Monday, September 26, 2011

Decorating a Fall Mantel in the Living Room

When I made the change to white this summer
 in my Living Room color scheme,
for some reason
I thought it might be harder to come up with mantel decor.
But in reality it's been so much easier.

For the last six years I've purchased vintage items that
complimented a white palette, even though my Living Room
wasn't "there" yet.

I've had booth space at antique malls that were mostly white
and "all white" for years.
I guess it was just harder making that transition at home.
It was a big decision and job to accomplish that,
but I'm really loving the result.

And with the coming of Fall
I just wanted to keep it simple on the mantel
using orange and neutrals as accent colors.

So many of you have asked if we have plans on painting
the mantel and beams white.
I don't think so.
I really love the rustic contrast they give,
and since I still have a few pieces of dark furniture,
I think I'll keep them this way.

I've had these matching vintage photo frames for several years, they are of a man and wife on vacation snapping the customary "photo ops". Love their sepia tones and real vintage feel. The antique white floral bouquet iron doorstop is still here taking center stage.

Satin fabric pumpkins sit atop my white iron urns.

old book bundles tied with jute string

I wanted a little more contrast on the hearth,
so I'm using an old card table for a fireplace screen for now.
The colors compliment the season.

A new rusty birdcage...

and my, (er hubbs), old demijohns

with a recently painted pumpkin add the contrast I wanted.

We really love this room now;
it's so much more welcoming and inviting.

I'm linking with these parties this week.

The Lettered Cottage for Fall Mantels

and Vintage Inspiration Friday

I'll be doing front porch and door decor
for VIF this week,
so if you have posts please come link up on Thursday afternoon!

I've been having a lot of fun decorating for Fall
and I have tons more stuff to share!


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