Friday, August 10, 2012

Vintage Inspiration #100 Salvage Dior

Neutrals, organic, seawashed, time worn, comfortable, vintage, classic... these are just a few words that come to mind when I try to describe her style. But most important, she is just as beautiful on the inside, as she is on the outside.

Meet Kate from Salvage Dior

Kate has a way with home vignettes and shop displays that looks so easy, but those of us who have had antique mall spaces, know that there is an art to it. Her shop looks like her home, and I think that's because she only sells the things she truly loves. She has a soft neutral palette and she works within it to achieve her beautiful design aesthetic.

Last week, Kate shared her painting technique,
and shows us how she creates some of her most beautiful pieces.

I hope you'll drop by Kate's, and get to know her if you haven't yet had the pleasure of meeting her. And see for yourself her spaces at Country Roads Antiques. You'll want to move right in!

Beautiful Kate with her charming and talented husband.

Thanks Kate!

Here's more inspiration from last week:

Simplifying the Keeping Room at

took on a huge challenge in repainting this amazing hutch.

Lynn from Shabby Story never disappoints with her wonderful use of vintage pieces, here with a pop of gorgeous aqua blue. And I'm totally in love with this amazing Gothic window backed with burlap.

and Tales From an OC Cottage always delights
 with whimsical and artistic creations.

Tea anyone...?

Have you entered the Give Away from Sweet Magnolias Farm?
If not, just click HERE
ends Friday night, August10

And while you're partying today,
 be sure and join in these other great Friday Parties!

 I forget to mention that there is a button on the sidebar for all of you that have been featured. Please feel free to grab it. And thank you so much for all of you who join in each week. I'm always on the look out for Vintage Inspiration. Please have a link within your post to be featured!

OK, now let's party!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Let's Shop! Monday Marketplace #24

Hello everyone!

Time again for Monday Marketplace
wow, do I love seeing all the great shopping 
and unique items that you all link each week!
It's so hard to just feature a few of you, 
but here are some great links that I really loved from last week.

Madonna Ornament from A Joy 2 BeHeld

Vintage Escutcheon Plates from Timewashed

Art that Inspires from The Old Post Road
(this particular item I just love, you'll really enjoy stopping by)

UK Themed Kindle Case from Brynwood Needleworks

Custom Grain Sack Style Burlap Pillow
from The Burlap Cottage
(you'll love all the great designs in this shop)

Vintage Couple Bisque Figures from Old Post Road

Today Rosekraft is in the Sponsor Spotlight

So many wonderful original antique die cuts.
(You all know how much I love me some kitties!)
Antique Postcard Kittens

Hope you'll join in today and link (up to three) items from your Etsy Shops and Online Boutiques and Stores. Please link to the individual items if possible. And if you have a blog, I'd love you to grab the button on the sidebar to help all of us spread the shopping fun. The more visiting shoppers the better! Remember this link stays live all week, so be sure and drop back by to see what new items have been listed.

and if you haven't entered the Give Away from 
Sweet Magnolias Farm 
then just click HERE

Have a great week!

(It's taking several minutes for the thumbnail to show up
on the linky. don't worry, check back in a couple of minutes)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Asking the age old question...

Oh I know, we've all heard it...
usually it's our husband's asking us,
 but right now I'm asking myself;
"where are you going to put that?"

and the answer is... 


I'm not sure...
but it was one of those things 
I've been looking for and when I found it...
it came home with me.

A wonderful old medicine cabinet with the perfect "chippy factor";
 sturdy, and a good size, too.
It will end up somewhere...I'm sure of it.
(I thought it was a bargain for $30 at Relics.)

And on another random note, I wanted a more muted Fallish look for my twin sofas in the Living Room so I was looking for a soft floral with some autumnal tones. ("pretend pillow" below)

Then, I found some more yardage of a fabric
 I had used last Fall for a table runner.

(I noticed Yvonne and I have had the same idea)

My next project it to make simple pillows
for the twin sofas.
you know the saying,
"simple is as simple does"

that's me.
no cording, no fringe, no hair pulling.
this time, just plain pillows.

I still love my frenchy toile ones,
but wanted something different for Fall.

We had rain last night, 
thank you Lord.
We live a long way from the official rain gauge site, but I think it must have been well over an inch, as our parched ground is still wet this afternoon. I'm hoping our weather patterns are in for a change. It's about time. Days on end of the 100+ temps and no rain has been horrible. All my birdies and outside critters are doing the happy dance today! 

I'll be linking up to these party places this week:

Southern Hospitality for Thrifty Treasures
Make it Pretty at the Dedicated House
Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
A Stroll Thru Life for Table Top Tuesday
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Tuesday's Treasures at My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Cowgirl Up at Cedar Hill Ranch
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
White Wednesday at Faded Charm

Don't forget to enter the Give Away from Sweet Magnolia's Farm
by clicking HERE

Hope you're having a wonderful Sunday,

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