Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Guess "Hoo" flew in...

You know I've been on a little bit of an Owl "kick" lately, so when I saw these two Halloween die cuts of owls at the Antiques Show last weekend, I had to snap them up. They flew in and perched here in the Entry Hall on my round mirror. LOVE any old die cuts and especially those from Halloween.

They join "Smiley" and a reproduction Halloween card

I know that original Halloween Postcards are really pricey. I had never even seen any in all the years of my flea marketing, until this last weekend. whoa...did I say pricey?
And here's a couple of pics from a great space at the Antiques Festival of the Ozarks this last weekend. "Come on In Antiques" from Seymour, Missouri. LOVE the "Boo"!!

We had a great time and even went back the next day to grab a few other things that we passed by on Saturday. The next show is in the Spring, try to make it if you can. There are so many great vendors.

If you haven't visited The Marketplace then scroll down to the last post to check out the great links.

Joining in for
 Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style

Saying prayers for all in the wake of Sandy,

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