Monday, February 8, 2010

Everything but the Kitchen Sink: Give Aways, Awards and My Surprise News

First of all My Surprise News, which while may not seem like a lot to some of you, is actually a pretty wonderful and exciting "Big Deal" for little ol' me. Since last February when I had to pretty much "cease and desist" from the scene of antique store spaces and flea market booths due to health reasons, I have felt a void in my life. Yes, I needed to cut back drastically and slow way down, but I still missed the junkin' life. I have had a small "closet" booth at Spring Creek Tea Room and Antiques, and it was good for me to have, but because of the size (5x7) I was really limited in my display fun and amount of merchandise that I could bring in.

Spring Creek Tea Room
Ozark, Missouri
(photo taken last fall)

This place is always packed, Tuesday thru Saturday.
With the best lunch in the area.

And as you sit here savoring
your wonderful chicken salad
and drooling into your Milky Way Cake,
you will be able to see my
 new booth space.


This is my "little closet"...


That I have right now.

And this is where I will be headed as of March 15.
Twice the size, and in a wonderful location.

Now keep in mind
 this is not my "stuff",
but the space itself.
It is directly across from the tea room
and highly visible. Yeah!!

I have tried doing a close up of these chippy doors
which I will get to keep,
but my computer will not cooperate.
So these are the "befores" of the space.

Keep a good thought for me as I get to redecorate
this spot and bring in lots of fun things...
all things vintage, shabby, cottage, farmhouse, girlie,
garden, and just a touch of "ooh la la"!

And now for the Give Aways!

"World's Sweetest Blogger"
is having a celebration giveaway
for her 3rd. Blogiversary.

And the super talented Rebecca from
is having a give away
of the most gorgeous necklace,
to celebrate her 200th follower.

And thank you sweet Debbie from Talking Trash
and the vivacious Robelyn of Red Neck Chic
for awarding me with the 
Not a Stepford Blog Award. 
Love You!

Thanks for hanging in there with me
for this multi-faceted news program!

Hope you're off to a great Monday!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Silver Sunday, Vintage Jewelry

I have to admit that last week when I said
 I was running out of silver to share,
 I had forgotten about my jewelry pieces
 that I have put together in the past.

I started playing with making jewelry a few years ago,
but when I left my space last year
 I didn't have a place to sell it,
so it sort of landed in my own stash,
and I have been enjoying the fruit of my past labor.

OK, as my bloggy bud Anne calls it,
the hoarder's disease...

Guilty as charged.

It's hard to locate the right vintage pieces that
are "cost effective" as my CPA husband calls it.
So lack of resources and lack of an outlet to sell,
have caused me to just play and let that be that.

But I wanted to share with you a few pieces
 of gorgeous vintage rhinestone pins and shoe clips
that I found last weekend.

I have thought about a "blog shop" and may
try to list a few things here a little later.
Etsy feels intimidating at this moment...

and I have some exciting news
to share this next week...

so stay tuned.

Can I say I'm totally pumped and excited?

Yes, I'm totally pumped and excited!

I found this vintage looking mercury glass votive cup
 at  Inspirational Home this last Christmas.

I love this old painted silver mirror,
all chippy and wonderful,
and for some fun displays
a couple of items from my silver stash. 

Come back next week and I'll share some plans
about a new space at Spring Creek.

Thank you Beth at Gypsy Fish Journal.
I'm looking forward to the monthly party
that will be coming up!

Have a wonderful Silver Sunday!


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