Thursday, July 2, 2009

Leola's Vintage Home and Garden

Do you have a place that just "feels like home"?
A store that is instantly inviting and comfortable,
that makes you come by for a visit
even if you're not looking for anything in particular?
Leola's Vintage Home and Garden in Ozark, Missouri is one of those places.

Many of you know Jan from her blog Summer Sundays. She has been my blog mentor and dear friend for this last year. She and her sisters , Judy and Linda, and neice Kelli, are the owners of Leola's, which is named for the sisters' mom.

Jan, Kelli, Judy, Linda and their sister, Jean, on the far right.

(photo courtesy of Katie from Ragamuffin Gal )

Red, white, and blue for the porch

Come on in. This is what greets you this week.

The store is constantly changing, with new displays and vignettes.
Since I want to share all my photos, I will post more next week.
If you are in southwest Missouri, stop by for a real treat.
Ozark is a quaint little town between Springfield and Branson.
Leola's is located right behind Lamberts Cafe, CC and Highway 65.
Have a fun weekend!

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