Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Marketplace: Etsy and Boutique Showcase

Hi Everyone, Happy Monday and Welcome to 

The Marketplace

Hope you had a great weekend, ours was just the start of many, dedicated to packing and cleaning up the other place. We're "in the groove" and it feels good to be making some progress. When I sat down to choose some links from last week's party, I could hardly stop! There are so many fun Valentine themed goods, as I'm sure there will be today. So, here are a few for you to check out:

Vintage Poppytrail Set of Plates
Gizmo and HooHa

Laura Ingalls Gunn

Cotton Candy Dolls

Mission Jewels

Seaside Rose Creations

Nancy's Daily Dish


thanks everyone!

And here's today's Marketplace Sponsor

 Party Link Guidelines:

This is a linky party that is for items that are FOR SALE only. You don't have to have a blog to link up. If you have a blog post about your items that's great too, but they need to be available to purchase. Please try to link to the individual item that you are selling if possible. Please be a follower of Common Ground and if you have a blog it would be so nice for you to grab the image below to share somewhere on your blog. (not mandatory, just nice). Remember the link is up all week, so please stop back by to check out new items being listed.

Have a great week,


  1. Oh dear Debra thank you so very much for the lovely feature. It is a beautiful blessing.

  2. Just found your blog! Thanks for the Etsy shop link up!

  3. Thank you for hosting the Etsy link up! Beautiful features this week :)

  4. Hello Debra! Thanks for the feature :)
    Just picked up the magazine you're featured in today,. Can't wait to read it later on when I settle in for the day!
    Have a great week!

  5. Happy Monday Lovely Friend!!
    Hope your weekend was wonderful, and that you're beginning to feel all settled in!!
    Sooooo delighted to have the shop back open and participating here this week! Love to be part of the fun!!
    Hugs to you, Debra!
    Thanks so much for hosting so faithfully!! You rock!

  6. Thanks for featuring my heart, Debra. Thanks for the marketplace too. xoxo

  7. Thanks for the Etsy party! Congrats on American Farmhouse! :)

  8. thanks for hosting...posted an old oil/gas can. Not too feminine or Valentiny, but cool piece.

    be blessed

  9. Thanks for hosting the party, I appreciate it! Love your blog - always gets me motivated to do more with my home - thanks :)


I love hearing from you. Feel free to comment, big or small. Be sure and leave your name and blog if commenting under anonymous. Thanks friends