Sunday, August 5, 2012

Give Away with Sweet Magnolia's Farm

There are some things that just say "HOME" to me.
 Pretty tea towels hanging in the kitchen are one of those things.

The gals from Sweet Magnolia's Farm are my newest sponsors and they'd like to offer one of my readers a "Hello" gift with your choice of one of their tea towels in a wonderful farmhouse design.

So many fun designs, one that would suit any kitchen.
(don't you love that teensy Gingham Check?)

Be sure and check out their Etsy Shop for other Farmhouse Wares and designs

So let's make it easy to enter. Just leave a comment here on this post, and then for an extra entry run by their blog and join in as a follower. Extra entries also for tweeting, facebooking, or blogging about the giveaway. Be sure and leave a separate comment for each entry. Give Away closes Friday Evening, August 10.

Hope your weekend is off to a great start.

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