Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Marketplace

Welcome to The Marketplace

I think most of us have been hit by this major cold and snowstorm. We've had about 6-8 inches which is nothing compared to a lot of you a little further north. So now that the Christmas decor is down and put away it's time to do some shopping! Yesterday between packing, I visited your links and was thrilled to see so many wonderful items listed and some sales. We're getting back to some great antiques and vintage items now that the Holidays are over. Here are a few that made me think of Spring, ahhhhh.....

Vintage Watering Can
Fresh Eggs Antiques

The Zoe Bird

The Gift Garden Shoppe

Gizmo and HooHa

Sew a Fine Seam

Thanks to all of you who come by to join in and do some browsing!

Party Guidelines:

This is a linky party that is for items that are FOR SALE only. You don't have to have a blog to link up. If you have a blog post about your items that's great too, but they need to be available to purchase. Please try to link to the individual item that you are selling if possible. Please be a follower of Common Ground and if you have a blog it would be so nice for you to grab the image below to share somewhere on your blog. (not mandatory, just nice). Remember the link is up all week, so please stop back by to check out new items being listed.

SALE - Take $25% off, use coupon code "AWESOME" at checkout.
 $15.00 minimum purchase.

Time to link up,
and if you missed last week's Marketplace,
 then you can check it out HERE.


  1. Thanks for hosting, Debra! Have a warm week! : )

  2. Thank you very much Debra for your Marketplace...Have a wonderful and peaceful 2014. Penny

  3. Thank you Debra for your marketplace. I hope you are staying warm and safe during this crazy cold weather. Mother Nature isn't really being nice to any of us. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and Prayers from Your NW Missouri friend.

  4. Thank you so much for hosting this fabulous party where we can sell our goodies! just a few days into January - so I hope the remaining calendars I've created will find homes for the year! Wishing you an extra special week! xxoo, tracie

  5. Debra, thanks for hosting this wonderful party. I love visiting your blog and discovering new finds. Stay safe and warm.

  6. Great submissions once again, THANKS for the opportunity!

  7. Thanks so much for hosting!! It's always fun to visit around others' shops!! :) Happy week to you! xo Holly

  8. Hi Debra, I'm back in the wonderful world of blogging and what a great party! I also hear congratulations are in order! You are featured in a grand magazine, that's awesome!

  9. Thanks for the marketplace, Debra. Have a wonderful week.

  10. What a wonderful opportunity you have offered to market our shops. Thank you so much.

  11. I love this new party of yours, Debra! I love discovering new Etsy sellers! I'll be participating as soon as I open my new Etsy shop.


I love hearing from you. Feel free to comment, big or small. Be sure and leave your name and blog if commenting under anonymous. Thanks friends