Tuesday, January 26, 2010

White Wednesday, Meet Lucy

If you have been visiting my blog for a while, you might have seen Miss Lucy, (as in goosey) in some of my Dining Room photos. She has a nest in my wrought iron French basket that resides on my Dining Room table. She's pretty quiet and doesn't raise much of a fuss.

She's content to watch over all the sheep that congregate there also. Miss Lucy has seen better days, as she has lost the little plastic "eyes" that she once had, and the time she spent in the elements has caused her to crack and chip in places. After all, she is just an old cardboard decoy, that men have used as "bait" for their exploits. But she found a place in my heart and she came home with me about 2 years ago, to be given a place of honor at my table.

Whatever the season or the holiday,
she receives a new "floral nest"...

And a fresh ribbon with which she celebrates.

She is a slightly odd little duck that gives me great delight.

 Here is to celebrating those things
that may seem odd to others,
(like an old beat-up cardboard decoy)
but bring us unexpected joy!


Now, for more fun please visit Kathleen,

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Silver Sunday, Tea Anyone...?

On a lazy Sunday afternoon, anyone for tea?

I love old silver,
but much of it is out of my price range.
So what I have, are bits and pieces
 I've collected from my flea market adventures.

This set was black with tarnish when I found it,

but I knew something wonderful was hidden underneath.

This is my wedding china, really French faience;
heavier and hand painted.
No two pieces are exactly alike.

Pewter tea tin...

With my favorite Scottish biscuits,
 "McVitties Digestibles".
They taste a little like graham crackers,
but more dense.

my "new" silver spoons,
and "old" butter knives.

Oh and let's not forget the Crabtree & Evelyn.

The tray isn't very heavy and it's a completely
 different style from the Georgian tea set,
but I love the ornate design, vintage by Wallace.

A lot of people like their silver tarnished.
And I have certain pieces that I do,
but silver is such a gorgeous metal
I like to keep mine shined.


Hope you have a delicious day!

Drop by and visit Beth over at
for a day of Silver inspiration.

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