Sunday, May 14, 2023

Cottage Review: Vintage Birds

Hi Friends, welcome to the Weekend Cottage Review, where I share a bit of what I'm up to this week, some ideas and inspiration, and a few bits of past posts that are seasonal...

May is Bird Month around here. I've really enjoyed watching and feeding the birds at this house since we moved here 4 years ago. This house has been unique in that we have a back porch that is so fun and perfect for hanging feeders and the ability to have stealth viewing...

In early 2020, when this pic was taken I only had one feeder up. Now I have one for small birds and finches, then another one for larger birds (squirrels), with a perching spot that fits cardinals and the bigger birds. They are always busy with a variety of colorful songbirds and traveling visitors that stop by for a quick fill-up, drink, and bath. So as I said, May is filled with bird sightings and new fledglings learning the fine art of pecking, flying, and being adorable. 

Last year we had a nesting box filled with baby wrens and this year we've already had one "clutch" of sparrows that are on their second day out of the birdhouse. In honor of all the bird activity I'm sharing some bird related posts and a few pics from a small seedbox vignette filled with birdie fun, including a finch nest that was built in a unfortunate spot on the front door basket. Those are faux eggs in the nest.

The little Birds Book is from 1956, a little grimy and much used, but so fun and I use it frequently to identify birds. I think the little bird figurine from Enesco is a sparrow, too.

Next week I'm sharing my Holiday Cupboard with a bird theme.

Here are a few bird themed posts from my archive...

Did you catch my last post?

Happy Mother's Day, friends!

joining in here:

The House on Silverado,  Love Your Creativity at Life and Linda
All About Home at Common Ground and Follow the Yellow Brick Home
Inspire Me Monday at My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia 
 Met Monday at Between Naps on the Porch 
  Inspire Me Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life  Home Imagined at the Antique Journey
Turnabout Tuesday at My Wee Abode, Wednesday Link Party at Our Tiny Nest
 Wonderful Wednesday at Eclectic Red Barn
 Centerpiece Wednesday at Karin's Kottage Share Your Style at French Ethereal,  
Thursday Favorite Things at Follow the Yellow Brick Home,  
Home Matters at Southern SunflowersGrace at Home at Imparting Grace
Farmhouse Friday at  County Road 407  Fabulous Friday at WM Design House 


  1. Love the bird theme. Happy Mother's Day. Have a great weekend. Hugs. Kris

    1. Thanks Kris, same to you. Hope it's a great weather day, too!

  2. I love your beautiful bird decor, Happy Mother's Day to you!

  3. Sweet. I love the little Enesco bird and pick those up whenever I can at estate sales. My mourning doves nesting in my gutter are still there. I've read it takes 2 weeks for hatching (I discovered them 1 week ago), and 2 more weeks to fledge, but that the parents may raise up to 5 or 6 broods in a yr! I also read they return to successful locations. Once fledged, they're getting evicted!

  4. This is my favorite of your vignettes! Such a great theme, and we so enjoy the birds on our feeders...and yesterday we had an Oriole...and she/he sang all afternoon somewhere way up in the trees. I hope they stay, as they are rare. It had been YEARS (since my childhood when we had orioles in the huge Maple trees in front of our house. Hugs, loving all your posts, but this one hit home as I can't find anything to do decorating YET! Hugs, Sandi

  5. Your bird and garden vignettes are so lovely Debra! I've just about worn out my bird watching book from using it so much!

  6. Thank you for sharing Debra. I am always looking for bird inspiration, they remind me of my grandfather so I like to incorporate them in our home when I can.

  7. So lovely Debra. I love watching the birds. Love your bird vignettes. Each year the orioles nest in our tall palm tree. Yesterday I was watching a hummingbird take a bath in a bubbler. So very sweet.

  8. Totally love that large blackboard. I wish I had a space for one, so cool! And your bird pages are lovely! Hugs, Sandi

  9. I had to smile when I saw that bird book! I remember it from when I was a kid; I was 5 in 1956! Loved the vignette on top of that cupboard, too. I love birds and have a collection of inexpensive ceramic ones--mostly vintage and a few are even music boxes!


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