Friday, April 16, 2010

Winner of the Royal Treatment Give Away! (and an update!)

Keep Reading for the Update!

Before I announce the winner of the Royal Treatment Give Away I want to say some Thank Yous! I am always amazed at the love and kindness of you all out there. For every comment that is sweet and loving and generous; For the genuine friendships that I have found, and for the kindred spirit that is always shown.

(Queen Victoria)

And I want to say a special "thank you" for those of you who blogged, posted, and displayed my Give Away Button, and especially to those who have my blog listed on your blog roll! Since I started blogging last June the numbers of us have increased exponentially, (big word, does that make me sound smarter? Ha ha!) But it's true.

There aren't enough hours in the day to make it to all the fabulous new people and blogs, so I thank you for giving me a place of honor on your own blog. Sometimes mine feels ten yards long, but I want to keep track of you all! After this Give Away I have more wonderful friends to add!

Now to the good stuff, are you ready?

update here!!!

I have two Lisas, and due to my mixup in going by my email
instead of my comment section,

we have two wonderful gals named Lisa
 getting the Royal Treatment!

I'm a big believer in no coincidences
so I'll get to give out two Give-Aways
 which is what I've done the last two times!

Lisa of Pupylov

Lisa of Tarnished and Tattered

these are the two winners of the Crown Give Away!

and wait!

 I have 3 other small tokens of appreciation
to those of you who have me on your blog!

This was just a little multiple Give Away
of a some little goodies
to bless a few of you
 who have linked back to me.

Thank You, Sweet Friends!

Sissie of Sissie's Shabby Cottage,

Rose of My Bella Rosa,

and Margaret of The French Bear.

If you wonderful ladies would email me your info,
I'll start wrapping!

If any of you are interested in having one
of these lovely crowns of your own,
just let me know and I will
put you in touch with my
good friend Kenda.

Thank you dear Friends!
you are loved!



  1. But....but....what about ME???


    Congrats to Lisa and all the other lucky ladies!


  2. Hi Debra. Congratulations to Lisa. I won one of her wonderful giveaways earlier this year. I'm happy to her that the blessing has come full circle.

    And congrats to Sissy, Rose & Margaret!!!

    Have a blessed weekend Debra. Hugs...Tracy :)

  3. Lisa is a good friend of mine so I guess if I couldn't win, I'm happy that she did! ;o)Congrats to the other winners as well!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend Debra!

  4. Congratulations to the lovely Lisa! Twyla

  5. How exciting I get to share with Lisa! I love her blog too! She is super sweet! I am honored that we won together! Thank you for being so sweet. I so agree with your thoughts on blogging. We have a great community here. I thought when I started in March '09 that everyone else had been doing this for years. Only to come up on my anniversary to find so many others also started with me! I treasure my blog friends and I am proud you are one of them.
    Hugs, Lisa
    I am off to email you!

  6. Hello Debra, I'm so glad to be here so I can explore your blog. By the way, you are definitely entered in my blog giveaway....I was having tech difficulties today. I apologize if you experienced any frustration!

  7. Hi Debra,
    Ooh, ooh, I'm on the list! Yeah!!! I'm so excited.
    And how about those Lisas! I don't want to ever hear Lisa at Tattered and Tarnished whinning again about never winning anything,
    she won my giveaway too! Seriously, she is just the sweetest ever and I love teasing her!

    Congrats to both winners and the Bella Rosa
    and French Bear.

    You are the best Debra.


  8. Oh, so happy to see such lovely ladies win!!! Congratulations to them:)

  9. Congratulations to all those who won!

  10. Oh, Debra, you are loved! I so enjoy coming to visit you. Congratulations to your winners.
    bE a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  11. OHHH ,congratulations to all my sweet friends, -4 of them here on your list, they are ever so lucky :)
    You are so sweet,to give away so many wonderfull things.
    Have a great week-end.

  12. Congratulations to all of these sweet winners! You are the best to give away so much good stuff! Have a blessed day my friend!

  13. Congratulations ladies for your fine win, it is wonderful to see some win this stuff, I never win and almost always hesitate to even try, but I do, and it is fun, and I am happy to see the ladies win. Hugs Barbara

  14. yay for giveaways and yay for the winners!!!!

  15. Congratulations to all of those lucky winners! Hope you have a lovely weekend, Debra.

  16. Debra amor, I am just in shock...I can't believe your generosity in giving so many gifts :) Although I must say, I hadn't gotten to visit my blogs that much till today and saw your lovely comment on my blog :) Thank you! Also THANK YOU so much for the beautiful birthday wish you left for my mama, it means the world to me! I am printing them all out and putting them in her Bday card today, we to reschedule for today when she felt better :) Besos, Rose

  17. Well, congratulations to the winners...even if I am late, sugar! The crowns are lovely.

  18. how generous are you!
    congrats to all the lucky ladies. you are so nice...


  19. Congratulation's ladies!!


  20. Thanks for the visit to my blog on WW. Sorry it took me so long to get back with you. I'm liking what I see on your now I'm off to look around some more. Hope you are having a great weekend!

  21. WOW!!! Congrats to all your lucky winners. I just found your beautiful blog by way of Ms. Tattered & Tarnished. Beautiful.

  22. Debra, You have great taste in picking winners since both Lisa's are friends of mine (& Rose & Margaret too)! Congrats to both of them for they are truly deserving souls. So sweet of you to do the give away! Have a wonderful week. Charlene


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