Friday, February 18, 2011

Vintage Inspiration Friday #25: Where to find it

                                                            ... Inspiration, that is.

Nothing like a day at an Antique Show (Antique Festival of the Ozarks' first show) for some great shopping or to give you some fun ideas for displays! I'm always ready for a trip to a great store, Open House, or show, to get those creative juices flowing. And I guess they were, because I left the show Saturday and went directly to find another booth space! Who knew...?? I like to "shake things up" every once in a while, and I was definitely in the mood to do some shakin'! Not to mention just trying to clean out the garage. My house has become another storage unit, and it's time to take it back from "Hoarders".

These next few photos are from

Brian was here, but Meloney was in Houston at the Urban Market.

These are a few of Brian's great zinc top tables.

I forgot to ask what this was, but it was really cool.

And here's Sheila's space.
 She has the most wonderful old Victorian house in Billings, Missouri,
 that she and some very talented people host
once monthly sales.

(I'm seriously in love with this cabinet)

She's hiding here.
so cute, sweet, and talented!

And for some more inspiration from last week's party...

I've said this a bunch of times,
 but Theresa Cano has been my main inspiration since day 1 of blogging.
She's generous, kind, beautiful, creative and talented!
She was my first blog crush, and she added me to her blog roll.
Her slideshows are where I head with my first cup of coffee.
LOVE, love, love her!!
Thank You, Sweet T!

Vintage Valentines

Button Heart

New sofa love

(I'm a quilt lover and Brenda has some amazing ones)

Hope you'll join in for
 Vintage Inspiration Friday
anything vintage or vintage inspired!

Hopefully, I'll have photos of my new space next time.
I'm moving in this weekend!

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