Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Out and About, Thank You, and a Winner!

The Market,
 here in Springfield
is one of my favorite places to go for inspiration.
Just thought I'd share a few photos from my last visit.
This is just one area of this gorgeous store.

and the winner?
...sorry, you have to look at the pretty pictures first!

I'm linking up with Kathleen at Faded Charm for
White Wednesday

Before I announce the winner, I just want to say Thank You all so much for all the encouragement that you've given me with my jewelry and the new Etsy Shop. I so appreciate you all visiting and entering the Give Away. Remember that if you saw something you like and it's no longer available, I can try to come up with something similar for you.

And the winner of the
 Design Your Own Give Away
 is Stanna from the Shabby Loft!

Stanna just email me and I'll let you design what you'd love!

I'm spreading the word about my new weekly get together called

Vintage Inspiration Friday

starting Thursday evening, September 2
just click on the sidebar button for details.

love to you all,

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Vintage Inspiration Friday

With fall just around the corner,
Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas,
ideas start swirling in our heads.

No, it's not too soon to start gathering our inspiration
for all that this time of year has in store.

I've been thinking about this for awhile and thought it might be fun to have one day of the week that lets us share our inspiration. I know there are a lot of parties out there. I love to join in also. Just think of this as a way to not only share our creative ideas, but also give credit to the source. Is it a magazine article or photo, designer, place, shop, book, word, color, another blog or blogger? The possibilities are endless. We have so many sources of "inspiration" let's celebrate ideas and inspired creativity. And if it's your own idea, that's still wonderful, feel free to share. We'd love to see it!

Last fall I found so many wonderful ideas for holiday decorating from magazines that I had stored away in files. Blogging gave me an opportunity to try out some projects that I had been wanting to do. Feel free to combine other parties, I just ask that your topic and post be "vintagely inspired". Please include that "inspired idea" somewhere in your post. Old posts or new. Feel free to use an idea and pictures from a previous post. I know I have several that I will re-use. I never get tired of a great idea!

I'll be setting up a linky on Thursday evenings at about 5:00 or 6:00 pm CST. And I'll take links all weekend. Now, I've never done a party or "linky" before, so keep a good thought for me as I get this rolling. We'll start Thursday evening, September 2. I know this is Labor Day Weekend, but join in if you can.

It doesn't have to be long and involved, just share what's on your mind with the upcoming holidays, decorating, crafts, renovation, a furniture or room re-do, a recipe; etc. you get the idea. An inspiration photo would be great. And if you have a finished creation, even better.(We'd also love to see the process). Don't feel like it has to be a major production. Let's just share our "inspiration"!

I have a button, and I'd love for you to grab it and display on your sidebar and post. Even if you don't join in every week, it will keep you thinking about a future idea. Please be sure and link back to Common Ground in your post.

Come on...Let's share that Inspiration!

You still have a few days to enter the
Design Your Own Give Away!

Lots of love to you all!
let's have some fun.
no pressure...
just fun.


Friday, August 13, 2010

Hoarders Party

Do you ever feel like this?
Drowning in a sea of stuff?

I know I have, and not THAT long ago.
In this last year of blogging
I've "outed" myself several times.

and now?...
things are much improved!

We've been on a major mission this summer to
clean up and get somewhat organized.

OK, how organized can you be if you have an antique mall space?
I'm just sayin'...

You HAVE to have a stash of stuff at the ready
since you never know when something will sell,
and hey, there has to be back up!

So these photos from my garage are really pretty good for ME!
Considering up until last fall you couldn't even get a car in here.

Now, instead of being packed to the ceiling,
 it's only half way up!

And my storage room downstairs has been lined with shelving
so you can actually get in there now without risking a trip to the ER!

So go and check out Shelly at Bungalow Bling
She's throwing a party for all us hoarders
and for the crafts that have gone wrong.
got any of those?


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