Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Dining Chairs Slip Cover Reveal

I'm so excited to have you meet my new little girls.
That's what my husband calls them, because they look like they are wearing new little dresses.

I don't ever want to come across as ungrateful. I have a lovely Dining Room, but it just wasn't where I wanted it to be. We moved here nine years ago; funny how our tastes can change over the course of the years. Our Dining Room isn't small, but it's also not huge and all the dark wood was overwhelming.
I lightened up the walls (papered and painted) two years ago, but even that didn't get me "there". I've toyed with painting the furniture white, but I never could make that final commitment, so I felt like it wasn't the right decision. waffle...waffle...fingernail chewing...

But a few months ago when I saw the custom chair slipcovers 
at my friend Debra's store, Inspirational Home, it all came together for me.
I knew this was the answer.

She has three different colors of linen, and each in two weights, (white, off white, and natural) I chose the off white, a nice antique white with just a hint of cream in it, in the heavier fabric.

I wanted to be able to see the outline of the chair, which I really love,
through the linen... just not see all that dark wood.
And it was important that they hug the shape of the crown on top.

The two other "girls" approve as you can see,
now if I can just keep them off of them as a napping spot.

I had six side chairs and two end chairs to slip.
I wanted them simple and feminine, 
but not too ruffly and prissy, so I went with a single ruffle
and a simple tie to knot.

We used a snap to attach the ruffle across the wooden arm.

Here is one of the two extra chairs with pillows I found at Antique Farmhouse. They sit either side of the breakfront.

For the first few days I was literally giddy...
they turned out just as I had envisioned them.

Here's the before, without the slips.

I love how the room looks now. 
It has the vintage feel, with maybe just a little French thrown in.

Just a note here to let you know I have no contact with the seamstress that made these for me back in 2012, and cannot be a liason to taking orders for chair slips. The reason I have this photo and link to the post is to share with my readers the construction of how you can make your own. The most important element besides exact measurements is the use of a template of the back of your chair. That gives a custom look and fit. Please contact a seamstress locally, then share your ideas from here. Thanks so much, Debra



  1. OMG Debra!!!!! This might be my favorite slipcover job ever!!! I LVOE these!! LOVE I mean!! LOVe really Love these slips. I want these slips!!! Tremendous!

  2. Oh yes, these are so beautiful. Sure did make a difference with all the wood. My hubby would never let me paint our furniture..this is the pefect solution.

  3. Oh I just love this look! Your dining room looks gorgeous!


  4. Debra the slipcovers are just perfect. I love them and one of my favorite colors too.

  5. So much better with the slips. I don't mind the dark wood now and the room looks like you. I want to do slips for my dining room chairs too....just have not gotten around to it. I'll be pinning your's as inspiration.

  6. Heavens to Betsey's I'm in love! They are beautiful and completely transformed your dining room. They are perfect. I know you will enjoy them for a very long time. Wish I had some like that.

  7. I love these slipcovers. The contrast with the wood is beautiful.


  8. Oh, they are really does look French...

  9. Oh Debra, those are just gorgeous! What a lovely transformation, your primping is out of this world. Love the vintage look and yes, a bit of a French touch. Awesome~

  10. my, oh, my, your new girls are just darling, debra! now, my old girls look naked:( love your huge flower centerpiece, too!

  11. These are so beautiful, I really love them. They do give the room a totally different look. Gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  12. They couldn't be any sweeter... I just love the way
    the style of the chair with the crown shows through
    the fabric. A great update, without the commitment
    to worry


  13. ohhh I was signed in as Duane, I left a gushing comment using words like... beautiful, amazing, gorgeous all of them fit so perfectly with your gorgeous new girls! I am in love with your 'new' dining room! t.xoxo

  14. Debra,
    "Thank Heaven for 'little girls'"...these add such an ethereal effect to your dining room chairs! Purr~ fectly feline approved, as well! Thank you for sharing this subtle, yet amazing transformation.

  15. Love love love them Debra!! I so want to do this to my chairs, I love the look of slipcovers! These look gorgeous!

  16. Your slip covers are just perfect for your dining room chairs. I like how you can still see the shape and wood underneath the sheer fabric.


  17. They are stunning, Debra! I know how giddy you must have felt. The ones I made were not as good as these, but I was thrilled with them. I think it's that ruffled skirt! : ) Enjoy them! You've given your dining room a new look with these slips.

  18. No waffles now...just divine puffs of divinity like chairs.

  19. Debra, they're just gorgeous! Looks sooo much better in there! Not that it wasn't pretty. But now you've got skirts on your flirty girls!

  20. What a great makeover Debra! Love the "Slips Sisters". The room looks so much bigger too. Ciao

  21. "FABULOUS"...
    They look great...
    Blessings Lori ~

  22. What a wonderful difference...the just right amount of ruffles and white! Love them! Happy week!...hugs...Debbbie

  23. Just gorgeous Debra,
    LOVE the slip covered chairs, the ruffles, the white

  24. All I can say is Wow! The custom white slipcovers with the ruffled skirts are perfect!

  25. Absolutely positively GORGEOUS, Debra!!! I can not believe the difference your "girls" made in your beautiful dining room!!!! LUV LUV LUV!!!!! ♥

    xoxo laurie

  26. Debra, your slipcovers are beautiful. I love how they fit so nicely over your chairs. They definitely create a light feel to your dining room.
    Mary Alice

  27. It really is quite nice. I love the way it is clothed.

    DineWise Coupons

  28. Oh, they're just gorgeous!!! What a difference a classic white "dress" can make on a traditional chair!

  29. Simply Gorgeous!!! The white slipcovers give the room a custom "finished" look! And I love your tabletop arrangement, as well! :)

  30. Perfection! I think I like these better than any I have seen and I am saving the photo for inspiration.

  31. Debra they are stunning!!! I just love what a slipcover can do for a room...enjoy them! x0

  32. Gorgeous! what a charming difference it makes in the room! Adoring that centerpiece too...xoxo, tracie

  33. Wow ! What a wonderful transformation ! Made the room so much brighter ! I love them !

  34. What a difference these girls made in your dining room. I love them

    Thanks for linking up today:-)


  35. I think the chair covers look fantastic! I would be giddy too. I'm such a slow poke--made 1 chair cover months ago and have yet to make the other 3. Your kitty is so pretty!

  36. They are really nice. I'm glad you didn't put paint on the furniture,it is too beautiful and you can now take off your covers when you want a change. x

  37. I really like these a lot! I found a chair at the side of the road that I am getting ready to slipcover in drop cloth.

  38. love love love them..lucky you !!! changes the room completely !

  39. Debra, Your dining room looks stunning!! I love the slips.Everything looks so gorgeous. The flowers on the table look fabulous.It's a gorgeous room.


  40. Gorgeous - definitely lightens up the entire room!!

  41. Beautiful...they transformed the entire soft and gracious! I can see why you are so giddy!

  42. I can't believe the transformation -- the before and after pics say it all! Love that you can see the outline through the slipcovers too.

  43. Ok, these slipcovers are simply gorgeous! I LOVE how they look on those chairs and against the dark wood! Beautiful!~Patti

  44. The girls look great and I'm sure if they could talk would say thank you for the pretty dresses.

  45. The slipcovers are just beautiful. I've been meaning to slipcover my own wood chairs, and this is definitely motivating me to do so soon! They added so much to the room.

  46. WOW!!!!!!

    Wonderful job Debra! This is what I will need to do. We have a cherry dining set, and you know how cherry darkens over time...
    It was right for our dining room in the house we sold, but won't be ideal for the new home.
    We tried to sell it to the buyers since it fit the dining room there so well, but since they didn't, we need to keep it and use it.

    This is an excellent idea. I could make one! I just dread making eight!!! {Can you come over, we could do a trade.... oh dream on...}

    Your dining room is gorgeous, you must just feel so great when you look at it! (I know I do!)

    ~ Violet

  47. Beautiful. They look great slip covered!!!

  48. I AM SO JEALOUS! These are gorgeous! I could only find plain ones to the ground as ready made, and I like them just fine but I ADORE yours! May have to make a trip to the area to order me some of these. ;) It's just beautiful Debra, and they totally finishes the dining room off. Heart them!!


  49. Those slips are beautiful!! I love how they contour to the chair's shape!
    This would be a great idea for my dark dinning set too, the only problem is the back of my chairs have no crown but two pointed corners! Maybe it wouldn't look that good! :(

  50. Let me just say, whow!! what a transformation.
    Love the new slips covers for the chairs but I specially love the white box in the center of the table.
    Thanks for sharing.

  51. The chairs look absolutely fabulous! I definitely would slipcover everything that doesn't move in my house. ;)

  52. Your girls change the entire room. They're WONDERFUL!

  53. OH MY GOSH! I LOVE THEM! I need to figure this out for my dining room chairs. Were they difficult to make? How did you make the pattern? Yours are PERFECT! xo, Kimberly

  54. SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!! Are you getting it that I really love them? You see, I have the beautiful darker wood in my DR also and I would not only be struck down dead if I painted, but I think DH would have a heart attack if I did. And I do have an issue with painting "real" antiques that are perfect as it is. But what's a girl to do? Slipcover! I absolutely adore them. Look for many Common Thoughts copy cats in the future-me first! The feeling in your room now is PER-FECT. More grounded than all white, but light and airy and tres chic. And did I mention how much I love them? OK, now I'm just gushing. Sorry, but when I see something I am drawn to this much, I just can't help myself. Off to pin you!


  55. Beautiful, The room looks so fresh and bright.

  56. Wow!What a difference it makes. and just what I like, the Frenchy feel. You did a wonderful job deciding to make this change and it did indeed, put the finishing touch on an already beautiful touch.

  57. hey are lovely bright and airy, just beautiful xo

  58. Stunning! And they are perfect! I am trying to slipcover a little table now. It won't turn out half as nice as your chairs!!! I'm glad you are getting the balance in colors that you wanted. Your diningroom is so inviting! Thank you for stopping by my blog, too.

  59. Debra, those look so good. They completely changed the feel of the room. Thanks for sharing at Wow.

  60. These are just gorgeous! Such a beautiful feminine change and perfect for your room and dining room set!

  61. Wow, love the chair dresses! Perfect! Take a bow!

  62. Wow Debra, your girls are the cutest! I think they made all the difference in the world. They gave the room a whole new feel.

  63. wow I love those slipcovers, I need them for my dining room, have been thinking of sewing some, but if I could buy them that would be great. They really soften your room, make it feminine but not to feminine. Love, love love them. thank you for sharing.

  64. Debra, I am in L-O-V-E with your slipcovers! I think they turned out spectacular! I love that you can see the silhouette of the chair depending on the light. So dreamy! It's hard to believe that just a bit of fabric can make such a dramatic differnece, isn't it?... Donna

  65. Tres French! Absolutely Gorgeous! However, I also love, love, love the chairs period! And your table! To die for. You really have a wonderful touch Debra and thanks for sharing..Carla

  66. The new covers are SO charming, Debra...I love the ruffle, and the sweet ties are just right! Beautiful!

  67. The girls are lovely and the white box on the table is perfect.

  68. What a beautiful dining room! LOVE the new dresses for the chairs! I have the dark furniture too and would love to lighten up the room without paining:) Have a blessed day dear Debra, HUGS!

  69. These are stunning Debra. They add such a warm and elegant touch to your room.

  70. Your slipcovers are gorgeous! You have a beautiful dining room.


  71. They really are beautiful! Nope, they are Breathtaking!!! I'm going to check out her site, she is going to overwhelmed with business I suspect!

  72. these new covers
    are as pretty as can be

    thanks so much
    for sharing them
    at Fridays Unfolded!


  73. They are beautiful, Debra!!! Amazing what a little white laundry can do, huh? I love that they allow you to see the curves and shape through them...good planning there. xo

  74. It always amazes me how such a simple change can have such a huge impact! The slips are lovely and your dining room has a very serene, peaceful feel to it. I was surprised to see that we both have the same chandelier - I have never seen it anywhere other than in my home. I am toying with the idea of painting it white, but have not been able to commit.

  75. I love this fabric,,,It is so soft looking...Blessings, Becky

  76. Debra, The new slips are FABULOUS! I really love them and they brighten up the room so much.

  77. Your chairs have their party dresses on! I love them!

  78. Hi, Debra! These slipcovers were a great idea! They are gorgeous! What really caught my eye was the fact you can see the chair silhouette through the slipcover. Love it! They look amazing on your chairs.

  79. Very very very beautiful! I love them!

  80. Your girls look beautiful. What a lovely change. I think you made the perfect decision not to paint your furniture. Although I love white I too would have chewed my fingernails off deciding what to do. Your girls were just the right answer.

  81. Dear Debra, it is fantastic what some white skirts can do to a room, being a bit dark!
    Now it is a totally other room, so filled with light, and so BEAUTIFUL, I love the difference, and your "new" chairs- a wonderful idea.
    Love and hugs,Dorthe

  82. I LOVE them & will be trying to decide if I could make something similar. They are beautiful and perfect!


  84. These gals are simply adorable. They make the room dance!

  85. I like your lovely slipcovers. It compliments your lovely dining room! I would love to have some of those for my kitchen chairs!

    I would love if you could share this at link party I am having now :) Hope to see you there!


  86. I can't believe the transformation this room has made with just the addition of slipcovers on your chairs. Perfection! Thanks so much for sharing.

  87. Lovely eye candy! The dining room looks amazing :)Slipcovers are beautiful.
    Greetings from Australia♥

  88. Debra,

    How darling! Now your chairs have new little pretty dresses to wear when they want to get dressed up!

    I followed you over from the Overflowing linky party. I would love if you stopped by my blog.

    Thanks for sharing,

  89. They look absolutely gorgeous! Perfect :)

  90. Your girls are positively gorgeous in their new dresses! Love the simple ruffle and the way you were able to incorporate the crown into the slipcover design. You've really given your dining room a whole new beautiful look :-) You totally deserve to be giddy - I'm feeling kind of giddy myself looking at your lovely "new" chairs!

  91. Coming over from BNOTP-
    Those look wonderful! You chose well!
    Love the big arrangement on the table too!
    I need something like this since my cats think the chairs are great to sleep on, and run around under the table on!

  92. I love how beautiful the slipcovers turned out. The linen and the design fit your dining room table. It looks so French and has a classic feel to it. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing on Simple & Sweet Fridays.


  93. Your slipcovers are fabulous. I love that you can see through the material a little to see the chair back. Your dining room is gorgeous too.

  94. The slipcovers made all the difference in your dining room... so YOU. I love that they've been customized for those particular chairs. Your friends shop sounds fabulous...I just checked her out on facebook. You always inspire!
    Thank you & Blessings!

  95. Perfect! So pretty and delicate...really transform the room. I know what you mean about appearing ungrateful. Every time I whine about not liking something in my home I feel a little bit conflicted about it.

  96. I cannot get over what a huge difference those gorgeous slipcovers make to the room. It really does lighten it up. You have inspired me to slipcover my dinette chairs.

  97. I am absolutely smitten. What a difference a slipcover can make. And especially those beauties. The white just lightens up the room so...and now its not so dark and heavy. Love it. It truly does reflect you now!!!

  98. Debra, These slipcovers are just gorgeous. You "girls" are all decked in such snowy and showy finery! What a huge difference.
    I am in the process of lightning up my dining room too and this has really inspired me to give my dark wooden chairs a little cover up!
    I am hosting a new linky party called TUTORIAL TIPS AND TIDBITS every Thursday, and I would love to to join with this fabulous post. Linky goes live at 8:00pm.
    Just beautiful!!!!!

  99. oh my gosh! They are beautiful! They really do brighten up that room. I have slipcovered my sofa and chairs in white linen. And the best part if that they are very easy to keep clean. I find that there is not a stain I cannot get out.....even, the latest, red velvet cake batter :)

    have a great day Debra

  100. Stunning! Just lovely!
    I would love if you came by to link these beautiul slipcovers up to my party which is happening now!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  101. I can't think of a word that's good enough so stunning will have to do. These are simply awesome. I wish I could figure out how to offer something like this in my Etsy. Measuring isn't my strong point and other people's measurements make me really nervous. :o) Anyway...beautiful transformation!

  102. You have been pinned, saw you at Debbies.

  103. Absolutely gorgeous! Pinworthy, pinworthy, pinworthy!

  104. I love your slipcovers...I am totally jealous! Your dining room...takes on a complete different look...I really need some for mine too!
    Oh and I pinned them!

  105. So amazing! Loved it so much I pinned it to 2 different boards! Following you now!

  106. These slipcovers came out sooo beautiful. It made such a difference in the room. I can see why you love them sooo much. I do too :)

  107. I know this is an older post, but I just wanted to tell you thanks for the ideas to lighten up your dining room. I have a dark wood dining set too, and I was toying with painting it white too. But I was too afraid. Plus, I didn't know how it would turn out. So, your dining room is very inspirational for me. Happy Saturday from a fellow Missourian.

  108. Is there anyone on Pinterest that can make these? I would love to have them. My chairs are the exact same shape. No ready made slipcovers will fit. Indo not have any sewing talent. Thank you. Theresa


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