Friday, February 11, 2011

Vintage Inspiration Friday #24 Vintage Valentine Party

I guess if you want to be a little foo-foo,
then Valentine's Day is the perfect Holiday.

(these sweeties are BIG...over a foot tall)

And since Valentine's Day is about romance,
I thought I'd share a few of my vintage Frenchy couple figurines from Japan.
Try saying that fast three times...

I believe in letting a house somewhat dictate the mood and style of decor.
and since this house has a little Country French feel
I started collecting these figurines when we moved here.
My toile wallpaper is gone, but I still love my ladies and gents.

They live in my nick knack cupboard in my Dining Room.
I thought it would be fun to have them kiss.
Remember how we made Barbie and Ken smooch...?
but I couldn't arrange that and still take a picture.

A few years ago I started finding these little cherub pieces too,
They should be filled with dainty Valentine confections...
vous ne pensez, pas?
(don't you think?)
just love Google Translate!

My sis has resisted the "foofy gene",
so these fell to me.

This cherub chariot was broken,
but nothing a little china epoxy wouldn't mend.

Love the attention to detail...

aaaahhhh, those tiny rosebuds....

Maybe some day I'll get around to painting this little cabinet white.

hope you enjoyed a little frenchy romance!


And now for a few great party posts from last week.

Vintage Candy Box

Bathroom Makeover
(the towel rack with silver trays...ohmygosh!!!)

Valentine Cushion

Potting Bench 

There are so many great posts out there,
I just can't show them all!
Drop by these that are featured to see the rest of the inspiration.
(don't forget to grab the "featured on" button)

Hope you can join in for
 Vintage Inspiration Friday
Valentine Party!

Anything romantic or vintage inspired!

Today I'm linking with

Have a romantic weekend!
hugs and kisses,

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Romancing the Sideboard

This is my week for guesting over at the French Cupboard,
so if you're still up for a little Valentine fun
come on over!

For a view through the looking glass

I'm also linking up with Kathleen

And Kim for the very first

Have a Romantic Week, dear friends!!
Hope to see you for
Vintage Inspiration Friday


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Share the Love Valentine's Sale

What better way to share some Valentine's Day love
than to have a little Etsy Sale!

and use the code FEB2011

If you'd like something special, just email or convo me at Etsy...
watches, cupids, hearts, crosses, crowns, even an Eiffel Tower

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Vintage Inspiration Friday # 23 Valentine Sunroom

Guess what time it is.....?
Yep, you guessed it.
Time for a Valentine Porch Post!

Honestly, if it hadn't been for Jill, Miss Gypsy Brocante
I'd still be looking at red and green plaid and a few leftover Christmas goodies.

She enticed me to romance my sunroom for Valentine's Day,
when she asked me to be her first featured porch on her new

So I turned on the little heater
grabbed some pink, red, and romantic
and set to work.

If you haven't visited Jill's new get together on Mondays
be sure and drop by.
We'll all be sitting out there having our morning coffee.
(Gosh, don't you wish we really could?)

Can we collectively have a sigh for Spring to arrive?

Thanks Jill, for the motivation,
 I feel a little like the proverbial groundhog out here;
climbing out of my warm nest to check and see if there is a shadow!

Thanks for dropping by the porch,
next month I'm hoping for a hint of Spring.

I love this next part of VIF,
sharing a few inspiring posts from last week.

I do this sort of randomly,
so your time is coming!!

Hearts and Ribbons

Vintage Baby Clothes

Sit Here

My Favorite Pop of Color

Be sure and grab the button for next week's
Vintage Valentine Party
...anything vintage romance!

And here's a "Featured On VIF" button for your sidebar.

Today, I'm linking up with my pal Courtney over at

and Cindy at My Romantic Home

I'd love it if you'd grab my VIF button on the sidebar
and link up within your post.

Then visit a few others to say "Hi"!
Hope you'll join in by linking up anything
Vintage Inspired!

love you all,

New Posts in Your In-Box