Friday, December 4, 2009

"Share the Joy" Holiday Party

Bella Dreams is having a Party!

A "Share the Joy" Holiday
Decorating and Craft Blog Party!

The party is an all inclusive fabulous fun trip
 of anything Christmas!
So be sure and head on over after your visit.
Names of participants are on the left side bar.

Last fall I shared my "Holiday Cupboard"
that is in my family room downstairs.
I rescued it from my flea market space a few years ago.
It holds whatever the season brings
 in kitch and cottage-y fun.

Vintage white pottery vases of all kinds are my staple.
Although, for this Christmas, many of them have had to
find temporary homes elsewhere in the house.

Putz houses, paper and chalk churches, old candy tins,
and nativity lambs all live together in perfect harmony!

This is one of my favorites,
 a "Sees" candy promotional sleigh.

And look who's driving...
a flying squirrel, in goggles, no less!

Tiny top shelf for paper houses.

Plaid tray with dog

Nativity set lambs.
 Oh, you know I just love these little babies!

And vintage children's Christmas picture books.

A Stack of painted white suitcases tops it all off.

Christmas is such a wonderful time of year.
 I've decorated with new eyes
and a fresh perspective this year,
and it has been such fun!

Love to each of you,
and the best of Christmas wishes!

p.s. I'm a little behind in visiting everyone,
I hope to catch up with all of you this weekend!

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