Sunday, December 29, 2013

2013: The Year in Review

Like so many of you, I wanted to take a minute to look back on 2013. It's not been an easy year for my husband or myself healthwise, but sharing some of the highlights with these posts make it all the more precious. There are so many major changes coming just after the New Year, but I'll be sharing them in depth later next week. We have a move (or two) on the horizon. After eleven years, we know it's time to sell and find a home that's easier to maintain. We've been praying about this for over 2 years, but things fell into place quickly once we stepped out in faith. We're in good spirits and feel confident this is the right direction, but it doesn't mean it will be easy. Tears have been shed, and many memories were revisited this last week, as our kiddos know they won't be here for any more Christmases or Holidays...more on this later; for now enjoy a few posts from my last year.

I've shared my New Year's Tree several years in a row, each year a little different and a little more sentimental.

Pantone's Color of the Year
Everything you ever wanted to know about "Green" in decor.

What I Would Have Missed

I debated whether to just jump in the middle of it, but I decided there must be too many wonderful moments to miss. I'm so glad I took the time to watch. This post is my 2 Season's Catch -up of Downton Abbey.

Spring in the Entry
This is one of my most visited posts.

Fairytale Inspiration for Spring
The Jeanne d"Arc Spring publication gave me some wonderful vintage inspiration.

Make Your Own Vintage Seedbox

I love and have several antique seed boxes, but I got to thinking about how you could make your own for just a few dollars. Many of you tried your own, and created some beauties.

I had Spring fever and thought I'd try my hand at a tablescape inspired by the Spring Garden.

Most Visited Post
I finally had had enough of my manufacturer's yucky tabletop finish on the kitchen table. So ASCP came to the rescue.

Patriotic Sunporch

Each season brings so much fun in redecorating the Sunporch.
Look for a feature on my Patriotic Sunporch in a new publication coming in 2014.

I love seasonal wreaths, here's my secret to lush, full, natural looking ones.

Dining Room Dressed for Autumn

Autumn is my favorite time of the year,
and I love to use my windowboxes for some of nature's inspiration.

Pumpkin Filled Goatcart
Full of Fall Yumminess!

Nature Inspired Thanksgiving Tablescape

I went all out for this, and had so much fun creating a vintage tablescape.

Featured in the Winter Issue

I loved showing you the house decorated in Tartan Plaids.

Christmas on the Sunporch

My cozied up Sunporch in warm plaid for the Season.

Thank you all for being such a constant support with your prayers and friendship this last year. You will never, ever know how much I love you all, and would like to meet each one of you personally and give you a big 'ol hug. I'll share more next week. I'll still be blogging, but things may change a little. I consider this blog a reflection of who I am and where I am in life, not just some pretty white decor. Stick with me, we have some changes coming,  but I'll still be here. Now excuse me while I find a kleenex...

sharing at these great parties:

Amaze Me Monday at Dwellings
Year in Review at Unskinny Boppy
Top Posts at Southern Hospitality
Blog Hop at City Farmhouse
Mod Mix at Mod Vintage Life
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm
Inspire Me at A Stroll Thru Life
Tweak it Tuesday at Cozy Little House
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style



  1. Stunning pictures. You have a beautiful blog. I wish you a happy new year 2014!

    Greetings from Finland,

  2. All beautiful and inspiring posts Debra! Thanks for sharing all year. Happy New Year and I look forward to following you next year. Best wishes, Julie

  3. Oh Debra... pass me a kleenex please... I just adore you... but then, you already know that... you have been THE most inspirational lady in all of blogland to me over these past five years... I have enjoyed each and every one of your posts and all of your wonderful parties... I know the many health issues you both faced and overcame, but the worries and stress they must have brought you... I pray you are both feeling better than ever now, and ready to take on whatever the new year holds for you... I cried my heart out when we sold our farmhouse and moved when all the greedy developers changed all of my beloved countryside with their cookie cutter houses they surrounded us by... I still miss that home and farm... but like the old saying goes... home is where your heart is... and your family, and your heirlooms... and your little kitties!... I am sure you will shed many tears, but then you will begin to see the new possibilities a new home holds for you... sending you much love and best wishes for a happy new year!... xoxo Julie Marie

  4. You will make a charming home wherever you go. It's just your style. It will be a fun journey!

  5. Oh my! My husband and I were talking this afternoon about how hard it would be to move all our stuff! I told him if we ever moved, I'd hire movers to do it all, even if it required me to take out a loan! I just have too much stuff and keep adding to it!! I wish you the best with your move, and hope you and your husband have improved health in the New Year.

    The posts you shared are lovely. You have such a talent for decorating, and I know you will make your new home your own. Take care, and God Bless you always!

  6. I love ALL your posts, and I don't comment as much as I should, but I read them all! I think moving to the smaller house (again, it was a leap of faith, but it all came together so I know it was all in control of higher hands) has helped me get closer to my sweet DL and has provided us with both fun and fodder for the blog. I hope that you might join me for a few of my (crazy) Downton recaps...they are just silly good fun. Look forward to more Common Ground in 2014!

  7. Helloooo Debra...
    Your New "Suitcase - Header" is definitely symbolic of "moving on"... CHANGE... A New Year... A New Place... New Experiences to create... We'll ALL be here waiting... watching... listening as Your Life evolves in your new surroundings... Sooooo enjoy and appreciate ALL the effort you put into your Posts!*!*!
    Big Hugs to Y*O*U!*!*! ~ Jeanine Burkhardt

  8. I love all these posts, Debra and see a few I missed to go visit! I know it's difficult to leave a loved home, but I look forward to seeing and hearing about your new home. I know you'll make it every bit as lovely as your current home. Are you leaving the area as well - I hope not!

  9. You always have beautiful things to share with us.. Keep on creating beautiful things and I will definitely be by to visit....Have a great New Year. Blessings!

  10. Glad you're feeling better and hope this is a better year for you. Congrats on the decision to sell your house. Sometimes it's just invigorating to make a move. I think about it all the time but can't figure out where I'd go. I'll be watching for your news and wishing you the very best. Happy New Year! Jan

  11. I hope you and your hubs health will be better in 2014, I can so relate since this has been such a difficult year for me also. I feel like I lost near a year. It sounds like your downsizing, take it from someone who know... smaller homes can bring you everything and more that you have now, just a smaller scale. Your creativity will serve you well! I so wish you both a very Happy New Year, Cathy

  12. PS - your downtown Abbey link is not working. I want to read it since I am coming in late, season 4, but I have been catching up since our PBS station have been airing season 3

  13. I always get sentimental when I look back at things that happened throughout the year. I imagine looking back at your photos is especially bittersweet now that you've decided to downsize. Your current home is beautiful, but just think of the new adventures that await you wherever you choose to live! I hope your health issues are resolved and you and your husband enjoy a healthy year ahead, Debra. I look forward to the changes you've got in store for us!

    *I received my pillow yesterday, and I'll publish a post about it in the next week or two. Thanks again!!!

  14. Debra, your new home will be wonderful because you have great style. I have enjoyed and loved your blog since I found you. Do not scare me... I "need" your posts! Good luck with your plans.

  15. First, your new banner is very pretty. I love your home, and I'll miss seeing that sun porch. But time passes and change happens. I love your style and your kindness and your sweet way of caring about the rest of us. I hope you have a good year health-wise. Do you plan to stay in the area? I'm up in the air too. Just started two new blogs! I must be...well, I guess I must just love blogging and the community we have.

  16. Debra, looking back at 2013, I personally have been so inspired by your blog and everything you're been through. I have loved visiting and seeing what projects and decorations you've been working on. I am looking forward to the New Year in 2014 and all the wonderful things you will do to inspire us all. I wish you good health for you and your husband in the new year. Looking forward to your new journey through life.
    Love you, Jody

  17. Dear Debra, I know that things have not always been easy for you this year. I read your intro with a little tear in my eye! I pray this year brings health and wonderful times and memories in your new home!
    I'll be there to see what magic you make in 2014. God bless you. I am praying for you!

  18. wishing you happy new memories in the new home, debra, and a healthy new year:) i just read your lovely article in american farmhouse style magazine--congrats!! hugs!

  19. Just beautiful, Debra. I enjoyed your review.

  20. It is wonderful to look back on your posts for this year, Debra. I know I've said it before, but I love seeing your sun porch dressed up for the seasons and holidays. Love how your kitchen table turned out. Moving can be difficult even when you know it is realistic to do so due to the size of the house. I know that was how I felt when we decided to put our home of 21 years on the market. I'm sure you'll find the perfect new home in the coming year.

    Happy New Year!

  21. Love the look back! Definitely going to have to visit your older posts now! Thanks for sharing and always beings such a gracious blogger :)

  22. Hello Debra,
    It's always hard to move, but I am sure that you will make your new home warm and cozy once you get your hands on it. Hoping 2014 will be a great year for you and your family.


  23. Loved all of your beautiful posts and projects of 2013 and looking forward to those in 2014!…Happy New Year Debra!

  24. Moving!!! what a lot of work. Call me selfish but I'll look forward to what your new place brings to us. I'm sure you'll have lots of creative fun in the new place. Can't wait to hear all about it. I hope it will be just the right thing for you. Love much....and your dear sweet heart.

  25. I understand your new header.....the journey. You are going on a journey. Ok...keep us informed.

  26. Debra,
    Amazing how quickly our journey takes a new path once we "step out in Faith". We did that 12 years ago, when we journeyed tothis side of the Prairie and it has been the greatest blessing of our lives!!! I'll be remembering you in my prayers, dear friend!!!
    Your home is amazingly gorgeous!!! I have enjoyed each post tremendously and look forward to following your new adventures in 2014!!!
    Here's to new horizons. . .HaPpY NeW YeAr!!!

  27. Thank you for sharing some of your wonderful posts. I really like the plaid blanket you used on your thanksgiving table...I will have to remember that one! Wishing you God's peace as you head into the New Year. We made a huge decision almost 2 years ago, a move to another city, finding new jobs...but it was all it God's good timing for us and we have so much to be thankful for. We are also enjoying making this house our home, so hope you will have time to stop by to see what we have been up to as well. Happy New Year!

  28. Hi Debra, We'll follow along whatever journey you're on! You have such a great eye for style and your home is so beautiful. I know your next home will be beautiful too. Happy New Year!

  29. Every season at your house is just beautiful.

    Happy 2014

  30. Hi Debra ~ I just found your blog through Savvy Southern Living and love your style. Could you please tell me where you found the pillow with the two birds on it? I also love the squirrel pillow, but read your daughter gave it to you years ago. Good luck with your move!

  31. Life is indeed a journey Debra and with that comes change. It's always sad to say goodbye to the old, but those times become treasured memories as we move on to a new chapter in our journeys. I wish you many happy and healthy days in 2014 my friend.

    Always a pleasure to look back over the year. All of these posts are so lovely and I'm delighted to share them today on Shabbilicious Friday.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne


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