Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Let's Shop, Monday Marketplace #28

Hi everyone. Hope you had a great extended weekend. You all may be like me and always seem to find the Labor Day weekend as a "working weekend". We had a productive one, as after seven years, we've finally managed to get both cars in the garage. Yes, I said both cars, at the same time! Yay! Years of buying and selling junk, has now been corralled into something manageable, at least as far as the garage is concerned. The house is another matter, LOL!

On to Monday Marketplace...
here are some great links from last week.

Burlap and Lace Farmhouse Wreath
 from Counting Your Blessings

from Primp Junxtion

from Ticking and Toile

Eyelet Adorned Little Burlap Bag 
from Town and Country Living

And be sure and check out Dee's great
today's sponsor spotlight

French Bleu Vintage

This linky is for items that are "For Sale" in your Etsy Shops and Online Stores and Boutiques. If you have great vintage posts, or DIY's please come back on Thursday for Vintage Inspiration. This linky is a shopping linky only. If you have a blog, there's room to type that in so we can know who you are, but you don't have to have a blog to link up your items. Feel free to link up to three of your individual items. And, If you do have a blog I'd love you to grab the Monday Marketplace button on the sidebar to share on your blog. That just let's more people know where to come to shop. Thanks for joining in each week, and be sure and come back during the week to check out new items being listed here. 

Have a great week,

New Posts in Your In-Box