Monday, January 17, 2011

a la vie!

Our sweet younger daughter
 sent us this wonderful bottle of white bubbly
  for our Anniversary last month.
We haven't had a chance to enjoy it as yet,
 so every time I open the fridge,
 there it sets, just looking all pretty in pink and white.

I know right now that I'll save this lovely bottle and label.
I get happy just looking at it!

My Honey found this frenchy wine carrier for me over the Holidays so I thought I'd take a few photos after being inspired by my bud, Anne. She has a wonderful new camera, and is venturing out into some
exciting new opportunities in photography.

A small bouquet from said daughter's wedding,
and some vintage wine glasses complete the setting. 

Thinking of Valentine's Day
I just get a little romantic.

So here's to friends' new adventures,
darling daughters,
sweet husbands,
and to
 all of you!

"to life!"

I'm linking to Marty

Hope you're having a wonderful week!

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