Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Wishing Big on White Wednesday

This is another day for "two, two, two parties in one",
well three, if you count my previous post.

I had so much fun with the Multiples Party,
 that I wanted to play along with Vintage Junky's
"Wish List Party".
 Her instructions were to be totally selfish,
 and find something for which you were wishing.
And of course, I just love participating in White Wednesday,
so today I'm doing both!

Classical English Conservatory

OK, so I'm going BIG

And while I'm at it I'll take the flagstone or brick paver patio.

I love English Country Design and this is just something
 I have admired and desired for a long time.
Do I need it? no. Would I love to have it? yes.
Today you get just a hint at my totally decadent desires.

OK, it won't fit in a stocking.
My life is full of wonderful people and things,
But there are just a few items that a girl can wish for...

(images from Town and Country US and Oakleaf Conservatories)

And THEN, I could do this...!
AHHHH, just a little daydreaming, here.
I'll try not to let it get out of hand.

images from Country Living

I guess if you're going to wish, it needs to be good!

Say Hi to Michelle at Vintage Junky

And Kathleen at Faded Charm

And may all your "White Wishes" Come True!


Me too...I'm a Flea Marketeer

Just like any little kid, I saw that there was a party
and I wanted to come.
So here I am, hopefully, not too late.
I've been enjoying everyone's posts
showing flea market finds.
Here are a few urns and concrete items
that are on my hearth in my Living Room.
They have been precious flea market discoveries,
 one and all.

Can't wait for the first issue of Flea Market Style Magazine.

Here's to the Party!

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