Monday, November 16, 2009

Thanksgiving?, no wait... Christmas?

I think that I'm having symptoms of something that's going around. Are you feelin' it? Confusion, dizziness, listlessness, sweaty-ness, hyperactivity? Yes, you are? You feel "torn" and undecided? A little like Jim Carrey in the movie "Me, Myself and Irene"? ...yes, I'm talking schizophrenia here. Multiple personality disorder.
I'm talking, do I decorate for Christmas early, so I can enjoy it for a little longer, or do I stay true to my traditionalist roots and just hunker down and wait for Thanksgiving to be celebrated in a proper manner?
Ooohhh, I'm just having the worst time trying to decide!

The happy side says, "yes, go on, you know you don't have enough time after Thanksgiving and you are always in a rush." The unhappy side says. "What are you thinking? You have some wonderful vintage Turkeys and Thanksgiving decor. You've never done this before. Snap out of it!!!!"

So to try to alleviate the indecision and tug of war, I have decided to make a little compromise, just a smidgen of a compromise. I'm removing the colorful fall foliage, all the bright neon orange (I love it, but I'm ready to move on) and I'm adding in some faux evergreen, pine cones and hydrangeas. I'm on the edge, but trying to be sensitive to my love of this special holiday, Thanksgiving.

(image Martha Stewart Living)

Why, oh why, couldn't our founding fathers and government officials have realized that the last week in November is just too late for us decor people. Men, they just don't think of these important concepts!!
So I'm working toward making the transition a little easier. Usually I spend a week trying to change it all up, only to be exhausted and cranky, with a million boxes and a big mess. I'm trying to ease into it, so when November 29th gets here (when the kids go back to St. Louis) I can at least have a little "jump" on things!

I will keep the hydrangeas and the winter greenery,
 and just change out the white pumpkins
 for something more Christmas-y.

(more on this little tree later)

Living room mantle with a few vintage turkeys
and new evergreen topiaries bagged in burlap.
(my new "favorite thing")

Now tell me, how could I not give these cute fellas their "moment"?

The turkeys will probably be replaced
with a few of my Christmas churches,
and I will add some tiny twinkle lights.

Sunroom wreath that is my new header photo

Like I have said, the sunroom is the first place
in the house that feels the change of season.

Favorite quilt without the pillow
(usually, there is a cat attached)

Little vintage partridge

Kitchen centerpiece is still filled with fall pumpkins,
 but when November 29 gets here...

...out they go, with a hurricane glass,
 candle, and some holly berries replacing it.

OK, now I'm feeling better that I have opened
 up about my decorating dilemma.
But, I'm still feeling a little like Jim...

Have a great day!

p.s. No disrespect to the mental health community or anyone suffering from this problem, just a little levity here.

p.p.s. If you haven't seen the previous post on the Christmas Open House at Inspirational Home, be sure and scroll down. I will have more photos of this great store for "White Wednesday"

Sunday, November 15, 2009

It's Christmas at Inspirational Home

Debra Moore had her wonderful Christmas Open House at Inspirational Home last week, but I wanted to give it plenty of it's own applause, so I'm posting the first of two segments. This Wednesday on "White Wednesday" I will show off all the gorgeous white displays that can be found.

Debra's office window

Globe ornaments

Santas are everywhere

This is an amazing cabinet, metal drawers
and original hardware in a wooden casement.

Olde World Santa

Vintage keys and clocks adorn a tree.

Amazing Italian door

My favorite, the Garden Room

Beautiful Paper-whites, and Amaryllis bulbs

Upstairs some Gingerbread fun!

Inspirational Home is located in Springfield, Missouri
3830 S. Lone Pine

Drop in for some Holiday Inspiration!

Friday, November 13, 2009


The jewels of color that adorned the trees last week,
 now lay scattered on the ground,
...still beautiful.

Finding beauty in the change of seasons,


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Vintage Black Friday, Flea Market Finds

With only two Vintage Black Fridays left,
I still have a lot of images to share.

These are a few that I grouped in my Living Room
resting on my antique embroidered velvet crazy quilt.
All these items were found at flea markets this last year.

Even this Bible and crucifix from the 1930's.

This lovely depiction of Jesus is the one exception.
 I found it at Inspirational Home here in Springfield.
Which reminds me, that next week I will be showcasing
Inspirational Home for their Christmas Open House.

My husband got me started with my fascination with daguerreotypes a few years ago. I don't have many but I love that they are remembrances carried with loved ones.

And since it's almost Thanksgiving I thought I'd add
a black and white image of a vintage post card.


Time is about to run out for Vintage Black Friday.
If you haven't joined in yet please head to
Gypsy Brocante and say Hello to Jill.

And look at the wonderful surprise I received
 from The Gypsy herself!

She put together an incredible assortment of
vintage goodies to make a wonderful art piece!

Can't wait to get started.
Thank you Jill, for your sweet gift!

Don't you just adore this black and white tissue paper?
It's just the beginning of the wonderful goodies.

Darling cabinet card, doilie, black buttons, lace...

vintage bingo card, dictionary pages, key, silver spoon handle...
Oh my goodness. It's all wonderful!

Have a wonderful Friday,
full of Vintage Fun!


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