Saturday, August 16, 2014

Late Summer Reflections

I usually do a lot of complaining this time of year...I'm tired of the heat...I'm ready for flowers are all dried up...I can go on and on. But this year I'm really missing the gradual change of season in my decorating, and I'm needing a little late Summer/early Fall inspiration. It's been a little hard for me to look back at all the photos from last year. It's not so much that I miss the house itself, but that I just miss being able to putter and play and decorate. As a friend said to me today, "It's hard being in a temporary nest". You can click on the individual photos for the "biggy" size.

Here are some highlights from Augusts past...

Yes, that's a pumpkin you see, don't tell anyone...

OK, I feel better...
just itching to get all my Fall Decor out.
gee, hope I can find it...

We just have two more weeks until we close on the house,
and I have some fun and exciting things to share once we do.

Joining in at 
Sundays at Home with Thoughts from Alice
Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Junkin' Joe at The Cottage Market
The Scoop at Stone Gable
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life
Show and Share at Coastal Charm

Hope you have a great weekend.


  1. I must have missed something, I thought you were building??? Oh well, congrats. Dianntha

    1. Thanks Dianntha, we thought about building, but the costs have skyrocketed, so we looked for existing houses first. We got such a great buy on the newer one, we couldn't justify a year's long build.

  2. Gosh, I tell ya it is so awesome to see those pics again- so much eye candy!

    Hang in there, soon very soon you will have an all new canvas to create your awesome vignettes! YAY!!!

    1. Hi Michelle, yes, I'm REALLY looking forward to a clean slate to decorate with.

  3. So much beauty here, Debra. I love Fall decorating and if it wasn't for the horrid winter that follows, I'd be wishing for it now. I love the lamb print that we can partially see. Would love to see more of it. That is the most gorgeous wreath ever. I understand your feeling unsettled. We are in the middle of some renovations and then will be building on our property so I feel a bit displaced, too. Hang in there. Deb

    1. Hi Deb, I have that print hanging here at the lease house, I'll try to get a photo of it up on the blog next post. Oh renovations...that would do me in having to live in the middle of them.

  4. Your Fall decor is my all time favorite! I still go back and look at your home tour and love it so much! Cheers, it's almost time.

    1. Hi Debbie, I've thought of taking down the "Home Tours", but i still love to look thru them, too!

  5. so much beauty here!!!!! angie

  6. I don't know whats happened with me but I really don't even want to think about fall. I find I'm changing my decor, seasonally less and less. I just bring in nature and when the seasons change I throw it out. Could it be lazy? Haha Your photos are very inspirational. Three of the seasons go by so fast! I know, I don't like living in limbo either.

    1. If I can't locate all my "stuff", I may be doing the same "nature" decorating. I have so many boxes in storage it may take me a year to get thru it all!

  7. Lovin all the sunflowers. It sure looks like fall around there.

    1. really miss those sunflowers around here at the lease house, all I have is drying up geraniums!

  8. Debra love going down memory lane with you and your beautiful pictures. Just think by the holidays when decorating is in full gear you will have your new nest to create your beautiful vignettes.

    1. thanks Kris, I'm hoping I can get organized quickly, but you're right, If I can get Christmas done, it will be amazing!

  9. Beautiful post,Debra!
    I am feeling the same way about Fall this year. It's nice having the tiny temporary place, but I miss being able to do the things I normally do during my favorite season of the year. We have had several lookers over the past couple of weeks the house has been listed. We are encouraged by that. Still, we know we will be here until the end of year, whether the house sells or not. I think I know where my Fall things are. We will stop by storage next time we check the house. I can do a little something here, for Fall '14.

    1. Hi Pat, didn't know if I told you, but your home tour at the realty site is just amazing. I can't imagine it lasting long, it's such a gorgeous home! Love your temporary digs, too. so cozy and fresh, My lease house has turned into just another place to store stuff, it's a mess, good thing we'll be out soon, our garage looks like "Hoarders"!

  10. I think I might be looking forward to you being in your new home as much as you. Lol, ok maybe not quite as much as you. SO exciting getting in a new place and decorating! I am looking forward to seeing all that you do with the new house!

    1. Hi Gigi, I have a list a mile long, so it's going to be lot's of fun!

  11. I have been itching to get my Fall décor out! Looking at your beautiful photos is making me long for it. Yes...Just a few more weeks and I will be bringing it in.
    Congrats on the purchase!! Looking forward to the news.

    1. Hi Gee, gotta love me some pumpkins and bittersweet this year, for sure!

  12. Your pictures are all fabulous and so filled with inspiration. I am so ready for fall too and some super cool weather. Can't wait to see the new house.

    1. thanks Marty, I imagine you really DO look forward to cooler weather, Fall just really invigorates me.

  13. Beautiful photos Debra! Can't wait to see you decorate your new home.


  14. Debra, you are the best at vignettes without a doubt! Did you make that sunflower wreath? I can't remember. My zinnias and sunflowers are starting to dry on the stems. I was wondering if I could make something similar.

    1. thanks Stacey, gosh, I can't even remember where I got it, but it does have real blooms, but they have somehow been preserved, I'd love to see a home made one!

  15. Can't wait to see your new digs. We sold ours now living in the rental, starting to paln our new one! I have a little fall out. from what I could find!! Di@Cottage-wishes

    1. Di, I think there are a lot of us out there doing the "in between" house. It sure did take the pressure off of us. I don't know if it was easier in the long run, but it saved our sanity!

  16. Your pictures are always so inspiring Debra. Best wishes with the move!

  17. You know how much I love your vignettes. I know you'll create magic in your new nest.

    1. 'I know you've been super busy, selling this summer, I've tried to keep up. I don't know how you do it, Your shows are always full of so many beautiful things, missed you!

  18. Debra,
    Your Autumnal photos are filled to the brim with inspiration, dear friend!!!
    I'm quite intriqued with the white squirrel within the conservatory.
    "Mr. Ed" and I received our first white squirrel. . .a gift
    . . .and I'm lacking in inspirational ways to display "him".
    I'm sure that the many Fall Open Houses in our area will "enlighten"
    my decor mojo!!! (wink!) Retail Therapy works wonders for me!!!
    Thank you for sharing the process of relocating and its many trials.
    I continue to search for a smaller home with a smaller lot. . .
    but find the "comfort" of our labours over the past 13 years appears to be "enough" for now.
    Always looking ahead, but we're not to that place in our lives, just yet.
    Anxiously looking ahead to our Annual Trout Fishing Vacation, soon!!!

    1. Have you heard of the albino squirrels they have in Marionville, Mo? I've never seen one, just pictures. I'm kinda "squirrely", love them and chipmunks!

  19. I loved seeing all your lovely photos today, Debra!

    1. Hi Jeanette, thanks so much, I just came from checking out your great new Library File, it's really wonderful!

  20. I love all your early fall ideas. When are you in your new home?

    1. We're hoping mid to late September. We have some painting and carpet cleaning to do inside first. Can't wait!

  21. i want summer to stay because it has been a cooler summer here in Iowa. it has felt like fall for a long time and we want summer.

    1. I'd love for summer to stay too, if it felt like fall!

  22. I loved seeing pics from your old home, I was so enamored of it!
    Your gorgeous living room and fabulous sunroom, ....
    I can't wait to see the new home and all that you do!

    1. Hi Patti, thanks so much! the new spaces are completely different than what I had before, I'll be missing my sunporch, but hopefully, have another sitting room off the kitchen.

  23. I love your beautiful sunflower decor Debra. I am much anticipating Fall also. You will have so much fun decorating your new home. Can't wait to see it! I also love your sheep collection!

  24. Such lovely photos, Debra! Only two weeks and you'll have a new place to start with!

  25. I can't tell you how happy your post has made me feel! Autumn is on the way and time to do the 'autumn clean' ready for the cosiness of darker nights and snuggles. I love the rusty tones to your shots, ready to celebrate the new season!!

  26. Dear Debra you have such a gift for creating the loveliest of the vignettes. I am currently in Texas house hunting and the cheerful sunflowers are in bloom. Wishing for fall too. :)


  27. Thank you so much for picking my card as one your winners from the teddies challenge, it is such an honour.
    Thank you for all your hard work in making the challenge so successful, it's a shame that the challenge is ending but I can totally understand your reasons and wish you all the best.
    Sue xx obat penghilang tato

  28. Your bog is so beautiful! I could spend hours and hours just looking at the deliciousness layered in each vignette. I hope you are beginning to feel better and that things are progressing on your new home.

  29. Just think how fun it will be to display all your treasures in new ways, Debra! Aren't you glad you have a blog to reference back to how you displayed things? So much better than the old memory, right? :)


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