Friday, October 4, 2019

The Fall Dining Room and Needlepoint Pumpkins

It's now October, but since the weather hasn't been very Fall-like, I'm still feeling the need for the "lighter version" of Fall Decor. When I was first adding Fall to the Dining Room I was going for Fall colors, but not anything dark and heavy. I don't want a bunch of that when it's 90 degrees outside. I started thinking about maybe using a vintage print on the buffet that had all the Fall feels, but still added some lighter color and a little "white".

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

All About Home Link Party #8

Welcome Friends, glad to have you here to party!

September has just sped by, and it's hard to believe it's the last day of the month. I always look forward to September since it's the beginning of all things Fall and usually the weather does at least a small cool down. But this year it's just been mostly hot and dry and really NOT at all like Fall. BUT there is hope for next week... low 70's and rain... YAY!!! 

No matter the weather, I think we've all realized it IS Fall now, 
and we're decorating and nesting no matter if it's 90 degrees or not! 

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Wagons and Wheelbarrows for Fall

Hi Friends and Happy Weekend!

I've been working on my front porch today getting it ready for Fall, and I really really wanted to bring out one of the goat carts for display, but I have hesitations because we live on a street with lots of school traffic. I've had things disappear from front porches before, so I thought I'd share a couple of peeks of what I'm doing on the porch, then share some pics from some of my previous cart and wagon fall

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