Showing posts with label garden statuary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label garden statuary. Show all posts

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Introducing The Seed Box Antiques "Shop Blog"

Last week I shared several posts about the
Garden House-Open House
The Seed Box.

I took you inside the new Garden House that is
showcasing all the great garden and architectural pieces
that are Meloney and Brian Russell's trademark style.

Then, inside their wonderful house in the country
near Chadwick, Missouri.

So today I'm teaming up with them to start a "Shop Blog".
We will be sharing new projects and designs that Brian is building,
 taking a peek at the shows they will be doing,
and giving you advanced news about show dates and times.

Here are a few more pictures that I promised
from their master bath and wraparound front porch.

So be our guest to the first blog post at

See you there!

Friday, April 23, 2010

I Went to a Garden Party

The day started off with showers, but by the time we made it to
Brian and Meloney's wonderful home in Chadwick, Missouri,
the clouds were clearing and the sun was peeking out;
a perfect day for a Garden Party.

Recently Brian constructed the most wonderful Garden House
on their country property.
And this weekend they are having an Open House.

Their invitations read,

"We built it, Will you come?"

A brick path led to the garden house that meandered
through a quaint courtyard surrounded by a white picket fence.

Outside seating, statuary, whimsies, and plantings
all made for a magical experience.

Brian and Meloney are friends to so many people across the US, selling their wonderful vintage wares at the Texas Shows for many years now. Up until two years ago they had a brick and mortar store in Ozark, Missouri called

The Seed Box.

Brian is a great craftsman, and Meloney has the style and design experience that causes them to be everyone's favorites. They hold several Open Houses each year, and this was to introduce the new Garden House. They are widely known for their amazing vintage Garden and Architectural elements, that are showcased in their new Garden House.

Myself and Hayley from Nesting Notions.

You never know who you'll see...
 Pam, myself, Kenda, and Hayley,
all with booth spaces in the area.

For some amazing inspiration check out
 The Seed Box website,

And my post on their Christmas Open House last November.

"You have risen from the seeds you have sown."

This was just a teaser.
More next time on what's inside,
And a tour of Brian and Meloney's wonderful home.

What a really wonderful day!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

White Wednesday Before Christmas

I'm posting a little early for White Wednesday. I have been saving these photos for this last Wednesday before Christmas. This is my sideboard that I moved into the entry hallway right before Thanksgiving. Ive had such a wonderful time decorating it for Christmas. So I didn't want to miss out on sharing it with you all.

Garden statuary with crown

White wood lantern

Feather tree I found last year at a flea market...

covered in chandelier prisms.

Lovey doves in a white sleigh.

Paperwhites and Angel Vine

Old birdcage and stand...

with a jingle bell wreath.

This is an old lithograph of the nativity
that we found this year at a flea market.
(sorry for the reflection)

Thank you, Kathleen, at Faded Charm.

Have a wonderful few days enjoying
the peace and blessings
that come with Christmas.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Vintage Christmas Monday at the Seed Box Open House

Joan at Anything Goes Here is starting a new party this Monday called

"Vintage Christmas Monday".

We are posting vintage Christmas items or anything "Christmas" made with vintage items. This gives me a good opportunity to show you a few photos from "The Seed Box" Christmas Open House that I attended last Friday evening.

Many of you are familiar with "The Seed Box"  that is Brian and Meloney Russell from Chadwick, Missouri. Brian and Meloney had a store in Ozark for several years and now attend as dealers, several of the shows in Texas. Theresa of Garden Antiques Vintage has showcased Brian and Mel many times in her blog. They live in a wonderful old homestead in the hills of southern Missouri. The following are just a few of the Christmas items that they had for sale and display at their Open House.

I fell in love with this very old concrete display of the nativity. Here are several photos of it, which was located on their front porch.

This is their fireplace mantle in the Living Room. Meloney used old bottles with letters wrapped with wire to spell out many Christmas words and phrases. This one is "JOY".

Christmas trees decorated with old paintbrushes
were located on the porch for a really fun touch.

Thank you Joan, for starting this great party.

I'm going to have to get busy, since I don't have any of my Christmas decor out. So by next week I should have a few things within reach.
I'm really looking forward to seeing all the "Vintage Christmas". Be sure and head over to Anything Goes Here and check out the others that are gathering their Vintage Christmas Goodies!

This was just a teaser...
Be sure and come back later today for more photos of

The Seed Box 
 Christmas Open House

Have a great Monday!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

It's Christmas at Inspirational Home

Debra Moore had her wonderful Christmas Open House at Inspirational Home last week, but I wanted to give it plenty of it's own applause, so I'm posting the first of two segments. This Wednesday on "White Wednesday" I will show off all the gorgeous white displays that can be found.

Debra's office window

Globe ornaments

Santas are everywhere

This is an amazing cabinet, metal drawers
and original hardware in a wooden casement.

Olde World Santa

Vintage keys and clocks adorn a tree.

Amazing Italian door

My favorite, the Garden Room

Beautiful Paper-whites, and Amaryllis bulbs

Upstairs some Gingerbread fun!

Inspirational Home is located in Springfield, Missouri
3830 S. Lone Pine

Drop in for some Holiday Inspiration!