Monday, September 21, 2009

Fall Colors at Spring Creek and a "Time Out"

I wanted to share with you some of the fall decorating at Spring Creek. I did a little "fluffing" of my own booth, but I wanted to show some of the other great spaces and fun decor that's in the store this last week. Autumn colors and Halloween fun are showing up all around. You can see the variety of merchandise that's offered. From elegant old world and Country French to primitives and everything in between.

I guess I'd better clarify that all this great stuff isn't mine, but in all the many other booth spaces at Spring Creek. I'd like to take credit, but I have a much more humble little area. I'll try to show it later on in the week.

(Be sure to enlarge the photos for great details)

I just love these rustic orange chairs.

Love this color and the great detail

I usually share my junkin' escapades on Monday, but I've decided to concentrate on selling a few things, instead of buying more for a while. Trying to manage my inventory, hopefully make a place in the garage.

I will probably (not sure, but it's looking like that is the best option) be going into the hospital for some tests this week. Things to try to take care of in advance to "head them off at the pass" so to speak, defensive healthcare. All of you that have been with me since the beginning know that I have had open heart bypass surgery and have an hereditary condition known as atherosclerosis. It took my Dad at a young 70, but my brother passed at 44.
I take good care of myself, don't smoke, eat right and take my meds.This is just some kind of wacky thing that I am trusting God with. He knows my needs and I know I'm in His hands.
So if I'm absent this week it's because I'm probably having another stent put in, but I've been through this before and I know "the drill".
So please remember me in prayer, and I will miss being in touch with you all. Yikes, it will be withdrawal not to have my computer with  me!
You all have a great week, and hopefully I'll be back by the end of the week.

Hugs and love,

p.s. Everyone going to the shows, have a great, safe time...I'll be waiting to hear all about it.

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