Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Marketplace: Etsy and Online Boutique Showcase

Hi Everyone, it's time for
The Marketplace!
Here are some of the great links from last week:

Summer is now officially here 
and before we know it we'll be celebrating the 4th of July.
 I just love this America America Burlap Runner from Sweet Magnolias Farm

What's Summer without the Farmstand and this Farmhouse
from Anderson and Grant

These little creatures are amazing.
Just check out the Felted Wool Handmade Fox
from Wild Wood Hollow

 Add this wonderful old Vintage Green McCoy Water Pitcher
to your  summer table. from Vintage Chateau Chic

And speaking of Summer, this
from Oh Sister Sister
would be perfect for that casual evening out.

Today's sponsor is Leslie Janson who creates one-of-a-kind wonderful
upcycled jewelry and pillows. Her cuff bracelets are amazing.
You'll want to run by and check out her shop filled with beautiful new items!

thanks so much Leslie!

Time to link up to three of your Etsy Shop and Online Boutique items. You don't have to have a blog to join in. Please link to individual items if possible. And please make sure those items are FOR SALE. If you have a blog post about your items or your shop, that's great too, just make sure the items are for sale. If you have a blog it would be nice if you grabbed the image below for somewhere on your sidebar, (nice, but not mandatory) and please be a follower of Common Ground.

Thanks for joining in, and remember this link is open all week, 
so drop back by and check out the new items being listed.

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