Sunday, September 25, 2016

My Favorite Urn...For Fall

I've had this Pottery Barn Urn for the last 5 years I think, and I have to say it's one of my favorite pieces to use in decor. It's almost always in use no matter what the season, but Fall has to be my favorite look. 

It's just the right size to plop in a big fat pumpkin, 
no matter whether it's faux or real.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Silhouette Script Chalkboard

I think most of us love a good chalkboard.
Big, small, simple or ornate;
vintage or new,
embellished script or childlike letters
...decorated for the Season.

But I'm not so good when it comes to hand lettering,
so I asked my Sis to help me out with a short message 
using her Silhouette machine.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Fall Container Plantings

I've been searching inspiration for doing some plantings for Fall out front
and I came across literally hundreds of examples of containers filled
with all the gorgeous colors of Autumn.

I tried to keep it to elements that were actually plantings,
so I thought I'd share just a little of all the many beautiful ideas.

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