
Monday, October 19, 2009

Look what we did this weekend!!!

It was on the order of an epic, Yes, the red sea parted in our garage! Alyson's husband, Chris, our son-in-law, rescued us this weekend. He is a "spatial genius" and organizer extraordinare and a really great guy. He bails us out of all kinds of projects that my husband and I have that are BIG.

Having the garage full meant my husband has to park outside, and with bad weather only a few weeks away it was really weighing on me to somehow get this "cleanout" accomplished. He's been so good not to complain, because he knows I was doing the best I could. I had no where to take it, and wasn't feeling up to a sale or making any big decisions about how to deal with it all.

I didn't have a lot of BIG items, but lots of smaller ones, and tons of "tubs" for storage of smalls. Chris to the rescue. Hubs and I can stand and discuss a situation, debate on it and then walk away from being overwhelmed. Chris on the other hand dives in head first and before you know it. Things are "lookiiiinnng good"!

It took us most of the day, and a lot of hard work. I directed traffic, argued (oh, excuse me...discussed) and swept the floors while the guys did the hard work.

But the end result was so much better. Yes, I still have the stuff, but now the pressure is off and I have a much happier husband.

No more scraping the windshield at 7:30 in the morning. Yehaw! (well, I didn't scrape, but I felt guilty that my husband had to.)

And now when the garage doors are up and someone drives by I don't have to hang my head in shame, or be worried that there is talk in the neighborhood about "the crazy lady with all the junk in the garage"!

Feels Good!

Remember, you're invited to come by my new blog, "a day in the life..." (on my side bar) an online, Bible Study. It's not so much "study" as it is a time of sharing and "fellowship". If you would like to connect with some friends this is a good spot. Even if you're involved in an other Bible Study, this is not time consuming. I think you may be surprised, and get a big blessing!


  1. Looks great. I have a 3 car garage all filled up. But most of it is my hubby's. Lucky for us we live in SoCal so not really a problem to park in the driveway.

  2. Good job! Inspires me to want to clean up a bit!

  3. Good for y'all! I'd be inspired to do the same if I wasn't so lazy. ;-)
    Psssst, can I come shop in your garage???

  4. Debra, do you ever slow down? I cannot even keep up with your post and all your blogs, my my you are a wonder....thank you for your kind words about my poem... I was so reluctant to submit it...I am feeling out of sorts lately and my expressions of my faith seems to lead people in "exit stage left" leaving skid marks. Makes me feel so out of touch with people. I have been thinking of pulling the plug on my artsite and my blog. You made me feel relevant. I still have'nt decided what the Lord would have me to do. Prayerfully seeking Him on what to do. It seems you have stepped into a destiny situation with the new blog and of all your commenters I just love Theresa and Laura... He put them in my heart. There are more too but that is all I will mention for now. Okay, Debra.
    Big smiles,
    Blogging is great and odd all in the same breath.

  5. Debra,
    So very nice to have great son in laws, right?! I have been reduced to a half of one of the 2 one car garages (make sense?). In the beginning I grumbled, but now I have to manage what I have, so I either don't buy as much as I used to or repair it quickly...Good motivation I guess. Congrat on your accomplishment..but hope you didn't do too much!!
    PS And yes I am feeling better..amazing how pain pills work...ha!

  6. Hey Debra,
    My garage looked like yours just a couple of weeks ago...however I had to clean it all by myself...
    I need a son-in-law :)
    Well... I think you have a few more things...but I have another 2 car garage that is almost full.
    Deb :)

  7. Oh well done you! I know you are happy. It is always good to visit your "stuff" and fun to remember what you've got! Enjoy your warm mornings in the garage!
    Hugs, Lisa

  8. OH! I know what you mean!! How do our garages get so packed so quickly!!! :)

  9. ...Mr. Kotter!
    Just had to throw that in! My oh my...what a little elbow grease can do. BTW, that's a mighty cute wheelbarrow that was uncovered!
    I received my package and oh mylanta. I am in awe of everything that was in there. Cat Daddy was with me when I opened it and he couldn't believe it either. Thank you so much for your generous giveaway!

  10. Fabulous job! That is some serious weekend progress!!!

    :) T

  11. Happy the garage is cleared out. :)

  12. Now, while that looks really good...I think we could improve on it a bit, because I couldn't help but see some things in there that I could take off your hands. Just think about how happy hubby would be then. What do say?

  13. Oh my gosh...I can totally husband gets sooo upset about all my projects in the garage. Lucky you guys you can actually park in the garage now!!
    Well done.

  14. Oh Good! NOw you can skip on over to my house and do mine! )

    Tee Hee...

    Love, Rebecca
    PS: Saw a few things I'd love to have! Do you ship? xo

  15. It looks great. I'm sure it's a huge relief to you to have it cleaned up, just in time for the Holidays! One less thing to stress about.

  16. Job Well Done!! I so need to clean out a bit as well. I've just stumbled across your blog, and your online bible study too. What a beautiful and inspiring post. I'm sure it was something God wanted me to read tonight, as tomorrow our little Dylan (8yrs old) will having another colonoscopy. He needs your prayers. Blessings, XO Glad/Junebug

    I'll be back

  17. Well, most people they are probably looking at how good it looks after organized... Me? I am zooming in and looking at all the good stuff you have:) Looks great and happy hubby doesn't have to scrape the windshield! Have a blessed day:)

  18. Oh my gosh- I can't believe we are dealing with the same things at the same time!
    Great minds!

    I love the pumpkins in your header. Where do you 'store' your fall things?


  19. looks great!!! Don't you love a person who can organize like that? That is a gift I was not blessed with. Blessings, Jules

  20. Oh my.....I'm glad you can't see my garage. My husband always says..."Spencer and her stuff".....He threatens me....he warns pleads and begs...NO MORE can I help myself? Is there a junkers anonymous group? :-)

    Good for you getting that nasty deed finished.


  21. What a great job. You know from reading my blog I am on the same mission. You got there before I did! Congrats!

  22. I was on furlough from work last Thurs and Fri. We hauled off 2 small truck loads to the dump from my garage door to 'hide' it. LOL Tons better. And we also cut all the shrubs at the house. No more 'jungle'. Seriously.
    Made me feel so much better about the 'outside'.

  23. I feel your pain with the garage issue...mine is my storage shed.

    It looks awesome!!!

    P.S. just became a follower and will definitely be back!!


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