Monday, July 10, 2017

The Power of a Print...

Do you want to change the feel of a room or space? There are several low cost ways to get a new feeling or vibe to your space, but my favorite is to consider what you have hanging on your walls: artwork and prints in this case.

I've always been a fan of seasonal decorating, and that can give you an instant "change-up", just using seasonal colors. But aside from decor pillows and fabric textures, give your space new life by changing out small prints and art pieces. On a completely other level, artwork can transport me to another time and place... sounds sort of corny but it's true. 

When I started selling vintage goods, I found myself drawn to vintage prints and artwork; large and small. I narrowed my tastes in larger vintage art pieces that mostly stay put, but I have a good little stash of smallish prints that I like to rotate on my Entry Console.

You all know how much I love lambs and sheep, so I'm always on the lookout for affordable prints that I can use here in the Entry or in the Kitchen Sitting Area. the discription translates from French, "Breeds and Ewes of the Poitevine Breed", from the Library of Agriculture illustrations.

(sorry for all the glare)

This print is more neutral and pastel, so I brought in a pitcher filled with some of my Hydrangea blooms, that are in the sweetest hues of pinks and greens. This is the first year I've had a nice crop of Hydrangeas throughout the season. At our previous home the deer had them for breakfast every day, and up until now (the third season for them here) have I had many blooms to speak of.

I purposefully snipped the older blooms that were starting to fade, and left the newer brighter ones on the bush. We all have our own method that works best for drying and preserving the blooms, but I've found once they start drooping just a bit, to take them out of the water, tie gardener's twine around the stems and hang them in the bunch upside down in a cool dark place. This works best for me, as leaving them in a container without water causes them to start to sag and droop as they dehydrate. If they're upside down you don't have any of that.

I don't know about you, but I'm not fond of "sagging and drooping" on anything!

I just found this print this week on sale at one of our shopping spots, so I couldn't pass up those little lambies. They look a little more "Spring-y" than mid-Summer, but they're giving me a much needed boost.

I'm in that inbetween place where my Primary Care Physician doesn't feel qualified to handle my situation, as it does seem to be Autoimmune, so I'm waiting for my appointment with a Rheumatologist. I mentioned that Autoimmune diseases come in packs, so all my neck and migraine type symptoms are probably associated with that type of a diagnosis. I've been at this for exactly a year, and even though we've narrowed down and eliminated lot's of possible things, it's still been a year of chronic pain and frustration. 

There have been times when I've thought about quitting the blog, but honestly, it's good therapy for me mentally and emotionally. I try to not let my health problems take over my identity, but it's really hard at times, when that is what you have in front of you each day. If I have a good day I try to putter around and take a few pics, hoping it will keep my creative spirit alive while I trudge through the rest of it. Thanks for hanging in there with me, sorry when I'm boring or start to ramble. You all are such good medicine for me.

joining in here:

Sundays at Home at Love of Home
Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Inspiration Monday at Refresh Restyle
The Scoop at Stone Gable
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Talk of the Town at Knick of Time
The Inspiration Gallery at Craftberry Bush
Foodie Friday at Rattlebridge Farm
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage


  1. Debra, do not stop blogging. You have such a beautiful sense of style and sweet spirit. If blogging continues to make you happy then you should keep it up. :)

  2. This blog is good medecine, so hang in there. We love seeing what you do.

  3. Do not stop please. I love your blog. I, too am waiting for my appointment with the rheumatologist. Best of luck to you. Teri

  4. Love your blog, please don't stop......good medicine for me and you!!!

  5. Debra, praying that you will soon have some real answers about your health, in the mean time hoping that the Lord will touch your body and give you relief from the pain and peace from the frustration you must feel at times. I love your blog and your gift for decorating. Hoping that you will continue because your blog is such a blessing and joy to me and I'm sure many others. Take care.

  6. Please don't quit your blogging! Your style of changing up the seasons with small vignettes is what I crave, along with your shared vintage shopping! I know you must feel impatient and frustrated, but we're your virtual advocates. What you're dealing with could very easily be any of our situations, and could really help one of us.
    Love the print, and I'm drawn to them when shopping also, even though they've seem to hit a low ebb in terms of reselling these days (every now and then one will sell. I just sold an R Atkinson Fox last month). I dry my hydrangeas the same as you.
    I hope it's a good week for you Debra. ps I missed out on the apron I wanted, but may contact them for a special order. ;)

  7. Enjoy your blog so much, Debra, and I appreciate
    your honesty about pain and frustration. You are
    an inspiration to me. Please keep blogging!

  8. Please keep blogging. I do enjoy reading your blogs. Even if you only post occasionally, it would be nice to read. You medical situation is interesting, and I would love to know how it turns out. I also had headaches for about 20 years. After 2 sinus surgeries, I still had dizzy headaches. It was 95% from artificial sweeteners! For the last 10 years I have been most headache free. I only occasionally get a sinus headache during allergy season.
    Your writing in easy to follow, and I like your decorating style. It's always a pleasure to see your new ideas. Good luck with the medical issues, hope you get some remedies soon.

    1. Hey there, oh I agree, artificial sweeteners were one of the first things I eliminated. It DID help some, but just like the gluten, it's one of many triggers I've found that I have had in my daily intake. Some of the personal stories are really scary. I'm so glad that you could find out what was causing your headaches. thanks for sharing that, everyone with headaches needs to hear all the possibilities!

  9. Your style is delightful. I'm also into vintage prints.

  10. Oh please don't quite blogging! Where would I get such beautiful staging and vignette ideas to copycat? Seriously, I love your posts and appreciate the effort it takes to create them.

  11. Hi Debra,
    I love your blog and you always have so much beauty to share. You have been one of my favorite bloggers for many years and we go back to the beginning days when we were all a close knit group, so like everyone else, I'm asking you to keep on blogging when you can.
    I hope too that the doctors can give you some answers and get you on the healing path.

    Your entryway is always so pretty and the little sheep print is so pretty. I didn't get one single hydrangea bloom this year but it's because I cut them back too severely last year. Ugh! Anyway, I love your pretty blooms.


  12. Please don't stop blogging. You would be sorely missed, and we've been losing bloggers left and right it seems. I'm sorry you've had so many medical issues. I love the lamb print!

  13. I hope you keep blogging, too! I understand the health issues and often think of stopping myself. But it is such a nice creative, and social outlet...and I give myself permission to blog only when I want to or feel good enough. Who needs more stress?
    I love your charming prints! xo

  14. Hope you keep blogging too Debra. I have been busy with some life issues and have let go of blogging for a little while. I miss it and everyone out there. I thought about giving up too but I have really come to love it and love the peeps out there you included. So I hope you will keep on blogging. It is a great mental health outlet too. Happy Monday.

  15. Debra, both the little lamb print and Hydrangeas are so sweet! I'm so sorry that you have had such a struggle with your health. I can imagine that it is so very frustrating. I hope you are able to continue blogging. You are such an inspiration to us all! I will keep you in my prayers.

  16. I'm so sorry. I'll continue to pray. You know I"m a huge fan of seasonal decorating. We are on the same wave length today. I love your little print. Adorable.

  17. Great tip about changing up artwork and the thrift stores are the best places to find almost anything. Blogging will help you get your mind off life so please stick with it. Your followers would really miss you and your wonderful decorating tips.

  18. I hope you'll continue blogging - you'd be missed. Your lamb print is adorable! Thanks for sharing it at Talk of the Town.

  19. Thanks for sharing when you can. I enjoy seeing and hearing what you are up to. I hope that you can get some answers about your health soon. Take care.

  20. Love your new lamb print Debra! I am so sorry that you are still not feeling well. I know that has to suck. I find myself slowing down a lot these days and after slowing the blog down last year I am finding it hard to get back into it. I do miss all my friends though so I keep plugging away. After 9 years of it though blogging becomes a part of your life. Sending hugs your way. I hope that the new doctor can find you relief! It will not be long before I need to be treated for my arthritis. Oh how old these bones feel.

  21. Oh sweet Debra. I'm sorry you are still feeling poorly. I do love this sweet vintage print and I never thought about the power of a print before when creating vignettes, but now I will. I think I'm due for a trip to my favorite little antique store in town. Sending up a prayer for you.

  22. Your design is beautiful. I have a severe form of RA. People do misunderstand the disease and mozt doctors cannot treat it appropriately. The absolute best thing is what you are doing...seeing a rheumatologist. I recently had to retire from a career i loved. I put all my energy and had nothing left for my family or church. You need a good support system and if this blog beings you happiness, lets you forget about your pain for just a little while and privides a support community KEEP BLOGGING. im one of those no comments people but i have followed your blog for a long time. Copies many if your porch decor ideas :). I kept my sanity when i was having flares by finding out about blogs and yours is one of the ones I started following first! Reading y'alls blog are interesting, funny and helped ke get through a few difficult periods. THANK YOU! I will pray your new doctor can help you find the treatment you need and goid pain management.

  23. Hang in there. My daughter has some kind of as yet undiagnosed auto-immune disease. We have seen every doctor under the sun. I have come to believe that we just have to keep trying to figure out what is wrong and how to treat it. I enjoy your blog and your sense of style very much and I hope you can keep on keeping on. Your lambs are adorable. God Bless.

  24. Stopping by from Share Your Style Party. Think I'll stick around and follow you.

  25. Please keep blogging! I love your blog & love to read about all the fun shops I use to go to when I lived in the area! I am a good reader so love all your ideas & pictures... just blog when you feel like it and I will keep reading! Take care...

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  27. I'll pray for your rheumatologist meeting to determine what this is and that there will be something positive they can do to help you. Sorry you're going through all this :(


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