Monday, June 1, 2015

Knowing the Truth...

...about the real cause of Heart Disease.

I'm going to be honest from the get-go. This is not a post about crafting a beautiful floral heart, but it's something that I'm very familiar with, and something that I personally, have to take very seriously. And so should each of you. I wanted to post a pretty picture, so you would know where my intentions are coming from. I'm posting this because I care about you all, and it's important information that you should all be aware of. Not for yourself only, but for your husbands, parents, children and grandchildren.

souce unknown
found on Pinterest

Saturday, May 30, 2015

A visit to Sandstone

Phone pics...I have a love/hate relationship with them. On one hand, I'm thrilled to have a way to capture images in my favorite shops spur of the moment, but on the other, mine are less than desirable straight off the photo roll. I took these images a couple of weeks ago when we were in Joplin. I'd never been to Sandstone Gardens, and it was a beautiful experience. The garden/green houses on each side of the main retail area were enough to make me want to come back. Oh, and the restaurant provided a wonderful lunch in French Country ambiance. 

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