Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July Outdoors Tablescape

I'm not a "Tablescaper" by any stretch of the imagination,
but I do like to put together a fun and festive holiday display.

I have "bits and pieces" of transferware, not complete sets, so I grabbed what I had of the blue/red and mixed them up with some standard white vintage plates, to put together a little outdoors soiree.

Whitewashed flower pots with old seed packets hold the silverware

While one of my heavy duty Homer Laughlin pitchers 
holds some daisies and flags

I layered old tablecloths and vintage linens for an extra "picnic-y" feel.

croquet anyone?

Hope you have a fun 4th of July!
We'll be celebrating our younger daughter and her husband's birthdays
with some pool party craziness.

If you haven't entered my Big Book Give Away 
of Carolyn Westbrook's new book, 
"Through the French Door"

Some of you may not know this, but I have another blog, 
My posts have been a little sporadic this year, 
but I'd love to have you come by and visit.

I'll be joining in for these parties:


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