Tuesday, May 25, 2010

She ain't heavy...she's my fountain

Look at this lovely old fountain...
isn't she just the sweetest?

I found her in St. Louis a few weeks ago.
She called to me from an alleyway amidst other concrete treasures.
I had to have her.

Who would think that she could make a grown man
cower in pain and agony?

And then be blamed (along with me)
for a week's worth of discomfort
...I'm just sayin...

Here's another back breaker from a couple of years ago...

What is it with the heavy stuff,
that just makes me swoon?

This little fella isn't quite so heavy
but he's definitely a "two hander".

Not too heavy,
but wouldn't want this concrete doorstop
landing on my tootsies.

And speaking of sweet husbands...
This is my Birthday clock,
wonder why he likes to remind me what time it is?
I've stopped counting Birthdays!

Love the detail.

And finally, an urn that sweet husband bought for me
from Pottery Barn.

When he first saw it he complained that there wasn't any way
EVER he was carrying that sucker out to the car.

But that was before my dear sweetheart
realized it wasn't heavy,
just made to look that way...

Oh, the joys of shopping,
old or new,
heavy or light.

But wouldn't trade my guy for anything...
not anything.

Say Hi to...

Marty at A Stroll Thru Life

Kathleen at Faded Charm

Thanks Gals!

Hope you're having a fun week!
I'm still waiting for the wallpaper I ordered to get in...

Thanks for letting me share this random post
to keep myself from storming the home decor store.

love ya,

Monday, May 24, 2010

Purse Alert!

Hi Everyone! No, I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth, but I STILL am in some sort of alternate universe where my house is in chaos, projects are half finished, and oh doodle, I have company coming on Thursday! Can this situation be saved by anyone except the "Lone Wallpaper Ranger" and a faithful wallpaper companion, or two?

Well, I'm not really complaining, just antsy to get the rest of the Dining Room done, before I go cuckoo and load a dumpster full of nic nacs and mismatched china!

So taking a break from insanity, I wanted to share some photos of a purse I purchased from

She's having a give away too, so be sure and enter!!!
last week.  I had been stalking her blog and then her new website for weeks! I finally decided on one that is in neutrals, so it would "go with everything", which seems to be my new mantra for not only decorating, clothing, accessories, and now life in general. Is it age? Hmmmm....? Maybe I won't go there.

I could have posed with it and taken pictures, but good grief, it's almost 2:00 in the afternoon, and I'm still in my pajamas, so I'll save us all the embarrassment and just hang this cutie on my TV armoire door.

Honestly, I'm not lazy, just worked all weekend outside in cleaning up the pool area, washing outside furniture, planting, painting misc. "stuff", and generally being the energizer bunny. So today, I'm being a bum.

Enough about me, look at this darling specimen of vintage yumminess! The attention to detail! The handcraftsmanship, (whew, big word for, dang, this girl does great work!) Ooodles of vintage charm...a brooch, lace, fringe, oh golly I'm just in love with it!!!

You can have one too, just not one like mine,
since all are one-of-a-kind fabulousness!

So. Go. Check. Out. Daphne's wonderful creations! She will even let you have a hand in sharing your own ideas for creating something fabulous, just for yourself!

OK, got's to get on the ball around here!
Hey, I have more projects to start that I can only get half done.
Hope you are having a great week,
it's hotter than Texas here right now!

love you all!

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