Showing posts with label daffodils. Show all posts
Showing posts with label daffodils. Show all posts

Friday, February 24, 2023

Farmtable Vignette with Daffodils

Hello friends, it's been since the beginning of the year that I've shared what's happening here on the farm table in the Garden Room. It's late February now so it was time for an early Spring look with some daffodils and narcissus with a few pussy willows mixed in for a natural look. It's still wintery looking outdoors, but at least I can have a little green and color indoors.

Friday, February 25, 2022

Early Spring Faux Daffodil Centerpiece

It's cold, snowy, sleet-y, and generally yucky outside but there's a little bit of Spring in the Garden Room. I really like to keep my floral arrangements and decorating "seasonal", with what is happening outside be what is happening indoors. It's about time for the Daffodils to show up; their happy little faces peeking up through the cold garden soil and even snow. 

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Spring Inspiration with Mossy, Woodsy Things

No matter where we live, I think we all feel like the days after Valentine's Day allow us a little shift in our thinking. We may still be in the midst of winter and cold weather, but our optimistic hearts and minds tend to want to give permission to thoughts of warmer weather and "Spring". 

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Friday, February 26, 2021

A Touch of Spring in the Garden Room

With all the frigid weather we've had this last few weeks, I've spent a lot of time wandering through Pinterest seeking a little inspiration for Spring. It was hard to get moving in that direction when it was still in the teens, but once the thermometer hit 50 I knew it was time to get off the sofa, put away a few of those electric blankets, and get busy bringing in some sunshine.