i always love hearing from you. when will we see you in texas? just an idea...



  23. Hi Debra, so sorry to hear about you father in law, you and your family will be in my prayers! I love all you gorgeous picture!!! hugs~~~ Daphne

  24. Debra,
    Even when we need to be lifting you up, you still manage to lift us with your beautiful photos. My heart and prayers go out to you, your husband and all the family.

  25. LOVE the door vignette...well, I love anything with an old door!! Happy WW!!

  26. Debra, I am so sorry for your loss. Please know your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  27. Love all of it, but I live too far away to come..sniff, sniff.
    Sorry for your loss, my father is suffering from this and I lost my father in law in January. Hugs- Tete

  28. I am sorry about your father-in-law. My father also has Alzheimers. It takes the entire family on quite a journey. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, Debra.

    Your pictures are "eye-candy!"

  29. So glad to hear you father in law is celebrating in Heaven! It may be sad for us, but at least we know we'll see him again! "When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be. When we all see Jesus; sing and shout the victory"! I love the shop you shared with us! I shared one of my favorite "haunts" in my recent post, as well! I hope you'll check it out!

  30. So many great displays-my favorite is the first one with the gingerbread-Happy WW

  31. Debra, So sorry for your loss. My grandfather passed away from the same thing and he was the love of my life. Take care and thank you for the wonderful fall tour. ~~Sherry~~

  32. Debra,

    Please accept my condolences on your father-in-laws fight with that horrid disease that robbed him of his life, long before passing.
    Thank you for sharing these inspiring vignettes. I adore all the autumn decor and would have had that mirror in my vehicle if I were there.


  33. very sorry to hear of your loss...

    I really want a arbor like the first pic., was going to have a metal one, but am saving this photo. Lezlee

  34. I'm sorry for your loss. Best to you and your family--hugs and kisses, JQ

  35. Just blogging around this evening and found your blog. Seems like everyone I visit is a little different and so interesting. All of you ladies are very talented. The pumpkins are just great, and it has now got me in the fall and Halloween mood. Thank you for letting me visit.

  36. So sorry to hear of your loss. Blessings & hugs.

  37. I love these images- all so wonderful. I adore the white pumpkins and love how they were displayed. Thanks for the inspiration.

  38. Hi Debra,
    Never a loss when in the Lords hands.
    But your earthly sorrow more then one can endure alone.
    In our prayers Deb.

    Love that nothing about you is common girl!
    Love your common ground!

  39. ...love the pumpkin pedestals! Your vision and pictures are an inspiration, I'm still thinking about the pumkpin tower!!

    My tenderest and dearest sympathy's are sent to you and your loved ones...
    xo, Rosemary


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