Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Personal Thank You

I just want to take a minute and thank you for helping make
Design Challenge a success.

I started blogging because I wanted to connect with people,
share ideas and inspiration, and feel like I was part of a "community".
If I ever thought it was "all about me" that concept faded fast.

The reason behind Design Challenge
was born out of the idea of helping others.
I knew that there's some amazing talent out here in blogland,
and that we could all share our ideas and expertise,
(or lack thereof)
with our community of blogging friends.

Sometimes we need a fresh approach,
a helping hand,
and a new direction.

Sometimes we need encouragement
and the knowledge that others are willing to walk that extra mile with us.
As I said yesterday to a friend,

"I think a friend along the road to the destination,
makes it a much more enjoyable journey."

So thank you for taking the time to be a part of this,
it's not for me, but for the one that's been brave enough to open up
and say Hey, I need a little help.
Thanks for your wonderful comments,
even if it's just an "atta girl"!

And I want to ask for special prayers
for my dear friend, Anne,
Her mom has undergone surgery
and is in a very serious, fragile state.
Please remember them.

much love,

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