Monday, July 12, 2010

Wanna be a Barn Chick?

My friend Karen over at Brayton Homestead Interiors is putting together a little Barn Party.
On August 6th she's inviting everyone over to show off their local barns. She had a great post of some of the local flavor up there in her native rural Massachusetts. She gussied herself up in her best barn attire and flirted with the camera to share some great photos of her hometown barns.

So then Barn Chicks was born.

Of course me and my big mouth said, "Heck yeah, Karen I want to do this too!", when I don't even have a pair of cowboy boots to my name. I have some close Texas friends so I guess I shouldn't divulge that sensitive information.

Now go visit Karen and sign up to show off your local barns. (they don't have to be yours personally)  I think it will be great fun to see the regional barns; their sizes, colors, and unique designs. Get as wild and crazy as you like!

Let's see, now where did I put those overalls?...

C'mon all you Barn Chicks, let's show 'em off!
Sign up at Karen's by leaving a comment.



  1. what a fun treat with the morning cuppa!
    You always have something brewn'

  2. Oh sounds like fun!!!
    Good morning..Blessed week!

  3. How much fun and I love the cuteness skirt and boots !
    I want to be a barn chick just to wear something like that :)


  4. I love a party and especially when I can wear my boots!

  5. My day is always brightened when i come by here.

  6. I joined too!!!!It is going to be fun:)I had better start taking photos:)
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  7. Sounds like fun, need to get my camera out too, thanks have a fun day

  8. Oh Yes! I actually have boots but it's because my hubs has a monster motorcycle and I am not tall:-( Her photo is too cute. I love old barns! Well any old building with great bones. hugs...olive

  9. I think it will be alot of fun, I'm already signed up. I just love old barns, and it will be fun looking for some to take photo's of. hugs~~~ Daphne

  10. Hello Debra... I just signed up too, how fun!!! I just got some "new" vintage cowgirl boots last week, can't wait to wear them to the party! You simply MUST get you some cowgirl boots, you would look adorable in them! xoxo Julie Marie PS I just posted my "new" old boots if you want to take a peek!

  11. Great idea. I should be able to round up a few pics. Thanks Debra
    Love your 4th of July redo....looks as good as Carolyns

  12. Thanks for stopping by Debra and the kind comments.

  13. Hey Debra, Well since my husband and I own a dairy farm in Wisconsin, this should be an easy one for me!! BUT you do NOT want to see me in my barn clothes~~and I'm talkin' bonafide barn clothes complete with cow poo and odor to go with it!! Barn photos I got!! (out my back door) Sounds like fun! Julie

  14. oh thank you Debra for the wonderful post! I was so thrilled to see my pic here- you are so kind.
    It is going to be alot of fun. I cannot wait to see everyones barn pics, I won't tell anyone about your lack of boots...



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