Friday, June 11, 2021

Summer Containers on the Porch and in the Garden

Hi Friends, I thought I'd share a quick post with some pics of my containers out back and on the front porch. These were taken a couple of weeks ago, so they are just barely blooming, not really filled out at all. This is my first time posting since I had the back surgery a week ago today. I had to have my husband help with all the "heavy lifting" to get these containers put together. He's not a gardening fan; I can barely wring enough sympathy out of him to water them while I've been "indisposed". He enjoys seeing how much color they add to the porch and the pretty blooms, he's just been trapped in an office for years, so his mind doesn't gravitate to extra stuff outdoors that might be considered work.

Last year I tried hummingbird feeders and they just didn't work. The bright blooms, especially red ones, did more to attract the hummingbirds and they would spend a lot of time going from container to container. 

I had a few hosta and fern survivors from the massive purge of 2 years ago.
I stuck them in containers and now both the hostas have large lovely blooms.

The bigger container below, has blue lobelia tufts and red geraniums that look
really pretty, now that they are maturing a bit.
The other pots are mini zinnias, and variety marigolds.
That's Lamb's Ear in the square concrete container which has gone nuts
and don't miss my "Stonehenge" bench in the back.
OK, maybe it's more like Flintstones than Stonehenge.

I put out million bells again this year even though the marauding hordes of squirrels
decimated them last year. I'm a sucker for the million bells, so I'm keeping my fingers
crossed the squirrels will pester someone else and leave my plants alone.

I took this pic before I realized how wonky the pots were.
We straightened them up a bit and moved them closer together.
The pink geraniums are especially pretty this year.

The front porch looks sort of bare, but I just couldn't get around to decorating it up much. I've had to use a flat grapevine wreath with a bit of floral garland wrapped around it for color. When I use my wicker basket out here in the spring and summer the birds cannot resist making nests. The problem is there are a lot of naughty wise crows and they destroy the nests and steal the baby birds. That's so sad and so I won't let that happen anymore. Any of you have predators like that? So frustrating and upsetting.

Hopefully as I continue improving I can get a few more decor things out here.

I have several sets of antique concrete pots here in front and in back.
It's mostly shady here next to the porch, so I like to keep impatiens here.
They are filled out now with a variety of colorful blooms. 
The large black container has tomato red geraniums, lantana,
(which the hummers love) and million bells.

This back surgery has really been tough. I didn't really have anything to compare it to, so not being able to have the muscles to use in my lower back has been difficult. Getting in and out of bed is a real treat. The doctor put in three cages for the discs and then bolts and screws. When they got in there the last lumbar vertebra was completely severed on both sides, so it's no wonder I couldn't put weight on my left leg for several months. I'm using a walker, but I'm feeling the muscles become a little stronger each day. The doctor's PA said to remember BLT (no bending, lifting, or twisting) not fun, but this has been in the making for many years, I just didn't realize what exactly the problem was. 

Hope you all are doing well. After what seemed forever in the 50's and 60's the hot summer temps have arrived and we're in the 90's now. Thankyou for all the prayers and good thoughts! I'll check in again soon.

Hope you'll come back Monday evening...

joining in here:

 The House on Silverado  Love Your Creativity at Life and Linda
All About Home at Common Ground and Follow the Yellow Brick Home
Inspire Me Monday at My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Met Monday at Between Naps on the Porch  
Celebrate Your Story at The Zucchini Sisters,  
 Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life  
 Party in Your PJ's at Apple Street Cottage   
 Keep in Touch at Let's Add Sprinkles 
 Wonderful Wednesday at LeCultivateur 
Turnabout Tuesday at My Wee Abode,  
Share Your Style at French Ethereal
Centerpiece Wednesday at Karin's Kottage  
Vintage Charm at Our Hopeful Home
 Thursday Favorite Things at Follow the Yellow Brick Home,  
Friday with Friends at My Hubbard Home
Create, Bake, and Grow at Shabby Art Boutique,
 Farmhouse Friday at The Painted Hinge and County Road 407


  1. Looks great Debra. Hope you are doing well. xoxo

    1. thankyou, Kris. I'm loving seeing your new bedroom. You must be giddy having a big bed again. Love the little stairs. Maybe I could use those to get in and out of bed, hahaha!

  2. Glad to hear you are at least semi-mobile. The flowers are gorgeous! Tell your husband "Thanks" from us for moving them for you. :-)

    1. thankyou Grace, yes I'm getting around a little. I'm looking forward to maybe getting outside next week.

  3. Your flowers and home are beautiful, Debra! Speaking as someone who's been through a lumbar fusion, it will take time for those tissues to heal but it will happen! Keep the faith :) I know it's not a walk in the park for you. Best wishes. Jill

    1. thanks Jill, wow, I don't know anyone who has had this surgery. What a deal. I'm trying to be patient and not push myself.

  4. Get well soon Debra! My neighbor recently had similar surgery. Not for sissies! Best to you. J.

    1. oh my this has been tough and I so ready to get some strength back. I have a million things I want and need to do!

  5. Get well soon! I love your posts. I have a lot of things in pots as well--trying to out guess the deer!

    1. Outsmart the deer, squirrels and whatever else naughty wildlife out there! Thanks for coming by Judy!

  6. Never mind wonky pots, I'm just thrilled that you're on the flipside of that surgery! Congratulations! I've been thinking of and praying for you, Debra! So happy it's over.

    1. oh gosh me too. I'd been dreading the surgery, but couldn't wait for it to be over with. Thanks so much for the prayers Rita, I so appreciate it!

  7. Debra, pretty pots filled with flowers is a summer must have! Glad you felt up to putting a post together. Hope that means things are going well with you post surgery.

  8. Debra, I love your flowers. Oh so very pretty. Glad you are doing well. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  9. There's something about filling containers with blooming flowers that is both relaxing and exciting. I tell myself that every time I'm at the nursery with a long list of containers to fill, lol! But yours look great, and I'm glad you start small and let them grow. No immediate gratification for gardeners -- love to seem them change day by day.

  10. Your yard looks amazing Debra! Tell your hubby he did a great job. ;) I'm not a gardener either so I understand him. And yes, we too have a terrible time protecting baby bird eggs. I think it's the racoons at our place. Anyway, so glad you are doing better and getting stronger each day! Enjoy those beautiful flowers and good luck with the squirrels. They are so cute but such a menace.

  11. Everything is gorgeous, Debra! Featuring you this week at the TFT party! Thanks for sharing. ❤️

  12. I Ave found that putting plastic forks tine side up in my pots, along with pepper flakes, keeps the chipmunks away. When I couldn’t get out of bed because of a shoulder injury, I kept a step ladder next to my good arm. It gave me something to hold onto along with the stairs. I hope your recovery is going well.

  13. Your flowers are so pretty in all your containers and I love seeing different views of your porch and garden. I'm happy to feature your post this week at our Tuesday Turn About Link Party. So glad you are on the mend from your surgery and hope you will feel better soon!


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