Wednesday, October 10, 2012

On the Deck

More Outdoor Fall Stuff,
this time on the deck.

Here's the view from my kitchen window, out to the back deck. I like to keep a seasonal vignette out here and change it up every year, and I wanted to do something totally different this Fall. I usually use a small barnwood wheelbarrow, but this year I grabbed a little black French wagon and added the old bushel basket and a watering can as a backdrop.

We had a limb come down from one of the maples in front early in the summer, so I nabbed it before it could be cut into smaller pieces. Hubbs knows not to argue, just save the thing in the garage and don't ask questions....

Of course I had a plan!
Why not just hang a Fall sign for pumpkins from it?

Up until last week I still had a few straggling hummies, so the feeder has been out. If you want to read about those amazing little birds and their migration south, then it will give you a new sense of wonder about how God is so evident in nature.

 Hard to get a picturesque shot from here, but an old ice cream maker bucket and a white washed apple basket are holding a few more mums, along with a few of my old watering cans.

Love the rusty patina on that old bucket.

Now, the deck would not be complete without a hidden camera shot of one of my little stinkers. This little fellow and a smaller one have been sneaking around here messing with the pumpkins and eating those "preserved" leaves that you find at Michael's and Hobby Lobby. I cannot imagine that they taste good, and could even be dangerous, but they have a fascination with them. Each day there are fewer of them in the basket...yuck.

no chewing on the pumpkins, please...

Hope you're having a great week. 
Fall is finally here, 
and I'm loving it!
(naughty squirrels and all)

joining in for
Transformation Thursday at the Shabby Creek Cottage


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Have you ordered yours...?

I don't want to step on anyone else's toes, but just wanted to tell you that just a week or so ago I ordered Marian's (aka "Miss Mustard Seed") new book from Nelson Thomas Inspired You, on her blog's pre-order link.  And what a surprise when it showed up in my mailbox today! I've just thumbed through it and it looks wonderful. I can't wait to settle down to read it. For a link to the site Just click here. You'll also enjoy a video about the book in her own words.

Dreams DO come true.

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