Sunday, October 2, 2011

Updating a Fall Pumpkin Topiary

The winner of the ugliest pumpkin contest...

Oh, did you miss that contest?
Well, if there would have been one
I would have been the winner, hands down!

(after makeover)

yep, I had some pretty uuuuuugggglllly fugly pumpkins.

A few years ago I made a pumpkin topiary for my entry.
I still liked it,
but the elusive "lumina" pumpkins have been my muse.

(before makeover)

so I grabbed my trusty paint brush and transformed those babies into, 
if not things of beauty...
well at least better!

Welcome to my laboratory!

A coat of this gray mixture slathered on all my projects as an undercoat...

The babies awaiting final touches...

multiple coats to look more dimensional...

I know I'm only about the 500th person to show their painted pumpkins,
but I really did enjoy giving them an updated look.

Say Hello to this fella below,
He was the culprit.
no before photo...
too hideous...
Alligator skin syndrome...

at least now he's presentable...
blending in...
 hanging out with the others in the wagon on the porch.

And now everyone's back together again in the Entry Hall!

ta da!!

And for another of my Fall projects...

Fun vintage key pendant with some Fall flavor

I'm updating this post to join in for

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