Friday, January 27, 2012

I guess I'm on board...

I've been showing my age this week by admitting
 that Sunburst Mirrors are a throwback to my youth. 
Even as a little kid, I much preferred antiques to trends.

But I have to admit that the resurgence of this particular design 
has been swaying me a little.

They're starting to look good...
really good...
and I decided that I wanted to get on board of the train.

My older daughter does trends "well".
She knows when to jump in,
and in a conversation just yesterday she said,
"Mom, you might as well go for it,
cause you're going to end up liking them anyway,
Don't be late to the party."

I like how the design can go from these more formal rooms...

to a more "informal" setting.
Classic or trendy...

Source: via Debra on Pinterest

Source: via Debra on Pinterest

and made from some alternative sources...

Source: via Debra on Pinterest

Source: via Debra on Pinterest

I guess they are a decor accessory that's here to stay...
at least for awhile.

I'll show you where mine is going next week!

Don't forget Vintage Inspiration is still going strong,
just scroll down to the next post.


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