Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Top Three from Vintage Inspiration

Hi Everyone, 
here are the top three from last week's party. 
We had a great turnout,
 thank you so much for joining in on the fun. 

My sweet friend Julie from Idyllhours, found herself in a vintage ornament dilemma, would she "simplify", or would there be just "one more tree". Julie has a stash of vintage Christmas that will make your head spin...these amazing pink beauties just have to be admired!

I'm always inspired with Kate's decorating and photos. You'll want to see all that's going on in her amazing Christmas Kitchen from Kate's Place. Bread boards and Plaid wrapping paper are just two of my favorite things!

And Trisha from Glass Slippers is dreaming of a vintage Christmas with her wonderful vintage ornaments and Christmas decor. Love this little vignette with a great scale and bottle brush trees!

Thanks so much for joining in last much Christmas fun!
Hope to see you Thursday morning for 
Vintage Inspiration

Hope you're having a wonderful week,

Chalkboard Cheater...

OK, I'm the first to admit that there have been several other gals who have beat me to posting about finding a way to do a "faux" chalkboard. It's not that I don't love real chalkboards and respect the huge amount of talent and patience that goes into creating those amazing works of art. It's just that this year, decorating for Christmas has been a rush job in every sense of the word.

So I just had to resort to cheating...

Above my sideboard in the hallway is a perfect spot for a chalkboard. I wanted that look without all the work. sounds bad...but Hey, I just love all the ones you all are doing out there. And then there's the fact that I hate to think about all the hours put into coming up with a fabulous creation, only to have to wipe it down the week after Christmas!

So I just bought some black foam board at Michael's and then proceeded to enlist the help of my sis and her trusty Silhouette Machine.

I think it's pretty good.
Maybe not the real thing, but I love the look.

I bought the chalk markers, so hopefully at some point I can try to create a more "realistic" one that actually resembles a chalkboard design. But until then, I can pop this one out and then beg my sister to make me another one...maybe one that says "Happy New Year". Have I told you what a great sister I have?

Yep, she's the Best!
(she reads my blog, too)

For some great Chalkboard Inspiration
Click Here for my Pinterest Page

I'll be joining in these fun parties this week:

Don't forget to check out all the fun shopping over here
at The Marketplace.
It's live all week.
Just scroll down to the next post.


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