Sunday, September 3, 2017

Creating My Fall Mantel and other Conundrums

I really love Fall. That is an understatement by a long shot. I mark the days off the calender so to speak, until I can start decorating the house. But if there's one part of decorating that I would want to shove to the end of the list it would be decorating the mantel. Yes, you've heard it before, this is my least favorite, and most difficult to come up with ideas for, part of Fall. 

It's even hard coming up with a post title for this. Let's see... "Exercise and the Fall Mantel", "How to Climb a Step Ladder for Fall", or maybe, "Scratching Your Head While Avoiding Small Animals". 

That's because it's big, and I'm short. It takes all afternoon up and down a step stool to get it together, and even then, I'll change it up a dozen times. All the while, I'm making a huge mess, and tripping on cats in the process. When I find something that works up here I usually leave it for awhile, and then remake it for whatever season I'm heading into.

The smaller white lanterns from Pottery Barn came up here last Fall and they're still here. Whatever I put up here has to be somewhat "biggish" or it gets lost in the vast wasteland. I'd love a smaller fireplace and mantel, but we have high ceilings, so it needed to be in proportion I guess. Maybe I should just wish to grow about 6 or 7 inches instead... that would take care of a lot of my problems!

The white compartmentalized tote came up in the Spring with some white Tulips and Vibernum. It held white Hydrangeas this Summer, and now it has darker Hydrangeas and some Fall Leaves.

OK, off to a good start; so now to add some pumpkins to fill up the space. For the last couple of years, I've found myself painting my stash of faux pumpkins with Chalk Paint in varying shades of white, cream, gray and dusty greens. I love real pumpkins in oranges, but found the faux ones just looking a little too "faux".

Next, I added a little faux foliage and some Bittersweet that I had kept bagged up from last year. It is pretty brittle and loosing berries, but up here it won't be disturbed. I hear the berries are toxic to pets, so best to keep them up off their territory. Time to step back and survey the landscape up here.

Decorating is sort of like putting on jewelry...
you know the adage; "remove one piece before you leave the house."
In this case it was the little green pumpkins on the end.

 whoops, I need to tuck that little piece of "stem" on the right back in. 
Like I say, you can't take it all in until you've seen the photos.
Speaking of which, some of that stuff on the hearth may need to go bye-bye.

So here are some shots of earlier Fall Mantels. As you can tell I'm one of those "symmetrical" types of people. I'm not really sure what that says about my psyche or personality good or bad. But yes, I do like "balance". 

You all know I'm not really complaining. I feel so blessed to have a home right now, when so many have lost so very much. Still remembering our friends in Texas and Louisiana in our prayers. Keeping vigil on CNN this last week, I found myself in continual prayer for all those who lost their homes and some who lost family members and the rescue teams and officials. God brought this verse from Romans 8:26 to my heart. We might not know best how to pray for all those in need, but the Holy Spirit does...

Praying for Others

26 In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; 27 and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.

Have a safe and fun Labor Day Weekend!
joining in here:
Sundays at Home at My Soulful Home
Inspiration Monday at ReFresh ReStyle
Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
The Scoop at Worthing Court
Inspiration Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Talk of the Town at Knick of Time
Share Your Style at The Essence of Home
Foodie Friday at Rattlebridge Farm
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage


  1. I sm vertically challenged as my family says, do I understanf the decorating issues you are talking sbout. Ha ha. Your mantel looks wonderful! 😊

  2. For all your bluster, it turned out just right!!!

    Thanks for that verse.....needed that......

  3. Beautiful! I am vertically challenged as well, so I understand! :-) Love your mantel. Will start decorating mine October 1st.

  4. I feel your pain, both with being short and having a space that's hard to decorate. It looks great, and I liked 2014 and 2015 too. (And your old house, of course).

  5. Your fall decorating is always something I look forward to...almost as much as your Christmas decor!

  6. I struggle with my mantel as well. I think I overthink it and try to hard. Sometimes less is more and for an eclectic collector like me it can be hard to stop adding treasures and trinkets and it end up cluttered. I always love your mantels no matter what you do! Cute header for fall too!

  7. Debra, your mantle looks beautiful. The bittersweet vines were just the perfect thing to add. Hope you are having a Happy Labor Day..Judy

  8. Hi Debra,
    Your mantle looks lovely - every time! And, at 5' 1", I like to say, I'm not short...I'm the normal's just that the rest of the world is overly tall.

  9. No, No, I liked that little green pumpkin, please put him back!!

  10. I always love your mantels no matter what you do! Cute header for fall too!



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